Seattle SCRABBLE® Club
[North American SCRABBLE® Players Association Club #253, Seattle]

Main Event Results | Early Bird Results

Tournament Results
November 11 - 14

Mike Frentz and Lynn Dreyer directed, and Rebecca Slivka organized the 21st Emerald City SCRABBLE® Tournament at the lovely Hyatt at Olive 8 in downtown Seattle.

The tournament went very smoothly, and even with a relatively light turnout we were able to return 69% of entry fees as prize money in the Main Event (we returned 63% in the Early Bird). Folks really liked the venue, so we hope to repeat next year (when the Veteran's/Remembrance Day holiday will be on a Friday). Hope you can make it!

Main Event - November 12-14

Conrad Bassett-Bouchard, who just turned 21 the day before the Early Bird, won the 21st Emerald City SCRABBLE Tournament! Congratulations and Happy Birthday!

Geoff Tongue dominated in Division B, winning by 4.5 games, and catapulting his rating to a new high of 1694. Daval Davis, who rarely makes it to club anymore, handily won Division D by 5 games over his closest opponent. Way to go guys!

In Division A, Seattle players: Rafi Stern, Mike Frentz, and Chris Grubb placed 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, respectively. Hilary Johnson placed second and Byron Nelson placed third in Division E.

Other prize winners, were Geoff Tongue (high game 584), Aditya Kini (high game 524, high play: HAUNTING 149), Daval Davis (high game 554), Norm Garvin (high play: MISDEEDS 149), Rachel Christensen (high play: WIRELESS 149).

Mark Peltier, Jim Porter, Jane Bissonnette, Simon Spicer, Dan Goodwin, Geoff Tongue, Claudia Finn, and Rebecca Slivka helped with transporting equipment, tournament setup, check-in, and clean up. Thanks to all of them for volunteering.

And a big thanks to Lynn Dreyer for directing! Great job on your inaugural directing gig, Lynn!

Crosstables from NASPA:

Every year we give free entry to the following year's tournament to the player who increases his/her rating the most as a result of our tournament. This year's winner (of free entry to our 2011 tournament) is:   Daval Davis.   Daval raised his rating 150 points (from 1169 to 1319), and won Division D by 5 games more than his nearest opponent.
Congratulations Daval!

Final Standings and Prizes:

Division A - Final Standings
Rank  Name                     Wins  Spread  
  1.  Conrad Bassett-Bouchard  16.0    1325  $750
  2.  Rafi Stern               14.0     965  $300
  3.  Mike Frentz              14.0     655  $150
  4.  Chris Grubb              11.0     602  $100
  5.  Noah Walton              11.0     470  
  6.  Ken Kasney               11.0     351  
  7.  Nigel Peltier            10.5    -106  
  8.  Dielle Saldanha          10.0    -315  
  9.  Daniel Goodwin           10.0    -379  
 10.  Michael Baker             9.5      46  
 11.  Chris Williams            9.0    -320  
 12.  Rebecca Slivka            8.5     -41  
 13.  Richard Moyer             8.5    -546  
 14.  Marilyn Wilkins           8.0    -714  
 15.  John Karris               6.0    -860  
 16.  Jill Turney               3.0   -1133  
High Loss: Jill Turney 451                   $20
High Game: Michael Baker 674                 $20
High Play: SHAKIEST 167 Marilyn Wilkins      $20
Division B - Final Standings
Rank  Name                Wins  Spread  
  1.  Geoff Tongue        17.0    1205  $500
  2.  Siri Tillekeratne   12.5     207  $250
  3.  Chris Tallman       11.0     242  $100
  4.  Marc Levesque       11.0     175  $ 60
  5.  Bruce D Ambrosio    11.0     -61  
  6.  Mark Peltier        10.0     -54  
  7.  Rachel Christensen  10.0    -343  
  8.  Murray Weber         9.0     520  
  9.  J Midori Howard      9.0     384  
 10.  David Weiss          9.0     259  
 11.  Polly Moyer          8.5    -782  
 12.  Michelle Eisele      8.0    -153  
 13.  James Porter         7.0    -524  
 14.  Carole Miller        7.0   -1075  
High Play: WIRELESS 149 Rachel Christensen  $20
High Loss: 431 Marc Levesque            $20
High Game: 584 Geoff Tongue             $20
Division C - Final Standings
Rank  Name           Wins  Spread  
  1.  Tony Verma     15.5     776  $275
  2.  Judy Romann    11.5     649  $150
  3.  Ryan Burgess   11.0     -27  $ 85
  4.  Judy Smith     11.0    -176  
  5.  Aditya Kini     9.0     123  
  6.  Claudia Finn    9.0    -331  
  7.  Alice Goodwin   7.0    -401  
  8.  Zana Anderson   6.0    -613  
High Play: HAUNTING 149 Aditya Kini $20
High Loss: 409 Judy Romann          $20
High Game: 524 Aditya Kini          $20
Division D - Final Standings
Rank  Name                  Wins  Spread  
  1.  Daval Davis           19.0    1916  $250
  2.  Debbie Goldy          14.0     231  $150
  3.  Nadja Rence           12.0     511  $100
  4.  John Aitken           12.0     212  $ 50
  5.  Matthew Nelson        11.0     -33  
  6.  Ron Barker             9.0    -184  
  7.  Yukari Balabanov       8.0    -164  
  8.  Dawn Camille Wisniew   8.0    -730  
  9.  Dani Roter             6.0    -362  
 10.  Joey Cross             1.0   -1397  

