* WORDS and GRAMMAR * NOUN a word used to denote the name of something [n -S] : NOUNAL, NOUNLESS [adj], NOUNALLY [adv] VERB a word used to express an act, occurrence, or mode of being [n -S] WORD to express in words (speech sounds that communicate meaning) [v -ED, -ING, -S] DERRY a meaningless word used in the chorus of old songs [n -RIES] HAPAX a word that occurs only once [n -ES] LENIS a speech sound pronounced with little or no aspiration [n LENES] MODAL a verb used with other verbs to express mood or taste [n -S] PARSE to describe and analyze grammatically [v PARSED, PARSING, PARSES] : PARSABLE [adj] SELAH a word of unknown meaning often marking the end of a verse in the Psalms [n -S] WORDY using many or too many words [adj WORDIER, WORDIEST] ABLAUT a patterned change in root vowels of verb forms [n -S] ACCENT to pronounce with prominence [v -ED, -ING, -S] ADNOUN an adjective when used as a noun [n -S] ADVERB a word used to modify the meaning of a verb, adjective, or other adverb [n -S] AORIST a verb tense [n -S] : AORISTIC [adj] ATELIC pertaining to a type of verb form [adj] ATONIC an unaccented syllable or word [n -S] BYWORD a well-known saying [n -S] CALQUE to model a word's meaning upon that of an analogous word in another language [v CALQUED, CALQUING, CALQUES] CLITIC a word pronounced as part of a neighboring word [n -S] DATIVE a grammatical case [n -S] : DATIVAL [adj], DATIVELY [adv] DEIXIS the specifying function of some words [n DEIXISES] ETYMON the earliest known form of a word [n -MA or -MONS] FORTIS a consonant pronounced with relatively strong release of breath [n -TES] GERUND a verbal noun [n -S] HYPHEN to connect words or syllables with a hyphen (a mark of punctuation) [v -ED, -ING, -S] : HYPHENIC [adj] LEXEME a linguistic unit [n -S] : LEXEMIC [adj] MEDIAL a sound, syllable, or letter in the middle of a word [n -S] PENULT the next to last syllable in a word [n -S] PHRASE to express in words [v PHRASED, PHRASING, PHRASES] PLURAL a word that expresses more than one [n -S] PREFIX to add as a prefix (a form affixed to the beginning of a root word) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] PROLIX tediously long and wordy [adj] : PROLIXLY [adv] REWORD to state again in other words [v -ED, -ING, -S] RHOTIC pertaining to a dialect of English in which the letter R at the end of a syllable is pronounced [adj] SUFFIX to add as a suffix (a form affixed to the end of a root word) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] SUPINE a Latin verbal noun [n -S] SYNTAX the way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences [n -ES] TAXEME a minimum grammatical feature of selection [n -S] : TAXEMIC [adj] TMESIS the separation of the parts of a compound word by an intervening word or words [n TMESES] ULTIMA the last syllable of a word [n -S] VERBAL a word derived from a verb [n -S] VERBID a {verbal=n} [n -S] ZEUGMA the use of a word to modify or govern two or more words, while applying to each in a different sense [n -S] : ZEUGMATIC ACRONYM a word formed from the initials of a compound term or series of words [n -S] ANAGOGE a spiritual interpretation of words [n -S] : ANAGOGIC [adj] ANAGOGY {anagoge=n} [n -GIES] ANAGRAM to transpose the letters of a word or phrase to form a new one [v -GRAMMED, -GRAMMING, -GRAMS] ANAPHOR a word or phrase that takes reference from a preceding word or phrase [n -S] ANTONYM a word opposite in meaning to another [n -S] APHESIS the loss of an unstressed vowel from the beginning of a word [n -ESES] : APHETIC [adj] APOCOPE an omission of the last sound of a word [n -S] : APOCOPIC [adj] DEICTIC a word or phrase that specifies identity or location [n -S] DICTION choice and use of words in speech or writing [n -S] ECTASIS the lengthening of a usually short syllable [n -TASES] : ECTATIC [adj] ELATIVE