* WANDER * GAD to roam about restlessly [v GADDED, GADDING, GADS] GIP to {gyp=v} [v GIPPED, GIPPING, GIPS] : GIPPER(s) GYP to {swindle=v} [v GYPPED, GYPPING, GYPS] : GYPPER(s) ROM a Gypsy man or boy [n -S] BEDU a {bedouin=n} [n BEDU] : BEDOUIN(s) BEDUIN(s) BEDU DOGY {dogie=n} [n -GIES] : DOGEY DOGIE DOGY ROAM to move about without purpose or plan [v -ED, -ING, -S] : ROAMER(s) ROVE to {roam=v} [v ROVED, ROVING, ROVES] HOBO to live like a hobo (a vagrant or tramp) [v -ED, -ING, -S or -ES] : HOBOISM(s) CAIRD a gypsy [n -S] DOGEY {dogie=n} [n -GEYS] : DOGEY DOGIE DOGY DOGIE a stray calf [n -S] : DOGEY DOGIE DOGY GIPSY to {gypsy=v} [v -SIED, -SYING, -SIES] GYPSY to live like a gypsy (a wanderer) [v -SIED, -SYING, -SIES] : GIPSY NOMAD a {wanderer=n} [n -S] : NOMADIC [adj] NOMADISM(s) STRAY to wander from the proper area or course [v -ED, -ING, -S] : ESTRAY [v], STRAYER(s) TRAMP to walk with a firm, heavy step [v -ED, -ING, -S] : TRAMPER(s) TROMP to {tramp=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] ASTRAY off the right course [adv] ESTRAY to {stray=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] BEDUIN {bedouin=n} [n -S] : BEDOUIN(s) BEDUIN(s) BEDU BUSKER a roaming entertainer [n -S] DYBBUK a wandering soul in Jewish folklore [n -BUKS or -BUKIM] ERRANT a {wanderer=n} [n -S] GANDER to {wander=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] GIPPER one that {gips=v} [n -S] : GIPPER GYPPER GYPSTER GITANO a Spanish gypsy [n -NOS] GYPPER one that {gyps=v} [n -S] : GIPPER GYPPER GYPSTER PALMER a religious pilgrim [n -S] PICARA a female {picaro=n} [n -S] PICARO a vagabond [n -ROS] RAMBLE to {wander=v} [v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES] : RAMBLER(s) ROAMER one that {roams=v} [n -S] TRAMPY having the characteristics of a vagrant [adj TRAMPIER, TRAMPIEST] VAGROM wandering [adj] WAFFIE a vagabond [n -S] WANDER to move about with no destination or purpose [v -ED, -ING, -S]: WANDERING(s) WANDERER(s) BEDOUIN a nomadic Arab [n -S] : BEDOUIN(s) BEDUIN(s) BEDU DIGRESS to stray from the main topic [v -ED, -ING, -ES] GANGREL a vagabond [n -S] GOLIARD a wandering student [n -S] GYPSTER one that {gyps=v} [n -S] : GIPPER GYPPER GYPSTER HOBOISM the state of being a hobo [n -S] MATILDA a hobo's bundle [n -S] MEANDER to {wander=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] : MEANDERER(S) [adj MEANDROUS] ODYSSEY a long, wandering journey [n -SEYS] PILGRIM a traveler or wanderer [n -S] : PILGRIMAGE [v] RAMBLER one that {rambles=v} [n -S] STRAYER one that {strays=v} [n -S] SWAGGIE a {swagman=n} [n -S] SWAGMAN a hobo [n SWAGMEN] TRAMPER one that {tramps=v} [n -S] TRAMPLE to tread on heavily [v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES] : TRAMPLER(s) TZIGANE a gypsy [n -S] VAGRANT a wanderer with no apparent means of support [n -S] : VAGRANCY VAGRANTLY ZINGANO {zingaro=n} [n -NI] ZINGARA a female gypsy [n -RE] ZINGARO a gypsy [n -RI] ASTEROID a type of celestial body [n -S] : ASTEROIDAL CLOCHARD a {vagrant=n} [n -S] DIVAGATE to {wander=v} [v -GATED, -GATING, -GATES] ERRANTLY in a wandering manner [adv] ERRANTRY the state of wandering [n -RIES] GYPSEIAN of or pertaining to gypsies [adj] GYPSEOUS containing gypsum [adj] GYPSYDOM the realm of gypsies [n -S] GYPSYISH resembling a gypsy [adj] GYPSYISM the mode of life of gypsies [n -S] NOMADISM the mode of life of a nomad [n -S] SEMIHOBO a person having some of the characteristics of a hobo [n -BOS or -BOES] STRAGGLE to {stray=v} [v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES] : STRAGGLER(s) STRAGGLY irregularly spread out [adj -GLIER, -GLIEST] TRAMPISH resembling a vagabond [adj] TRAMPLER one that {tramples=v} [n -S] WANDERER one that {wanders=v} [n -S] WANDEROO an Asian monkey [n -ROOS] VAGABOND to live like a vagabond (a vagrant) [v -ED, -ING, -S] : VAGABONDISH VAGABONDAGE(s) VAGABONDISM(s) VAGRANCY the state of being a vagrant [n -CIES] MEANDERER [n -S] MEANDROUS [adj] SEMINOMAD [n -S] : SEMINOMADIC VAGRANTLY WANDERING [n -S] GYPSOPHILA flowering plant known as Baby's Breath or soapwort [n -S] PILGRIMAGE [v -MAGED -MAGING -MAGES] TRAMPOLINE [v -NED, -NING, -S] : TRAMPOLINER(s) WANDERLUST [n -S] GYPSIFEROUS TRAMPOLINER [n -S] VAGABONDAGE [n -S] VAGABONDISH [adj] VAGABONDISM [n -S] TRAMPOLINING [n -S] TRAMPOLINIST [n -S] * List compiled from OWL2 + Long List by Rebecca Slivka