High Play: SHEAVES 112 John Aitken        $20
High Loss: 422 Ron Barker                 $20
High Game: 554 Daval Davis                $20

Division E - Final Standings
Rank  Name                 Wins  Spread  
  1.  Sunshine Gudlaugson  15.0    1195  $200
  2.  Hilary Johnson       12.0     299  $125
  3.  Byron Nelson         10.0     122  $ 75
  4.  Richard Fields       10.0    -221  
  5.  Beverly Moutet       10.0    -266  
  6.  Audrey Pelfrey        8.0    -135  
  7.  Norm Garvin           8.0    -382  
  8.  Peggy Crane           7.0    -612 
High Play: MISDEEDS 149 Norm Garvin      $20
High Loss: 381 Richard Fields            $20
High Game: 512 Audrey Pelfrey            $20

Collins Division - Final Standings
Rank  Name               Wins  Spread  
  1.  John Olaughlin     14.0    1439  $400
  2.  David Eldar        14.0    1385  $200
  3.  Nick Ball          14.0     805  $ 60
  4.  Sam Kantimathi     13.0     598  
  5.  Dave Wiegand       12.0     317  
  6.  Ruth Hamilton       6.0   -1241  
  7.  Walker Willingham   5.0    -818  
  8.  Judy Newhouse       2.0   -2485  
High Play: LIMACINE 173 David Eldar    $20
High Loss: 495 John O'Laughlin         $20
High Game: 602 David Eldar             $20

Best Seattle Theme Word:  ECOTAGES Murray Weber $40

Early Bird - November 11

Seattle Club players dominated in the Early Bird. Final standings and prize money shown below. Thanks to Mike Frentz for directing!

Crosstable from NASPA: Early Bird (shows new ratings)

Final Standings and Prizes:

Division A - Final Standings

Rank  Name               Wins  Spread  
  1.  Daniel Goodwin      6.0     497  $140
  2.  Rafi Stern          5.0     645  $ 70
  3.  Bruce D'Ambrosio    5.0     118  $ 40
  4.  Siri Tillekeratne   5.0    -140  
  5.  John Karris         4.0     113  
  6.  Ron Hoekstra        4.0    -220  
  7.  Rebecca Slivka      3.0    -611  
  8.  Ruth Hamilton       0.0    -402  

Division B - Final Standings

Rank  Name                Wins  Spread  
  1.  Matthew Nelson       7.0     412  $140
  2.  Claudia Finn         5.0     252  $ 70
  3.  Lynn Dreyer          5.0     169  $ 40
  4.  Edward Walton        4.0     158  
  5.  Judy Smith           4.0     -19  
  6.  Jane Bissonnette     3.0     -70  
  7.  Alice Goodwin        2.0    -377  
  8.  George Bissonnette   2.0    -525  

Division C - Final Standings

Rank  Name                  Wins  Spread  
  1.  Nancy Roeder           6.0     254  $140
  2.  Brenton Povis          5.0     425  $ 70
  3.  Georgianne Fiorini     5.0     319  $ 40
  4.  Dawn Camille Wisniew   4.0      56  
  5.  John Aitken            4.0      47  
  6.  Byron Nelson           4.0    -174  
  7.  Ellen Lin              3.0    -188  
  8.  Simon Spicer           1.0    -739  

Main Event Results | Early Bird Results

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Website design and implementation by Slivka Consulting