* RELIGION * (see also gods.txt) BA the eternal soul, in Egyptian mythology [n -S] KA the spiritual self of a human being in Egyptian religion [n -S] ALB a long-sleeved vestment [n -S] DOM a title given to certain monks [n -S] GET a divorce under Jewish law [n GITTIN] / to obtain or acquire [v GOT, GOTTEN, GETTING, GETS] : GETABLE, GETTABLE [adj] GOD to treat as a god (a supernatural being) [v GODDED, GODDING, GODS] GOY a non-Jewish person -- an offensive term [n GOYS or GOYIM] : GOYISH [adj] HAJ {hadj=n} [n -ES] : HADJ HAJ HAJJ ISM a distinctive theory or doctrine [n -S] JIN {jinn=n} [n -S] : DJIN DJINN DJINNI DJINNY GENIE JIN JINN JINNEE JINNI (some may be plural only) LAR a tutelary god or spirit of an ancient Roman household [n -ES or -S] NUN a woman belonging to a religious order [n -S] OBE {obeah=n} [n -S] : OBE OBEAH OBI OBIA OBI {obeah=n} [n -S] : OBE OBEAH OBI OBIA PAX a ceremonial embrace given to signify Christian love and unity [n -ES] PEW a bench for seating people in church [n -S] PYE a book of ecclesiastical rules in the pre-Reformation English church [n -S] PYX a container in which the eucharistic bread is kept [n -ES] ROC a legendary bird of prey [n -S] SIN to commit a sin (an offense against religious or moral law) [v SINNED, SINNING, SINS] TAJ a tall, conical cap worn in Muslim countries [n -ES] AMBO a pulpit in an early Christian church [n AMBOS or AMBONES] AMEN a word used at the end of a prayer to express agreement [n -S] APSE a domed, semicircular projection of a building [n -S] : APSIDAL [adj] ARES god of war; [n] AZAN a Muslim call to prayer [n -S] BAAL a false god [n -S or -IM] BEMA a platform in a synagogue [n -S or BEMATA] : BEMA BIMA BIMAH (plurals -S, also BEMATA) BIMA {bema=n} [n -S] : BEMA BIMA BIMAH (plurals -S, also BEMATA) BRIS a Jewish circumcision rite [n -ES] CADI a Muslim judge [n -S] CAID a Muslim leader [n -S] CULT a religious society [n -S] : CULTISH [adj] DEIL the devil [n -S] DEVA a Hindu god [n -S] DJIN {jinni=n} [n -S] : DJIN DJINN DJINNI DJINNY GENIE JIN JINN JINNEE JINNI (some may be plural only) DOXY a {doctrine=n} [n DOXIES] FANE a {temple=n} [n -S] FAUN a woodland deity of Roman mythology [n -S] : FAUNLIKE [adj] GEEZ {jeez=interj} [interj] GURU a Hindu spiritual teacher [n -S] HADJ a pilgrimage to Mecca [n -ES] : HADJ HAJ HAJJ HAJI {hadji=n} [n -S] : HADJEE HADJI HAJI HAJJI HAJJ {hadj=n} [n -ES] : HADJ HAJ HAJJ HALO to form a halo (a ring of light) [v -ED, -ING, -ES or -S] HEBE goddess of youth, cupbearer of the gods, married to HERCULES [n -S] HOLY having a divine nature or origin [adj -LIER, -LIEST] / a holy place [n -LIES] HYMN to sing a hymn (a song of praise to God) [v -ED, -ING, -S] IDOL an object of worship [n -S] IMAM a Muslim priest [n -S] JEEZ used as a mild oath [interj] JINN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n -S] : DJIN DJINN DJINNI DJINNY GENIE JIN JINN JINNEE JINNI (some may be plural only) JUBE a platform in a church [n -S] JUJU an object regarded as having magical power [n -S] KADI {cadi=n} [n -S] KAMI a sacred power or force [n KAMI] KIRK a church [n -S] KOAN a paradox meditated on by Buddhist monks [n -S] LAMA a Buddhist monk [n -S] MAGE a {magician=n} [n -S] MANA a supernatural force in certain Pacific island religions [n -S] MARS god of war; [v] MAYA the power to produce illusions, in Hindu philosophy [n -S] : MAYAN [adj] MOJO a magic charm [n -JOS or -JOES] MONK a man who is a member of a secluded religious order [n -S] MOSK {mosque=n} [n -S] MYTH a type of traditional story [n -S] NAOS an ancient temple [n NAOI] NAVE the main part of a church [n -S] NOEL a Christmas carol [n -S] NONE one of seven canonical daily periods for prayer and devotion [n -S] OBIA {obeah=n} [n -S] : OBE OBEAH OBI OBIA ORDO a calendar of religious directions [n -DINES or -DOS] PERI a supernatural being of Persian mythology [n -S] POPE the head of the Roman Catholic Church [n -S] : POPELESS, POPELIKE [adj] PRAY to address prayers to [v -ED, -ING, -S] PUJA a Hindu prayer ritual [n -S] QADI {cadi=n} [n -S] QAID {caid=n} [n -S] SAUL {soul=n} [n -S] SEXT one of seven canonical daily periods for prayer and devotion [n -S] SHUL a synagogue [n SHULN or SHULS] SOUL the spiritual aspect of human beings [n -S] : SAUL(s); SOULED, SOULLESS, SOULLIKE [adj] SOULMATE(s) SURA a chapter of the Koran [n -S] TIKI a wood or stone image of a Polynesian god [n -S] TORA {torah=n} [n -S] TREF unfit for use according to Jewish law [adj] YOGA a Hindu philosophy involving physical and mental disciplines [n -S] YOGI a person who practices yoga [n -S] YULE Christmas time [n -S] ABBEY a monastery or convent [n -BEYS] ABBOT the superior of a monastery [n -S] AFRIT {afreet=n} [n -S] ALTAR a raised structure used in worship [n -S] AMBRY a recess in a church wall for sacred vessels [n -BRIES] AMICE a vestment worn about the neck and shoulders [n -S] ANGEL to support financially [v -ED, -ING, -S] ANIMA the {soul=n} [n -S] ARHAT a Buddhist who has attained nirvana [n -S] ATLAS