* REPTILES * (see also snakes.txt, dinosaurs.txt) UTA any of a genus of large lizards [n -S] CROC a crocodile [n -S] EMYD a freshwater tortoise [n -S] AGAMA a tropical lizard [n -S] ANOLE a tropical lizard [n -S] GATER {gator=n} [n -S] : ALLIGATOR GATOR an alligator [n -S] : GATER GECKO a small lizard [n GECKOS or GECKOES] SNAKE to move like a snake (a limbless reptile) [v SNAKED, SNAKING, SNAKES] TEIID a tropical American lizard [n -S] TOKAY a Malaysian gecko [n -KAYS] AGAMID an Old World lizard [n -S] CAIMAN a tropical reptile [n -S] : CAYMAN CAYMAN {caiman=n} [n -S] COOTER a turtle [n -S] GAVIAL a large reptile [n -S] : GAVIALOID [adj] GOANNA a large monitor lizard [n -S] IGUANA a tropical lizard [n -S] LIZARD any of a suborder of reptiles [n -S] MOLOCH a spiny lizard [n -S] MUGGAR {mugger=n} [n -S] : MUGGAR MUGGER MUGGUR MUGGER a large Asian crocodile [n -S] : MUGGAR MUGGER MUGGUR MUGGUR {mugger=n} [n -S] : MUGGAR MUGGER MUGGUR RIDLEY a sea turtle [n -LEYS] TURTLE to catch turtles (tortoises) [v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES] : TURTLER(s) CALIPEE an edible part of a turtle [n -S] : CALIPASH CALIPEE CALLIPEE DIAPSID a reptile with two pairs of temporal openings in the skull [n -S] GHARIAL a large reptile [n -S] IGUANID a long-tailed lizard [n -S] REPTANT creeping or crawling [adj] REPTILE any of a class of cold-blooded, air-breathing vertebrates [n -S] : REPTILIAN(s) SAURIAN any of a suborder of reptiles [n -S] TUATARA a large reptile [n -S] : TUATERA TUATERA {tuatara=n} [n -S] TURTLER one that {turtles=v} [n -S] CALIPASH an edible part of a turtle [n -ES] : CALIPASH CALIPEE CALLIPEE CALLIPEE {calipee=n} [n -S] : CALIPASH CALIPEE CALLIPEE DINOSAUR one of a group of extinct reptiles [n -S] IGUANIAN a lizard related to the iguana [n -S] HATTERIA a {reptile=n} [n -S] HAWKBILL a sea turtle [n -S] LACERTID a type of {lizard=n} [n -S] MOSASAUR an extinct lizard [n -S] PLASTRON a part of the shell of a turtle [n -S] : PLASTRAL [adj], PLASTRUM PLASTRUM {plastron=n} [n -S] REPTILIA [n] SCINCOID one of a family of smooth, short-limbed lizards [n -S] SLOWWORM a European lizard having no legs [n -S] SYNAPSID one of a group of extinct reptiles [n -S] TERRAPIN a North American tortoise [n -S] TORTOISE any of an order of reptiles having the body enclosed in a bony shell [n -S] TURTLING the act of one that turtles [n -S] WHIPTAIL a lizard having a long, slender tail [n -S] ALLIGATOR [n -S] : GATER GATOR CHELONIAN relating to turtles [adj] CROCODILE [n -S] : CROCODILIAN GALLIWASP [n -S] REPTILIAN [n -S] REPTILIUM a building for housing reptiles [n -ILIA] CHUCKWALLA a large lizard [n -S] : CHUCKAWALLA TURTLEBACK [n -S] TURTLEDOVE [n -S] TURTLEHEAD [n -S] TURTLENECK [n -S] : TURTLENECKED [adj] CHUCKAWALLA [n -S] : CHUCKWALLA HYDROMEDUSA a snake-necked turtle [n -S] TORTOISESHELL [n -S] * List compiled from OWL2 + Long List by Rebecca Slivka