an adjectival form in some languages [n -S] GRAMMAR the study of the formal features of a language [n -S] : GRAMMARIAN(s) HASHTAG a word or phrase preceded by the symbol # that categorizes the accompanying text [n -S] HYPONYM a word that denotes a subcategory [n -S] JUSSIVE a word used to express command [n -S] KENNING a metaphorical compound word or phrase [n -S] KEYWORD a significant word [n -S] LACONIC using a minimum of words [adj] LEXICAL pertaining to the words of a language [adj] LEXICON a dictionary [n -CA or -CONS] MERONYM a term for a part of something that is used to denote the whole of it [n -S] : MERONYMY METONYM a word used in metonymy [n -S] MISWORD to word wrongly [v -ED, -ING, -S] MOUILLE pronounced with the front of the tongue against the palate [adj] NEOLOGY a new word or phrase [n -GIES] : NEOLOGIC [adj] NOMINAL a word functioning as a noun [n -S] NONPAST a verb form that lacks an inflection for a past tense [n -S] NONWORD a word that has no meaning [n -S] OXYTONE a word having heavy stress on the last syllable [n -S] PALABRA a word [n -S] PARONYM a word having the same root as another [n -S] PASSIVE a verb form [n -S] PHRASAL pertaining to a group of two or more associated words [adj] PREVERB a prefix or particle preceding the root of a verb [n -S] PRONOUN a word that may be used in place of a noun [n -S] PROVERB to make a byword of [v -ED, -ING, -S] SIMPLEX a simple word [n -PLEXES, -PLICES, or -PLICIA] SNIGLET a word coined for something not having a name [n -S] STATIVE a verb that expresses a condition [n -S] SYNESIS a type of grammatical construction [n -SISES] SYNCOPE the contraction of a word by omitting one or more sounds from the middle [n -S] : SYNCOPAL, SYNCOPIC [adj] SYNONYM a word having the same meaning as another [n -S] TAGMEME the smallest unit of meaningful grammatical relation [n -S], TAGMEMIC(s) VERBIFY to use as a verb [v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES] VERBILE one whose mental imagery consists of words [n -S] VERBOSE {wordy=adj} [adj] VOCABLE a word [n -S] VOCABLY in a manner that may be voiced aloud [adv] VOCALIC a vowel sound [n -S] VOCALLY with the voice [adv] WORDAGE the number of words used [n -S] WORDILY in a wordy manner [adv] WORDING the act or style of expressing in words [n -S] ABLATIVE a grammatical case [n -S] ACROSTIC a poem in which certain letters taken in order form a word or phrase [n -S] AGENTIVE a word part that denotes the doer of an action [n -S] ANAPHORA the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of several successive verses or sentences [n -S] ASSONANT a word or syllable that resembles another in sound [n -S] : ASSONATE ASSONATE to use a word or syllable that resembles another in sound [v -NATED, -NATING, -NATES] : ASSONANT(s) BLANKETY used as a euphemism for an unmentionable word [n -TIES] BUZZWORD a word used to impress someone [n -S] CHIASMUS a reversal of word order between parallel phrases [n -MI] : CHIASTIC [adj] CODEBOOK a book listing words and their coded equivalents [n -S] CUSSWORD a profane or obscene word [n -S] DEVERBAL derived from a verb [adj] : DEVERBALS DIERESIS the separation of two vowels into two syllables [n DIERESES] : DIERETIC [adj] DURATIVE a type of {verb=n} [n -S] ELLIPSIS an omission of a word or words in a sentence [n -LIPSES] ENCLITIC a word pronounced as part of the preceding word [n -S] EQUIVOKE a play on words [n -S] FOREWORD an introductory statement [n -S] GENITIVE a grammatical case [n -S] HEADWORD a word put at the beginning [n -S] HYPERNYM a word that denotes a broad category that includes more specific words [n -S] ILLATIVE a word or phrase introducing an inference [n -S] LEXIGRAM a symbol representing a word [n -S] LOANWORD a word taken from another language [n -S] LOCATIVE a type of grammatical case [n -S] LOGOGRAM a symbol used to represent an entire word [n -S] LOGOMACH one given to arguing about words [n -S] LOGOTYPE a piece of type bearing a syllable, word, or words [n -S] LOGOTYPY the use of logotypes [n -TYPIES] MALAPROP a humorous misuse of a word [n -S] MERONYMY the semantic relationship between a part and the whole [n -MIES] : MERONYM(s) OPTATIVE a mood of verbs that expresses a wish or desire [n -S] OVERWORD a word or phrase repeated at intervals in a song [n -S] OXYMORON a combination of contradictory or incongruous words [n -MORA] PARAGOGE the addition of a sound or sounds at the end of a word [n -S] PASSWORD a secret word that must be spoken to gain admission [n -S] PHRASING manner or style of verbal expression [n -S] PLEONASM the use of needless words [n -S] POSTBASE following a base word [adj] POSTPOSE to place (a word or phrase) after a grammatically related word [v -POSED, -POSING, -POSES] PRETERIT a past tense in grammar [n -S] RHEMATIC pertaining to a {verb=n} [adj] SINGULAR a word form that denotes one person or thing [n -S] SOLECISE to {solecize=v} [v -CISED, -CISING, -CISES] SOLECISM an ungrammatical combination of words in a sentence [n -S] SOLECIST one who solecizes [n -S] SOLECIZE to use solecisms [v -CIZED, -CIZING, -CIZES] SPELLING a sequence of letters composing a word [n -S] STOPWORD a frequently used word that is not searchable by search engines [n -S] SUBVOCAL mentally formulated as words [adj] SYLLABIC a speech sound of high sonority [n -S] SYLLABLE to pronounce syllables (units of spoken language) [v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES] TAGMEMIC pertaining to a grammar in which a tagmeme is the basic unit [adj] : TAGMEMICS UNIVOCAL a word having only one meaning [n -S] UNSTRESS a syllable having relatively weak stress [n -ES] VELARIZE to pronounce with the back of the tongue touching the soft palate [v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES] VERBALLY in a spoken manner [adv] VERBATIM word for word [adv] VERBIAGE an excess of words [n -S] VERBLESS lacking a verb [adj] VOCATIVE a grammatical case used in some languages [n -S] WATCHCRY a {password=n} [n -CRIES] WORDBOOK a dictionary [n -S] WORDLESS being without words [adj] : WORDLESSLY WORDLESSNESS WORDPLAY a witty exchange of words [n -PLAYS] ADJECTIVE [n -S] : ADJECTIVELY, ADJECTIVAL, ADJECTIVALLY ADVERBIAL [n -S] : ADVERBIALLY AFTERWORD [n -S] CATCHWORD [n -S] CROSSWORD [n -S] DEVERBALS ECPHRASIS ekphrasis, a literary description of work of art [n ECPHRASES] : EKPHRASIS a literary description of work of art [n EKPHRASES] : ECPHRASIS GUIDEWORD [n -S] NONVERBAL : NONVERBALLY PREVERBAL SWEARWORD [n -S] SYLLEPSIS a particular kind of zeugma [n SYLLEPSES] : SYLLEPTIC [adj] VERBALISM [n -S] VERBALIST [n -S] : VERBALISTIC VERBALIZE [v -LIZED, -LIZING, -LIZES] : VERBALIZER(s) VERBICIDE [n -S] VERBOSELY VERBOSITY [n -TIES] WATCHWORD [n -S] WORDINESS [n -ES] WORDSMITH [n -S] : WORDSMITHERY DISYLLABLE [n -S] : DISSYLLABLE(s), DISYLLABIC GRAMMARIAN [n -S] NOMINATIVE [n -S] PROVERBIAL : PROVERBIALLY VERBALIZER [n -S] WORDLESSLY WORDMONGER [n -S] ADVERBIALLY DEVERBATIVE [n -S] DISSYLLABLE [n -S] : DISYLLABLE(s) GRAMMATICAL NONVERBALLY TRISYLLABLE [n -S] : TRISYLLABIC VERBALISTIC VERBOSENESS [n -ES] ANAGRAMMATIC DECASYLLABIC [n -S] DECASYLLABLE [n -S] DIAGRAMMATIC EPIGRAMMATIC MONOSYLLABLE [n -S] : MONOSYLLABIC OCTOSYLLABIC [n -S] OCTOSYLLABLE [n -S] POLYSYLLABLE [n -S] : POLYSYLLABIC PROVERBIALLY UNVERBALIZED WORDLESSNESS [n -ES] WORDSMITHERY : WORDSMITHERIES ANAGRAMMATIZE [v -D -S -ZING] BOUSTROPHEDON [n -s], BOUSTROPHEDONIC GRAMMATICALLY VERBALIZATION [n -S] VERBIGERATION [n -S] UNGRAMMATICAL ANAGRAMMATICAL GRAMMATICALITY NONGRAMMATICAL GRAMMATICALNESS HENDECASYLLABIC HENDECASYLLABLE * List compiled from OWL3 + OWL2 + Long List by Rebecca Slivka