a Titan, a male figure used as a supporting column [n ATLANTES or ATLASES] ATMAN the individual soul in Hinduism [n -S] BIBLE an authoritative publication [n -S] : BIBLICAL [adj] BIMAH {bema=n} [n -S] : BEMA BIMA BIMAH (plurals -S, also BEMATA) BONZE a Buddhist monk [n -S] BOYLA a witch doctor [n -S] CANON a law decreed by a church council [n -S] : CANONIC [adj] CELLA the interior of an ancient temple [n -LAE] COVEN a group of witches [n -S] CULTI [n] CUPID a naked, winged representation of the Roman god of love [n -S] DAVEN to utter Jewish prayers [v -ED, -ING, -S] DEIFY to make a god of [v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES] DEISM a religious philosophy [n -S] DEIST an adherent of deism [n -S] : DEISTIC [adj] DEITY a god or goddess [n -TIES] DEMON an evil spirit [n -S] DEVIL to prepare food with pungent seasoning [v -ILED, -ILING, -ILS or -ILLED, -ILLING, -ILS] DJINN {jinni=n} [n -S] : DJIN DJINN DJINNI DJINNY GENIE JIN JINN JINNEE JINNI (some may be plural only) DOGMA a principle or belief put forth as authoritative [n -MAS or -MATA] : DOGMATIC [adj] DRUID one of an ancient Celtic order of priests [n -S] : DRUIDIC [adj] DUOMO a cathedral [n -MOS or -MI] EPHOD an ancient Hebrew vestment [n -S] FAITH to believe or trust [v -ED, -ING, -S] FAKIR a Hindu ascetic [n -S] : FAKEER FAKIR FAQIR FAQUIR FAQIR {fakir=n} [n -S] : FAKEER FAKIR FAQIR FAQUIR FERIA a weekday of a church calendar on which no feast is celebrated [n -RIAS or -RIAE] : FERIAL [adj] FRIAR a member of a religious order [n -S] : FRIARLY [adj] GENIE {jinni=n} [n -S] : DJIN DJINN DJINNI DJINNY GENIE JIN JINN JINNEE JINNI (some may be plural only) GODET insert of cloth in a seam [n -S] GODLY {pious=adj} [adj -LIER, -LIEST] : GODLILY [adv] GOLEM a legendary creature [n -S] HADJI one who has made a hadj [n -S] : HADJEE HADJI HAJI HAJJI HAFIZ a Muslim who knows the Koran by heart [n -ES] HAJJI {hadji=n} [n -S] : HADJEE HADJI HAJI HAJJI HAZAN a {cantor=n} [n HAZANIM or HAZANS] : CHAZAN CHAZZAN CHAZZEN HAZAN HAZZAN KHAZEN (all take -S and -IM) HEDER a Jewish school [n HEDERS or HADARIM] HIJRA {hegira=n} [n -S] : HEGIRA HEJIRA HIJRA HIJRAH HOURI a beautiful maiden in Muslim belief [n -S] IHRAM the garb worn by Muslim pilgrims [n -S] IRADE a decree of a Muslim ruler [n -S] JIHAD a Muslim holy war [n -S] JUDAS a {peephole=n} [n -ES] KALAM a type of Muslim theology [n -S] KIBLA {kiblah=n} [n -S] : KEBLAH KIBLA KIBLAH KYRIE a religious petition for mercy [n -S] LAITY the nonclerical membership of a religious faith [n -ITIES] LAURA a type of monastery [n -RAS or -RAE] MAGIC to affect by magic (sorcery) [v -ICKED, -ICKING, -ICS] MAGUS a {magician=n} [n -GI] MANSE a clergyman's house [n -S] MENAD {maenad=n} [n -S] MITER to raise to the rank of a bishop [v -ED, -ING, -S] MITRE to {miter=v} [v -TRED, -TRING, -TRES] MOHEL a person who performs Jewish ritual circumcisions [n -HALIM, -HELIM, or -HELS] MOIRA fate or destiny, in ancient Greek religion [n -RAI] MUFTI a judge who interprets Muslim religious law [n -S] MULLA {mullah=n} [n -S] : MOLLAH MULLA MULLAH MYTHY resembling {myth=n} [adj MYTHIER, MYTHIEST] NUMEN a {deity=n} [n -MINA] OBEAH a form of sorcery of African origin [n -S] : OBE OBEAH OBI OBIA PADRE a Christian clergyman [n PADRES or PADRI] PAGAN an irreligious person [n -S] PAGOD {pagoda=n} [n -S] PIETA a representation of the Virgin Mary mourning over the body of Christ [n -S] PIETY the quality or state of being pious [n -TIES] PIOUS marked by religious reverence [adj] : PIOUSLY [adv] PSALM to praise in psalms (sacred songs) [v -ED, -ING, -S] RABBI a Jewish spiritual leader [n -S or -ES] REBBE a {rabbi=n} [n -S] RISHI a Hindu sage [n -S] ROSHI the spiritual leader of a group of Zen Buddhists [n -S] SADHU a Hindu holy man [n -S] SANGH an association promoting unity between the different groups in Hinduism [n -S] SATYR a woodland deity of Greek mythology [n -S] : SATYRIC [adj] SAYID {sayyid=n} [n -S] SEDER a Jewish ceremonial dinner [n -DARIM or -DERS] SELAH a word of unknown meaning often marking the end of a verse in the Psalms [n -S] SHIVA hindu goddess; a period of mourning [n -S] SLYPE a narrow passage in an English cathedral [n -S] SOFTA a Muslim theological student [n -S] STOUP a basin for holy water [n -S] STUPA a Buddhist shrine [n -S] SUNNA the body of traditional Muslim law [n -S] SUTRA a Hindu aphorism [n -S] SWAMI a Hindu religious teacher [n -S] SYNOD a church council [n -S] : SYNODAL, SYNODIC [adj] TEIND a tithe [n -S] TENET a principle, belief, or doctrine held to be true [n -S] TERCE {tierce=n} [n -S] TITAN one of a race of 12 Greek dieties, a person of great size [n -S] TITHE to pay a tithe (a small tax) [v TITHED, TITHING, TITHES], TITHER TORAH the body of Jewish law [n -RAHS, TOROTH, or TOROT] TORII the gateway of a Japanese temple [n TORII] TYTHE to {tithe=v} [v TYTHED, TYTHING, TYTHES] ULEMA a Muslim scholar [n -S] VENUS a seductive woman [n -ES] VICAR a church official [n -S] VIZIR {vizier=n} [n -S] : VIZIRIAL [adj] VODOU {vodun=n} [n -S] : VODOU VODOUN VODUN VOODOO VOUDON VOUDOUN VODUN a religion of the West Indies [n -S] : VODOU VODOUN VODUN VOODOO VOUDON VOUDOUN WICCA a form of nature-oriented witchcraft [n -S] WITCH to {bewitch=v} [v -ED, -ING, -ES] ZIZIT {zizith=n} [n] : TZITZIS TZITZIT TZITZITH ZIZIT ZIZITH ZOMBI {zombie=n} [n -S] ABBACY the office of an abbot [n -CIES] ABBESS the female superior of a convent of nuns [n -ES] ADYTUM an inner sanctuary in an ancient temple [n -TA] AFREET an evil spirit in Arabic mythology [n -S] AGGADA {haggadah=n} [n -DAS or AGGADOT or AGGADOTH] AMRITA a beverage that bestows immortality in Hindu mythology [n -S] ANANKE a compelling necessity in ancient Greek religion [n -S] APOLLO sun god, a handsome young man [n -LOS] ASHRAM a secluded dwelling of a Hindu sage [n -S] ASRAMA {ashram=n} [n -S] AVATAR the incarnation of a Hindu deity [n -S] BAALIM [n] BEADLE a parish official [n -S] BEMATA [n] BETHEL a holy place [n -S] BHAKTA one who practices bhakti [n -S] BHAKTI a selfless devotion to a deity in Hinduism [n -S] BISHOP to appoint as a bishop (the head of a diocese) [v -ED, -ING, -S] CABALA an occult or secret doctrine [n -S] : CABALA CABBALA CABBALAH KABALA KABBALA KABBALAH QABALA QABALAH CALIPH a Muslim leader [n -S] : CALIPHAL [adj] CANTOR a religious singer [n -S] CANTUS a style of church music [n CANTUS] CENSER a vessel for burning incense [n -S] CHAPEL a place of worship [n -S] CHAZAN a {cantor=n} [n CHAZANS or CHAZANIM] : CHAZAN CHAZZAN CHAZZEN HAZAN HAZZAN KHAZEN (all take -S and -IM) CHEDER {heder=n} [n CHADARIM or CHEDERS] CHERUB an angel [n -UBS or -UBIM or -UBIMS] : CHERUBIC [adj] CHRISM a consecrated oil [n -S] : CHRISMAL [adj] CHUPPA {chuppah=n} [n -S] CHURCH to bring to church (a building for Christian worship) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] CLERGY the body of persons ordained for religious service [n -GIES] CLERIC a member of the clergy [n -S] CORBAN an offering to God [n -S] CULTIC pertaining to a {cult=n} [adj] CULTUS a {cult=n} [n -TUSES or -TI] CUMMER a godmother [n -S] DAGOBA a Buddhist shrine [n -S] DAIMON an attendant spirit [n -S or -ES] : DAIMONIC [adj] DATARY a cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church [n -RIES] DEIFIC {godlike=adj} [adj] DEVOUT {pious=adj} [adj -VOUTER, -VOUTEST] : DEVOUTLY [adv] DHARMA conformity to Hindu law [n -S] : DHARMIC [adj] DIBBUK {dybbuk=n} [n -BUKS or -BUKIM] DIVINE pertaining to or characteristic of a god [adj -VINER, -VINEST] : DIVINELY [adv] / to foretell by occult means [v -VINED, -VINING, -VINES] DJINNI {jinni=n} [n DJINN] : DJIN DJINN DJINNI DJINNY GENIE JIN JINN JINNEE JINNI (some may be plural only) DJINNY {jinni=n} [n DJINN] : DJIN DJINN DJINNI DJINNY GENIE JIN JINN JINNEE JINNI (some may be plural only) DOSSAL an ornamental cloth hung behind an altar [n -S] DYBBUK a wandering soul in Jewish folklore [n -BUKS or -BUKIM] : DIBBUK ENHALO to surround with a halo [v -ED, -ING, -ES or -S] EXODUS a movement away [n -ES] FAKEER {fakir=n} [n -S] : FAKEER FAKIR FAQIR FAQUIR FAQUIR {fakir=n} [n -S] : FAKEER FAKIR FAQIR FAQUIR FETIAL a priest of ancient Rome [n -S] FETISH an object believed to have magical power [n -ES] FLAMEN a priest of ancient Rome [n -MENS or -MINES] FRIARY a monastery of friars [n -ARIES] GIAOUR a non-Muslim [n -S] GLORIA a halo [n -S] GNOSIS mystical knowledge [n GNOSES] GODDAM {goddamn=v} [v -DAMMED, -DAMMING, -DAMS] GODOWN an oriental warehouse [n -S] GODSON a male {godchild=n} [n -S] GODWIT a wading bird [n -S] GOSPEL the message concerning Christ, the kingdom of God, and salvation [n -S] HADITH a record of the sayings of Muhammed [n HADITH or HADITHS] HADJEE {hadji=n} [n -S] : HADJEE HADJI HAJI HAJJI HALLEL a chant of praise [n -S] HALLOW to make {holy=adj} [v -ED, -ING, -S] HAZZAN {hazan=n} [n HAZZANIM or HAZZANS] : CHAZAN CHAZZAN CHAZZEN HAZAN HAZZAN KHAZEN (all take -S and -IM) HEGIRA an {exodus=n} [n -S] : HEGIRA HEJIRA HIJRA HIJRAH HEJIRA {hegira=n} [n -S] : HEGIRA HEJIRA HIJRA HIJRAH HERESY a belief contrary to a church doctrine [n -SIES] HIJRAH {hegira=n} [n -S] : HEGIRA HEJIRA HIJRA HIJRAH HOLILY in a holy manner [adv] HOUSEL to administer the Eucharist to [v -SELED, -SELING, -SELS or -SELLED, -SELLING, -SELS] HUPPAH {chuppah=n} [n -S] JESUIT a scheming person -- usually used disparagingly [n -S] : JESUITIC [adj] JINNEE {jinn=n} [n JINN] : DJIN DJINN DJINNI DJINNY GENIE JIN JINN JINNEE JINNI (some may be plural only) KABALA {cabala=n} [n -S] : CABALA CABBALA CABBALAH KABALA KABBALA KABBALAH QABALA QABALAH KASHER to {kosher=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] KEBLAH {kiblah=n} [n -S] : KEBLAH KIBLA KIBLAH KHAZEN {hazzan=n} [n -ZENS or -ZENIM] : CHAZAN CHAZZAN CHAZZEN HAZAN HAZZAN KHAZEN (all take -S and -IM) KIBLAH the direction toward which Muslims face while praying [n -S] : KEBLAH KIBLA KIBLAH KITTEL a Jewish ceremonial robe [n KITTEL] KOSHER to make fit to be eaten according to Jewish dietary laws [v -ED, -ING, -S] : KASHER