* ROYALTY and NOBILITY * BEY a Turkish ruler [n BEYS] DEY a former North African ruler [n DEYS] RAJ dominion; sovereignty [n -ES] RAS an Ethiopian prince [n -ES] REX an animal with a single wavy layer of hair [n -ES] / king [n REGES] AMIR a Muslim prince or governor [n -S] : AMEER AMIR EMEER EMIR (all take an -ATE extension) CZAR an emperor or king [n -S] : CZAR TSAR TZAR (all take -DOM, -EVNA, -INA, -ISM, -IST, -ITZA) DUKE to {fight=v} [v DUKED, DUKING, DUKES] : DUCAL [adj] EARL a British nobleman [n -S] EMIR an Arab chieftain or prince [n -S] : AMEER AMIR EMEER EMIR (all take an -ATE extension) JARL a Scandinavian nobleman [n -S] KHAN an Asian ruler [n -S] KING to reign as king (a male monarch) [v -ED, -ING, -S] : KINGLY RAJA {rajah=n} [n -S] RANI the wife of a rajah [n -S] : RANEE SHAH an Iranian ruler [n -S] : SHAHDOM(s) TSAR {czar=n} [n -S] : CZAR TSAR TZAR (all take -DOM, -EVNA, -INA, -ISM, -IST, -ITZA) TZAR {czar=n} [n -S] : CZAR TSAR TZAR (all take -DOM, -EVNA, -INA, -ISM, -IST, -ITZA) AMEER {amir=n} [n -S] : AMEER AMIR EMEER EMIR (all take an -ATE extension) AULIC pertaining to a royal court [adj] BARON a lower member of nobility [n -S] : BARONIAL [adj] BOYAR a former Russian aristocrat [n -S] COMPT to {count=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] COMTE a French nobleman [n -S] CROWN to supply with a crown (a royal headpiece) [v -ED, -ING, -S] DUCAL pertaining to a duke (a high-ranking nobleman) [adj] : DUCALLY [adv] DUCHY the domain of a duke [n DUCHIES] EMEER {emir=n} [n -S] : AMEER AMIR EMEER EMIR (all take an -ATE extension) QUEEN to make a queen (a female monarch) of [v -ED, -ING, -S] : QUEENLY NIZAM a former sovereign of India [n -S] NOBLE possessing qualities of excellence [adj -BLER, -BLEST] / a person of high birth, rank, or title [n -S] NOBLY in a noble manner [adv] RAJAH a king or prince in India [n -S] RANEE {rani=n} [n -S] REALM a {kingdom=n} [n -S] REGAL of or befitting a king [adj] REIGN to exercise sovereign power [v -ED, -ING, -S] ROYAL a size of printing paper [n -S] RULER one that {rules=v} [n -S] SOPHY a ruler of Persia [n -PHIES] VIZIR {vizier=n} [n -S] : VIZIRIAL [adj] ARISTO an aristocrat [n -TOS] BARONY the domain of a baron [n -ONIES] CAESAR an {emperor=n} [n -S] CHILDE a youth of noble birth [n -S] DAIMIO a former Japanese nobleman [n -MIOS] DAIMYO {daimio=n} [n -MYOS] DYNAST a {ruler=n} [n -S] : DYNASTIC [adj] EMPERY absolute dominion [n -PERIES] EMPIRE a major political unit [n -S] EXARCH the ruler of a province in the Byzantine Empire [n -S] : EXARCHAL [adj] GERENT a ruler or manager [n -S] KABAKA a Ugandan emperor [n -S] KAISER an {emperor=n} [n -S] KINGLY of or befitting a king [adj -LIER, -LIEST] MIKADO an emperor of Japan [n -DOS] PALACE a royal residence [n -S] : PALACED [adj] PALAIS a {palace=n} [n PALAIS] PRINCE a non-reigning male member of a royal family [n -S] REGENT one who rules in the place of a sovereign [n -S] : REGENTAL [adj] REGINA queen [n -NAE or -NAS] : REGINAL [adj] REGNAL pertaining to a king or his reign [adj] REGNUM {dominion=n} [n -NA] SHARIF {sherif=n} [n -S], SHARIFIAN [adj] : SHARIF SHEREEF SHERIF SHERIFF SHERIF an Arab ruler [n -S] : SHARIF SHEREEF SHERIF SHERIFF SOLDAN a Muslim ruler [n -S] SULTAN the ruler of a Muslim country [n -S] : SULTANIC [adj] THRONE to place on a throne (a royal chair) [v THRONED, THRONING, THRONES] TYRANT an absolute ruler [n -S] VIZIER a high official in some Muslim countries [n -S] : VIZIR AMIRATE the rank of an amir [n -S] : AMIRATE AMEERATE EMIRATE EMEERATE AUTARCH an absolute ruler [n -S] BARONET the holder of a rank below that of a baron [n -S] BARONNE a {baroness=n} [n -S] COREIGN a joint reign [n -S] CORULER one that rules jointly [n -S] CZARDAS a Hungarian dance [n CZARDASES] CZARDOM the domain of a czar [n -S] : CZAR TSAR TZAR (all take -DOM, -EVNA, -INA, -ISM, -IST, -ITZA) CZARINA the wife of a czar [n -S] : CZAR TSAR TZAR (all take -DOM, -EVNA, -INA, -ISM, -IST, -ITZA) CZARISM autocratic government [n -S] : CZAR TSAR TZAR (all take -DOM, -EVNA, -INA, -ISM, -IST, -ITZA) CZARIST a supporter of czarism [n -S] : CZAR TSAR TZAR (all take -DOM, -EVNA, -INA, -ISM, -IST, -ITZA) DAUPHIN the eldest son of a French king [n -S] DIARCHY a government with two rulers [n -CHIES] : DIARCHIC [adj] DUCALLY [adv] DUCHESS the wife or widow of a duke [n -ES] DUKEDOM a {duchy=n} [n -S] DYNASTY a succession of rulers from the same line of descent [n -TIES] : DYNASTIC [adj] EARLDOM the rank of an earl [n -S] EMIRATE the rank of an emir [n -S] : AMIRATE AMEERATE EMIRATE EMEERATE EMPEROR the ruler of an empire [n -S] EMPRESS a female ruler of an empire [n -ES] ENNOBLE to make {noble=adj} [v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES] : ENNOBLER(s) ERLKING an evil spirit of Germanic folklore [n -S] HIDALGO a minor Spanish nobleman [n -GOS] IGNOBLE of low character [adj] : IGNOBLY [adv] JARLDOM the domain of a jarl [n -S] KHEDIVE a Turkish viceroy [n -S] : KHEDIVAL [adj] KINGCUP a marsh plant [n -S] KINGDOM the area ruled by a king [n -S] KINGLET a king who rules over a small area [n -S] KINGPIN a central bolt connecting an axle to a vehicle [n -S] MARQUIS a European nobleman [n -ES] : MARQUISATE(s) MONARCH an absolute ruler [n -S] : MONARCHAL PADSHAH {padishah=n} [n -S] PEERAGE the rank of a nobleman [n -S] PEERESS a noblewoman [n -ES] PHARAOH a ruler of ancient Egypt [n -S] PSCHENT a crown worn by ancient Egyptian kings [n -S] QUEENLY of or befitting a queen [adj -LIER, -LIEST] REGALIA the rights and privileges