KRAKEN a legendary sea monster [n -S] LATRIA the supreme worship given to God only, in Roman Catholicism [n -S] LAVABO a ceremonial washing in certain Christian churches [n -BOES or -BOS] LECTOR a reader of the lessons in a church service [n -S] LEGEND an unverified story from earlier times [n -S] LITANY a ceremonial form of prayer [n -NIES] LOGION a saying attributed to Jesus [n -GIA or -GIONS] MAENAD a female participant in ancient Greek orgies [n -S or -ES] : MAENADIC [adj] MENAD(s) MAFTIR the concluding section of a parashah [n -S] MAHZOR a Jewish prayer book [n -ZORIM or -ZORS] MANITO {manitou=n} [n -TOS] : MANITO MANITOU MANITU MANITU {manitou=n} [n -S] : MANITO MANITOU MANITU MANTRA a mystical formula of prayer or incantation in Hinduism [n -S] : MANTRIC [adj] MARTYR to put to death for adhering to a belief [v -ED, -ING, -S] MASJID a {mosque=n} [n -S] : MUSJID(s) MAUNDY the religious ceremony of washing the feet of the poor [n -DIES] MERMAN a legendary marine creature [n MERMEN] MIHRAB a niche in a mosque [n -S] MIKVAH a place for ritual bathing by Orthodox Jews [n -VAHS or -VOTH or -VOT or -VOS] MIKVEH {mikvah=n} [n -S] MIMBAR a pulpit in a mosque [n -S] MINYAN the minimum number required to be present for the conduct of a Jewish service [n -YANS or -YANIM] MISSAL a prayer book [n -S] MOLLAH {mullah=n} [n -S] : MOLLAH MULLA MULLAH MOSQUE a Muslim house of worship [n -S] : MOSK(s) MULLAH a Muslim religious leader or teacher [n -S] : MOLLAH MULLA MULLAH MUSJID a {mosque=n} [n -S] : MASJID(s) MYSTIC one who professes to have had mystical experiences [n -S] MYTHIC {mythical=adj} [adj] MYTHOS a {myth=n} [n MYTHOI] NOVENA a religious devotion lasting nine days [n -NAS or -NAE] NUNCIO an ambassador from the pope [n -CIOS] OBIISM {obeahism=n} [n -S] OBLATE a layman residing in a monastery [n -S] OCCULT to {conceal=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] ORACLE a person through whom a deity is believed to speak [n -S] : ORACULAR [adj] ORDAIN to invest with holy authority [v -ED, -ING, -S] ORISHA a Yoruba deity [n -S] ORISON a {prayer=n} [n -S] ORPHIC {mystical=adj} [adj] PAGODA a Far Eastern temple [n -S] PALMER a religious pilgrim [n -S] PAPISM the Roman Catholic religion -- a derogatory term [n -S] PAPIST a Roman Catholic -- usually used disparagingly [n -S] : PAPISTIC [adj] PARISH an ecclesiastical district [n -ES] PARSON a clergyman [n -S] : PARSONIC [adj] PARVIS an enclosed area in front of a church [n -VISES] PASTOR to serve as the spiritual overseer of [v -ED, -ING, -S] PHOEBE goddess (one of the Titans), a small bird [n -S] PNEUMA the soul or spirit [n -S] POPERY Roman Catholicism -- usually used disparagingly [n -ERIES] POPISH pertaining to the Roman Catholic church -- usually used disparagingly [adj] : POPISHLY [adv] PRAISE to express approval or admiration of [v PRAISED, PRAISING, PRAISES] PRAJNA ultimate knowledge in Buddhism and Hinduism [n -S] PRAYER a devout petition to a deity [n -S] PREACH to advocate or recommend urgently [v -ED, -ING, -ES] PRIEST to ordain as a priest (one authorized to perform religious rites) [v -ED, -ING, -S] PRIMUS the head bishop of Scotland [n -ES] PRIORY a religious house [n -RIES] PULPIT a platform in a church [n -S] : PULPITAL [adj] PUNDIT a Hindu scholar [n -S] : PUNDITIC [adj] PURANA a Hindu scripture [n -S] : PURANIC [adj] QABALA {cabala=n} [n -S] : CABALA CABBALA CABBALAH KABALA KABBALA KABBALAH QABALA QABALAH QUAKER one that {quakes=v} [n -S] RABBIN {rabbi=n} [n -S] RECTOR a clergyman in charge of a parish [n -S] ROCHET a linen vestment [n -S] ROSARY a series of prayers in the Roman Catholic Church [n -RIES] SABBAT an assembly of demons and witches [n -S] SACRED dedicated to or set apart for the worship of a deity [adj] : SACREDLY [adv] SATORI the illumination of spirit sought by Zen Buddhists [n -S] SAYYID lord; sir -- used as a title of respect for a Muslim dignitary [n -S] SEANCE a meeting of persons seeking spiritualistic messages [n -S] SEDILE one of the seats in a church for the use of the officiating clergy [n -LIA] SERAPH a winged celestial being [n -APHS, -APHIM, or -APHIN] : SERAPHIC [adj] SERMON a religious discourse [n -S] : SERMONIC [adj] SEXTON a maintenance worker of a church [n -S] SHAKER one that {shakes=v} [n -S] SHALOM a word used as a Jewish greeting or farewell [n -S] SHAMAN a medicine man among certain North American Indians [n -S] : SHAMANIC [adj] SHAMAS {shammes=n} [n -MOSIM] : SHAMAS SHAMES SHAMMAS SHAMMASH SHAMMES SHAMMOS SHAMOS SHAMES {shammes=n} [n -MOSIM] : SHAMAS SHAMES SHAMMAS SHAMMASH SHAMMES SHAMMOS SHAMOS SHAMOS {shammes=n} [n -MOSIM] : SHAMAS SHAMES SHAMMAS SHAMMASH SHAMMES SHAMMOS SHAMOS SHARIA Islamic law based on the Koran [n -S] SHAZAM used to signify a magical occurrence [interj] SHIBAH {shiva=n} [n -S] SHIKSA a non-Jewish girl or young woman -- an offensive term [n -S] SHIKSE {shiksa=n} [n SHIKSES] SHIVAH {shiva=n} [n -S] SHOFAR a ram's-horn trumpet blown in certain Jewish rituals [n SHOFARS or SHOFROTH] SHOLOM {shalom=n} [n -S] SHRINE to place in a shrine (a receptacle for sacred relics) [v SHRINED, SHRINING, SHRINES] SIDDUR a Jewish prayer book [n -DURIM or -DURS] SIMONY the buying or selling of a church office [n -NIES] : SIMONIAC(s) SIMONIST(s) SOLDAN a Muslim ruler [n -S] SPHINX a monster in Egyptian mythology [n SPHINXES or SPHINGES] SPHYNX a cat of a breed of hairless cats [n -ES] SRADHA a Hindu ceremonial offering [n -S] SUKKAH a temporary shelter in which meals are eaten during a Jewish festival [n -KAHS or -KOTH or -KOT] TALLIS {tallith=n} [n -LISES or -LISIM] TALLIT {tallith=n} [n -LITS or -LITIM] TANTRA one of a class of Hindu religious writings [n -S] : TANTRIC [adj] TEMPLE a house of worship [n -S] : TEMPLED [adj] TERAPH an image of a Semitic household god [n -APHIM] THEISM belief in the existence of a god [n -S] THEIST one who belives in the existence of a god [n -S] : THEISTIC [adj] TIERCE one of seven canonical daily periods for prayer and devotion [n -S] : TERCE TITHER one that {tithes=v} [n -S] TURBAN a head covering worn by Muslims [n -S] : TURBANED [adj] UNDINE a female water spirit [n -S] UNHOLY [adj -LIER, -LIEST] URAEUS the figure of the sacred serpent on the headdress of ancient Egyptian rulers [n URAEI or URAEUSES] VALKYR {valkyrie=n} [n -S] : VALKYR VALKYRIE WALKYRIE VERGER a church official [n -S] VESPER an evening service, prayer, or song [n -S] VESTRY a room in which vestments are kept [n -TRIES] : VESTRAL [adj] VIZIER a high official in some Muslim countries [n -S] VODOUN {vodun=n} [n -S] : VODOU VODOUN VODUN VOODOO VOUDON VOUDOUN VOODOO to {hex=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] : VODOU VODOUN VODUN VOODOO VOUDON VOUDOUN VOTARY a person who is bound by religious vows [n -RIES] VOUDON {vodun=n} [n -S] : VODOU VODOUN VODUN VOODOO VOUDON VOUDOUN WITCHY malicious [adj WITCHIER, WITCHIEST] WIZARD a {sorcerer=n} [n -S] : WIZARDLY [adj] ZADDIK a virtuous person by Jewish religious standards [n -DIKIM] : TSADDIK TZADDIK ZADDICK ZADDIK (plurals -IKIM only) ZIZITH the tassels on the four corners of a Jewish prayer shawl [n] : TZITZIS TZITZIT TZITZITH ZIZIT ZIZITH ZOMBIE a will-less human capable only of automatic movement [n -S] AGGADAH {haggadah=n} [n -DAHS or AGGADOT or AGGADOTH] AGGADIC {haggadic=adj} [adj] AGGADOT [n] AGRAPHA the sayings of Jesus not found in the Bible [n] ALFAQUI a teacher of Muslim law [n -S] ALMEMAR a {bema=n} [n -S] ALMONER one that distributes alms [n -S] ALMONRY a place where alms are distributed [n -RIES] ALMSMAN one who receives alms [n ALMSMEN] ANAGOGE a spiritual interpretation of words [n -S] : ANAGOGIC [adj] ANAGOGY {anagoge=n} [n -GIES] ANGAKOK an Eskimo medicine man [n -S] ANGELIC pertaining to an angel (a winged celestial being) [adj] ANGELUS a Roman Catholic prayer [n -ES] ANNATES the first year's revenue of a bishop paid to the pope [n] ALASTOR an avenging deity in Greek tragedy [n -S] APOSTLE a disciple sent forth by Christ to preach the gospel [n -S] ASCESIS the conduct of an ascetic [n -CESES] ASCETIC one who practices extreme self-denial for religious reasons [n -S], ASCETICAL ATHEISM the belief that there is no God [n -S] ATHEIST a believer in atheism [n -S] AUREOLA a halo [n -LAS or -LAE] AUREOLE to surround with a halo [v -OLED, -OLING, -OLES] BAALISM the worship of a baal [n -S] BANSHEE a female spirit [n -S] BANSHIE {banshee=n} [n -S] BAPTISE to {baptize=v} [v -TISED, -TISING, -TISES] BAPTISM a Christian ceremony [n -S] : BAPTISMAL BAPTIST one who baptizes [n -S] : BAPTISTRY BAPTISTERY BAPTIZE to administer baptism to [v -TIZED, -TIZING, -TIZES] : BAPTISE, BAPTIZER(s), REBAPTIZE, UNBAPTIZED BEDEVIL to {harass=v} [v -ILED, -ILING, -ILS or -ILLED, -ILLING, -ILS] BEJESUS used as a mild oath [interj] : BEJABERS BEJESUS BEJEEZUS BEWITCH to affect by witchcraft or magic [v -ED, -ING, -ES] : BEWITCHER(s) BIBLIST one who takes the words of the Bible literally [n -S] BIRETTA a cap worn by clergymen [n -S] BLESSED {holy=adj} [adj -EDER, -EDEST] BLESSER one that {blesses=v} [n -S] CABBALA {cabala=n} [n -S] : CABALA CABBALA CABBALAH KABALA KABBALA KABBALAH QABALA QABALAH CALOYER a monk of the Eastern Church [n -S] CANTRAP {cantrip=n} [n -S] : CANTRAP CANTRIP CANTRAIP CANTRIP a magic spell [n -S] : CANTRAP CANTRIP CANTRAIP CASSOCK a long garment worn by clergymen [n -S] CENTAUR a mythological creature [n -S] CHANCEL an area around a church altar [n -S] CHANTOR {chanter=n} [n -S] CHANTRY an endowment given to a church [n -TRIES] CHAZZAN {chazan=n} [n -ZANS or -ZANIM] : CHAZAN CHAZZAN CHAZZEN HAZAN HAZZAN KHAZEN (all take -S and -IM) CHAZZEN {chazan=n} [n -ZENS or -ZENIM] : CHAZAN CHAZZAN CHAZZEN HAZAN HAZZAN KHAZEN (all take -S and -IM) CHIMERE a bishop's robe [n -S] CHORTEN a Tibetan shrine [n -S] CHRISOM {chrism=n} [n -S] CHRISTY a skiing turn [n -TIES] CHUPPAH a canopy used at a Jewish wedding [n -S] CHURCHY {churchly=adj} [adj CHURCHIER, CHURCHIEST] CLASSIS a governing body in certain churches [n CLASSES] COMPLIN {compline=n} [n -S] CONVENT to {convene=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] : CONVENTICLE(S) CONVERT to change into another form [v -ED, -ING, -S] {RECONVERT INTERCONVERT}: CONVERTER(s) CONVERTOR(s), CONVERTIBLE CONVERTIBLY CROSIER a bishop's staff [n -S] CRUSADE to engage in a holy war [v -SADED, -SADING, -SADES] CULTISH pertaining to a {cult=n} [adj] CULTISM devotion to a cult [n -S] CULTIST a member of a cult [n -S] CYCLOPS a freshwater animal [n CYCLOPS] / any of a race of giants in Greek mythology with a single eye in the middle of the forehead [n CYCLOPES] DARSHAN a Hindu blessing [n -S] DEICIDE the killing of a god [n -S] : DEICIDAL [adj] DEIFIER one that {deifies=v} [n -S] DEIFORM having the form of a god [adj] DEMIGOD a lesser god [n -S] DERVISH a member of a Muslim religious order [n -ES] DEVILRY {deviltry=n} [n -RIES] DICKENS devil [n -ES] DIOCESE an ecclesiastical district [n -S] DOCETIC pertaining to a religious doctrine [adj] DOMINIE a clergyman [n -S] ELDRESS a female elder (a church officer) [n -ES] ERGODIC pertaining to the probability that any state will recur [adj] ERLKING an evil spirit of Germanic folklore [n -S] EUDEMON a good spirit [n -S] EULOGIA holy bread [n -GIAE] / a {blessing=n} [n -S] FABULAR legendary [adj] FIDEISM reliance on faith rather than reason [n -S] FIDEIST a believer in fideism [n -S] GENTILE a non-Jewish person [n -S] GLAMOUR to {bewitch=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] GLORIFY to bestow honor or praise on [v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES] GODDAMN to {damn=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] GODDESS a female god [n -ES] GODETIA a showy annual herb [n -S] GODHEAD {godhood=n} [n -S] GODHOOD the state of being a god [n -S] GODLESS worshiping no god [adj] GODLIKE {divine=adj} [adj] GODLING a lesser god [n -S] GODROON gadroon [n -S] GODSEND an unexpected boon [n -S] GODSHIP the rank of a god [n -S] GREMIAL a lap cloth used by a bishop during a service [n -S] GRIFFIN a mythological creature [n -S] GRIFFON {griffin=n} [n -S] HAFTARA {haphtara=n} [n -S, HAFTAROT or HAFTAROTH] : HAFTARA HAFTARAH HAFTORAH HAPHTARA HAPHTARAH (plurals: -S, -ROT, -ROTH; also, HAFTOROS) HAGBORN born of a witch [adj] HAGGADA {haggadah=n} [n -DAS, -DOT or -DOTH] HALACHA the legal part of the Talmud [n -CHAS or -CHOT or -CHOTH] : HALACHIC [adj] HALAKAH {halacha=n} [n -KAHS or -KOTH] : HALAKIC [adj] HALAKHA {halacha=n} [n -KHAS or -KOTH] : HALAKHIC [adj] HALAKIC pertaining to the halakah [adj] HALCYON a mythical bird [n -S] HALIDOM something holy [n -S] HEGUMEN the head of a monastery [n -S] HERETIC one that upholds heresy [n -S] HEXEREI witchcraft [n -S] HOLYDAY a religious holiday [n -DAYS] HOSANNA to {praise=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] IDOLISE to {idolize=v} [v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES] IDOLISM {idolatry=n} [n -S] IDOLIZE to {worship=v} [v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES] IMPIOUS not pious [adj] INFIDEL one who has no religious faith [n -S] INTROIT music sung at the beginning of a worship service [n -S] IRENICS a branch of theology [n] ISAGOGE a type of introduction to a branch of study [n -S] JUJUISM the system of beliefs connected with jujus [n -S] JUJUIST a follower of jujuism [n -S] KABBALA {cabala=n} [n -S] : CABALA CABBALA CABBALAH KABALA KABBALA KABBALAH QABALA QABALAH KACHINA an ancestral spirit [n -S] KASHRUT {kashruth=n} [n -S] KATCINA {kachina=n} [n -S] KADDISH a Jewish prayer [n -DISHIM] KENOSIS the incarnation of Christ [n -SISES] : KENOTIC [adj] KIDDUSH a Jewish prayer [n -ES] KIRKMAN a member of a church [n KIRKMEN] LECTION a portion of sacred writing read in a church service [n -S] LEHAYIM a traditional Jewish toast [n -S] : LECHAYIM LEMURES the ghosts of the dead in ancient Roman religion [n] LITURGY a prescribed system of public worship [n -GIES] : LITURGIC [adj] MACHZOR {mahzor=n} [n -ZORIM or -ZORS] MACUMBA a religion practiced in Brazil [n -S] MADRASA {madrassa=n} [n -S] MAGICAL resembling magic [adj] MAHATMA a Hindu sage [n -S] MANDALA a Hindu or Buddhist graphic symbol of the universe [n -S] : MANDALIC [adj] MANIPLE a silk band worn on the left arm as a vestment [n -S] MANITOU an Algonquian Indian deity [n -S] : MANITO MANITOU MANITU MARRANO a Jew in Spain who professed Christianity to avoid persecution [n -NOS] MARTYRY a shrine erected in honor of a martyred person [n -TYRIES] MELAMED a teacher in a Jewish school [n -LAMDIM] MENORAH a candleholder used in Jewish worship [n -S] MERMAID a legendary marine creature [n -S] MIDRASH an early Jewish interpretation of a biblical text [n -RASHIM or -RASHOT or -RASHOTH] : MIDRASHIC MINARET a slender tower attached to a mosque [n -S] MINSTER a large or important church [n -S] MITZVAH a commandment of Jewish law [n -VAHS or -VOTH] MONKERY the mode of life of monks [n -ERIES] MONKISH pertaining to {monks=n} [adj] MOZETTA {mozzetta=n} [n -TAS or -TE] MUEZZIN a Muslim crier who