of a king [n] REGALLY in a regal manner [adv] REGNANT reigning [adj] ROYALLY in a kingly manner [adv] ROYALTY the status or power of a monarch [n -TIES] SCEPTER to invest with royal authority [v -ED, -ING, -S] SCEPTRE to {scepter=v} [v -TRED, -TRING, -TRES] : SCEPTRAL [adj] SHAHDOM the territory ruled by a shah [n -S] SHEREEF {sherif=n} [n -S] : SHARIF SHEREEF SHERIF SHERIFF SHERIFF a law-enforcement officer of a county [n -S] : SHARIF SHEREEF SHERIF SHERIFF TSARDOM {czardom=n} [n -S] TSARINA {czarina=n} [n -S] TSARISM {czarism=n} [n -S] TSARIST {czarist=n} [n -S] TZARDOM {czardom=n} [n -S] TZARINA {czarina=n} [n -S] TZARISM {czarism=n} [n -S] TZARIST {czarist=n} [n -S] VICEROY one who rules as the representative of a sovereign [n -ROYS] VICOMTE a French nobleman [n -S] AMEERATE {amirate=n} [n -S] : AMIRATE AMEERATE EMIRATE EMEERATE ANTIKING a usurping king [n -S] ARCHDUKE an Austrian prince [n -S] ATHELING an Anglo-Saxon prince or nobleman [n -S] AUTOCRAT an absolute ruler [n -S] BARONAGE the rank of a baron [n -S] BARONESS the wife of a baron [n -ES] BARONIAL pertaining to a {baron=n} [adj] BURGRAVE a German nobleman [n -S] CONTESSA an Italian countess [n -S] COPRINCE one of two princes ruling jointly [n -S] COUNTESS a noblewoman [n -ES] COURTIER one who attends a royal court [n -S] CZAREVNA the daughter of a czar [n -S] : CZAREVNA TSAREVNA TZAREVNA CZARITZA a {czarina=n} [n -S] : CZARITZA TSARITZA TZARITZA DYNASTIC [adj] EARLSHIP {earldom=n} [n -S] EMEERATE {emirate=n} [n -S] : AMIRATE AMEERATE EMIRATE EMEERATE ENNOBLER one that {ennobles=v} [n -S] ETHNARCH the ruler of a people or province [n -S] EUPATRID an aristocrat of ancient Athens [n -RIDS or -RIDAE] HEPTARCH one of a group of seven rulers [n -S] HIGHBORN of noble birth [adj] IMPERIAL an emperor or empress [n -S] IMPERIUM absolute power [n -RIUMS or -RIA] : IMPERIAL(s) INTERREX a type of sovereign [n -REGES] KINGBIRD an American bird [n -S] KINGBOLT a {kingpin=n} [n -S] KINGFISH a marine food fish [n -ES] KINGHOOD the office of a king [n -S] KINGLESS having no king [adj] KINGLIKE resembling a king [adj] KINGPOST a supporting structure of a roof [n -S] KINGSHIP the power or position of a king [n -S] KINGSIDE a part of a chessboard [n -S] KINGWOOD a hardwood tree [n -S] MAHARAJA a king or prince in India [n -S] MAHARANI the wife of a maharaja [n -S] MARCHESA the wife or widow of a marchese [n -CHESE] MARCHESE an Italian nobleman [n -CHESI] MARQUESS {marquis=n} [n -ES] : MARQUESSATE(s) MARQUISE the wife or widow of a marquis [n -S] MONARCHY rule by a monarch [n -CHIES] NIZAMATE the territory of a nizam [n -S] NOBILITY the social class composed of nobles [n -TIES] NOBLEMAN a {noble=n} [n NOBLEMEN] NOBLESSE the {nobility=n} [n -S] NONNOBLE not noble [adj] NONROYAL not royal [adj] OLIGARCH a ruler in a government by the few [n -S] OMNIARCH an almighty ruler [n -S] PADISHAH a sovereign [n -S] : PADSHAH(s) PEERLESS having no equal [adj] PENTARCH one of five joint rulers [n -S] PRINCELY of or befitting a prince [adj -LIER, -LIEST] PRINCESS a non-reigning female member of a royal family [n -ES] PRINCIPE a {prince=n} [n -PI] QUEENDOM the area ruled by a queen [n -S] REGENTAL [adj] REGICIDE the killing of a king [n -S] ROYALISM support of a monarch or monarchy [n -S] ROYALIST a supporter of a monarch or monarchy [n -S] SCEPTRAL pertaining to royal authority [adj] SHRIEVAL pertaining to a {sheriff=n} [adj] SURROYAL the topmost prong of a stag's antler [n -S] TETRARCH one of four joint rulers [n -S] TSAREVNA {czarevna=n} [n -S] : CZAREVNA TSAREVNA TZAREVNA TSARITZA {czaritza=n} [n -S] : CZARITZA TSARITZA TZARITZA TZAREVNA {czarevna=n} [n -S] : CZAREVNA TSAREVNA TZAREVNA TZARITZA {czaritza=n} [n -S] : CZARITZA TSARITZA TZARITZA UNKINGLY [adj] VISCOUNT a British nobleman [n -S] VIZIRATE the office of a vizir [n -S] VIZIRIAL [adj] ANTIROYAL BARONETCY [n -TCIES] BLUEBLOOD [n -S] IMPERATOR [n -S] : IMPERATORIAL [adj] KINGCRAFT [n -S] KINGMAKER [n -S] KINGSNAKE [n -S] MAHARAJAH [n -S] MAHARANEE [n -S] MONARCHAL [adj] : MONARCHAL MONARCHIAL MONARCHIC MONARCHICAL MONARCHIC [adj] : MONARCHAL MONARCHIAL MONARCHIC MONARCHICAL NOBILIARY [adj] NOBLENESS [n -ES] QUEENSHIP [n -S] QUEENSIDE [n -S] PRINCEDOM [n -S] PRINCEKIN [n -S] PRINCELET [n -S] PRINCESSE [n -S] ROYALMAST [n -S] RULERSHIP [n -S] SOVEREIGN [n -S] : SOVEREIGNLY, SOVEREIGNTY VICEGERAL [adj] regarding VICEGERENT(s) VICEREGAL [adj] VICEREINE wife of a viceroy[n -S] VISCOUNTY [n -TIES] VIZIERATE the office of a vizier [n -S] VIZIERIAL [adj] ARISTOCRAT [n -S] : ARISTOCRATIC BARONETAGE [n -S] CZAREVITCH [n -ES] KINGFISHER [n -S] KINGLINESS [n -ES] MARQUISATE [n -S] MONARCHIAL [adj] : MONARCHAL MONARCHIAL MONARCHIC MONARCHICAL NOBLEWOMAN [n NOBLEWOMEN] PENNYROYAL [n -S] PRINCELING [n -S] PRINCESHIP [n -S] SHERIFFDOM [n -S] SUBKINGDOM [n -S] VICEGERENT [n -S] VISCOUNTCY [n -TCIES] VIZIERSHIP [n -S] ARCHDUCHESS [n -ES] ARCHDUKEDOM [n -S] ARISTOCRACY [n -CIES] EMPERORSHIP [n -S] ENNOBLEMENT [n -S] IGNOBLENESS [n -ES] QUEENLINESS [n -ES] MARCHIONESS [n -ES] MARQUESSATE [n -S] MARQUISETTE a sheer fabric [n -S] MONARCHICAL [adj], MONARCHICALLY : MONARCHAL MONARCHIAL MONARCHIC MONARCHICAL PREDYNASTIC SOVEREIGNLY SOVEREIGNTY [n -TIES] VICEGERENCY [n -CIES] VICEREGALLY [adv] VICEROYALTY [n -TIES] VICEROYSHIP [n -S] VISCOUNTESS [n -ES] ARISTOCRATIC ANTIROYALIST [n -S] DYNASTICALLY EMPRESSEMENT [n -S] PRINCELINESS [n -ES] PRINCIPALITY [n -TIES] ULTRAROYALIST [n -S] NONARISTOCRATIC * List compiled from OWL2 + Long List by Rebecca Slivka