calls the faithful to prayer [n -S] MYSTERY something that is not or cannot be known, understood, or explained [n -TERIES] MYSTIFY to {perplex=v} [v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES] NARTHEX a vestibule in a church [n -ES] NIRVANA a blessed state in Buddhism [n -S] : NIRVANIC [adj] NOCTURN a religious service [n -S] NUNLIKE resembling a {nun=n} [adj] NUNNERY a religious house for nuns [n -NERIES] NUNNISH of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a nun [adj] OSTIARY a doorkeeper at a church [n -ARIES] OUTPRAY to surpass in praying [v -ED, -ING, -S] PARABLE a simple story conveying a moral or religious lesson [n -S] PASCHAL a candle used in certain religious ceremonies [n -S] PENATES the Roman gods of the household [n] PHOEBUS the sun, APOLLO [n -ES] PHOENIX a mythical bird [n -ES] PIETISM {piety=n} [n -S] PIETIST a pious person [n -S] PILLORY to expose to public ridicule or abuse [v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES] PIOSITY an excessive show of piety [n -TIES] PISCINA a basin used in certain church ceremonies [n -NAE or -NAS] : PISCINAL [adj] PONTIFF a pope or bishop [n -S] PRAISER one that {praises=v} [n -S] PREACHY tending to preach [adj PREACHIER, PREACHIEST] PREBEND a clergyman's stipend [n -S] PRECENT to lead a church choir in singing [v -ED, -ING, -S] PRELATE a high-ranking clergyman [n -S] : PRELATIC [adj] PRESTER a priest [n -S] PSALMIC of or pertaining to a psalm [adj] PSALTER a book of psalms [n -S] PSALTRY {psaltery=n} [n -TRIES] PURITAN a rigorously moral or religious person [n -S] QABALAH {cabala=n} [n -S] : CABALA CABBALA CABBALAH KABALA KABBALA KABBALAH QABALA QABALAH RABBONI master; teacher -- used as a Jewish title of respect [n -S] RECTORY a rector's dwelling [n -RIES] REREDOS an ornamental screen behind an altar [n -ES] RETABLE a raised shelf above an altar [n -S] SACRING the consecration of bread and wine of the Eucharist [n -S] SACRIST a person in charge of a sacristy [n -S] SANCTUM a sacred place [n -TUMS or -TA] SANDMAN a mythical person who makes children sleepy by sprinkling sand in their eyes [n SANDMEN] SANTERA a priestess of santeria [n -S] SANTERO a priest of santeria [n -ROS] SATYRID a brownish butterfly [n -S] SHAITAN an evil spirit [n -S] SHAMMAS {shammes=n} [n -MASIM] : SHAMAS SHAMES SHAMMAS SHAMMASH SHAMMES SHAMMOS SHAMOS SHAMMES a minor official of a synagogue [n -MOSIM] : SHAMAS SHAMES SHAMMAS SHAMMASH SHAMMES SHAMMOS SHAMOS SHAMMOS {shammes=n} [n -MOSIM] : SHAMAS SHAMES SHAMMAS SHAMMASH SHAMMES SHAMMOS SHAMOS SHEGETZ a non-Jewish boy or young man -- an offensive term [n SHKOTZIM] SHOPHAR {shofar=n} [n -PHARS or -PHROTH] SILENUS a woodland deity of Greek mythology [n -NI] SORCERY alleged use of supernatural powers [n -CERIES] SPECTER a visible disembodied spirit [n -S] SPECTRE {specter=n} [n -S] STARETS a spiritual adviser in the Eastern Orthodox Church [n STARTSY] STEEPLE a tapering structure on a church tower [n -S] : STEEPLED [adj] STYLITE an early Christian ascetic [n -S] : STYLITIC [adj] SUBCULT a subdivision of a cult [n -S] SYNAGOG a building for Jewish worship [n -S] TALARIA winged sandals worn by various figures of classical mythology [n] TALLITH a Jewish prayer shawl [n TALLITHS, TALLITHES, TALLITHIM, TALLITOTH, TALEYSIM, or TALLAISIM] TAPERER one that carries a candle in a religious procession [n -S] THEOLOG a student of theology [n -S] TITHING the act of levying tithes [n -S] TRIDUUM a period of three days of prayer [n -S] TSADDIK {zaddik=n} [n -DIKIM] : TSADDIK TZADDIK ZADDICK ZADDIK (plurals -IKIM only) TUNICLE a type of {vestment=n} [n -S] TZADDIK {zaddik=n} [n -DIKIM] : TSADDIK TZADDIK ZADDICK ZADDIK (plurals -IKIM only) TZITZIS {zizith=n} [n] : TZITZIS TZITZIT TZITZITH ZIZIT ZIZITH TZITZIT {zizith=n} [n] : TZITZIS TZITZIT TZITZITH ZIZIT ZIZITH UNFAITH lack of faith [n -S] UNGODLY {impious=adj} [adj -LIER, -LIEST] UNICORN a mythical horselike creature [n -S] UNMITER to depose from the rank of bishop [v -ED, -ING, -S] UNMITRE to {unmiter=v} [v -TRED, -TRING, -TRES] VOUDOUN {vodun=n} [n -S] : VODOU VODOUN VODUN VOODOO VOUDON VOUDOUN WAKANDA a supernatural force in Sioux beliefs [n -S] : WAHCONDA WARLOCK a {sorcerer=n} [n -S] WINDIGO an evil demon in Algonquian mythology [n -GOS] WORSHIP to honor and love as a divine being [v -SHIPED, -SHIPING, -SHIPS, -SHIPPED, -SHIPPING, -SHIPS] YAMALKA {yarmulke=n} [n -S] : YAMALKA YAMULKA YARMELKE YARMULKE YAMULKA {yarmulke=n} [n -S] : YAMALKA YAMULKA YARMELKE YARMULKE YESHIVA an orthodox Jewish school [n -VAS, -VOT, or -VOTH] : YESHIVAH(s) ZADDICK {zaddik=n} [n -DIKIM] : TSADDIK TZADDIK ZADDICK ZADDIK (plurals -IKIM only) ZIKURAT {ziggurat=n} [n -S] : ZIGGURAT ZIKKURAT ZIKURAT ZOMBIFY to turn into a zombie [v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES] ADVOWSON the right of presenting a nominee to a vacant church office [n -S] AGNOSTIC one who disclaims any knowledge of God [n -S] ALLELUIA a song of praise to God [n -S] AMBROSIA the food of the Greek and Roman gods [n -S] ANTICULT a group opposed to cults [n -S] ANTIDORA holy breads [n] ANTIPHON a psalm or hymn sung responsively [n -S] ANTIPOPE one claiming to be pope in opposition to the one chosen by church law [n -S] APOSTACY {apostasy=n} [n -CIES] APOSTASY an abandonment of one's faith or principles [n -SIES] APOSTATE one who commits apostasy [n -S] AQUARIAN a member of the old sects that used water rather than wine in religious ceremonies [n -S] ASPERGES a Roman Catholic rite [n ASPERGES] AYURVEDA a Hindu system of medicine [n -S] BAPTIZER a {baptist=n} [n -S] BEADSMAN one who prays for another [n BEADSMEN] BEJABERS {bejesus=interj} [interj] : BEJABERS BEJESUS BEJEEZUS BEJEEZUS {bejesus=interj} [interj] : BEJABERS BEJESUS BEJEEZUS BETHESDA a {chapel=n} [n -S] BIBLICAL [adj] : BIBLICALLY BLESSING a {prayer=n} [n -S] BREVIARY a prayer book [n -RIES] BOTANICA a shop that sells herbs and magic charms [n -S] CABALISM adherence to a cabala [n -S] CABALIST one who practices cabalism [n -S] CABBALAH {cabala=n} [n -S] : CABALA CABBALA CABBALAH KABALA KABBALA KABBALAH QABALA QABALAH CANTRAIP {cantrip=n} [n -S] : CANTRAP CANTRIP CANTRAIP CARDINAL a church official; a bright red bird [n -S] CARRITCH a religious handbook [n -ES] CATHEDRA a bishop's throne [n -DRAS or -DRAE] CATHOLIC a member of the early Christian church [n -S] CELLARER the steward of a monastery [n -S] CENOBITE a member of a religious order [n -S] CHAPLAIN a clergyman attached to a chapel [n -S] CHASTISE to discipline by punishment [v -TISED, -TISING, -TISES] CHASTITY moral purity [n -TIES] CHASUBLE a sleeveless vestment [n -S] CHERUBIM [n -S] CHILIASM a religious doctrine [n -S] CHILIAST a supporter of chiliasm [n -S] CHOIRBOY a boy who sings in a choir (a body of church singers) [n -BOYS] CHRISMON a Christian monogram [n -MA or -MONS] CHRISTEN to {baptise=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] CHRISTIE {christy=n} [n -S] CHTHONIC pertaining to the gods of the underworld [adj] CHURCHLY pertaining to a church [adj -LIER, -LIEST] CIBORIUM a vessel for holding holy bread [n -RIA] CLERICAL a {cleric=n} [n -S] COMPLINE the last liturgical prayer of the day [n -S] : COMPLIN(s) CONJURER a {sorcerer=n} [n -S] CONVERSO a Jew who converted to Christianity [n -SOS] CREDENDA articles of faith [n] CRUCIFIX a cross bearing an image of Christ [n -ES] CRUSADER one that {crusades=v} [n -S] CULTLIKE resembling a {cult=n} [adj] DALMATIC a wide-sleeved vestment [n -S] DECENARY a {tithing=n} [n -RIES] DEVILISH {fiendish=adj} [adj] DEVILKIN a small demon [n -S] DEVILTRY {mischief=n} [n -TRIES] : DEVILRY DIABLERY {sorcery=n} [n -RIES] DIABOLIC {devilish=adj} [adj] DIOCESAN a bishop [n -S] DITHEISM belief in two coequal gods [n -S] DITHEIST an adherent of ditheism [n -S] DOCTRINE a belief or set of beliefs taught or advocated [n -S] DOUZEPER one of twelve legendary knights [n -S] DOXOLOGY a hymn or verse of praise to God [n -GIES] DRUIDESS a female {druid=n} [n -ES] DRUIDISM the religious system of the druids [n -S] ENCYCLIC a letter addressed by the pope to the bishops of the world [n -S] ENSHRINE to place in a shrine [v -SHRINED, -SHRINING, -SHRINES] ENSORCEL to {bewitch=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] EPIPHANY an appearance of a deity [n -NIES] EVENSONG an evening prayer service [n -S] EXORCISE to free of an evil spirit [v -CISED, -CISING, -CISES] EXORCISM the act of exorcising [n -S] EXORCIST one who practices exorcism [n -S] EXORCIZE to {exorcise=v} [v -CIZED, -CIZING, -CIZES] FAITHFUL a loyal follower or member [n -S] FERETORY a receptacle in which sacred relics are kept [n -RIES] GALLICAN pertaining to a French religious movement [adj] GEMATRIA a cabalistic method of interpreting the Scriptures [n -S] GLORIOLE a halo [n -S] GODCHILD one whom a person sponsors at baptism [n -CHILDREN] GRAMARYE occult learning; magic [n -S] HABDALAH a Jewish ceremony [n -S] HAFTARAH {haphtara=n} [n -S, HAFTAROT or HAFTAROTH] : HAFTARA HAFTARAH HAFTORAH HAPHTARA HAPHTARAH (plurals: -S, -ROT, -ROTH; also, HAFTOROS) HAFTORAH {haphtara=n} [n -S, HAFTOROS, HAFTOROT, or HAFTOROTH] : HAFTARA HAFTARAH HAFTORAH HAPHTARA HAPHTARAH (plurals: -S, -ROT, -ROTH; also, HAFTOROS) HAGADIST a haggadic scholar [n -S] HAGGADAH a biblical narrative [n -DAHS, -DOT or -DOTH] : HAGGADIC [adj] HALAKHAH {halacha=n} [n -KHAHS or -KHOTH or -KHOT] : HALAKHIC [adj] HALAKIST a halakic writer [n -S] HALOLIKE resembling a halo [adj] HAPHTARA a biblical selection [n -S, HAPHTAROT or HAPHTAROTH] : HAFTARA HAFTARAH HAFTORAH HAPHTARA HAPHTARAH (plurals: -S, -ROT, -ROTH; also, HAFTOROS) HEGUMENE the head of a nunnery [n -S] HEGUMENY the office of a hegumen [n -NIES] HERCULES any man of great size and strength [n -LESES], adj. HERCULEAN HIERARCH a religious leader [n -S] HIERATIC pertaining to priests [adj] HIERURGY a rite of worship [n -GIES] HOLINESS the state of being holy [n -ES] HOLYTIDE a time of religious observance [n -S] HOSANNAH used to express praise to God [interj] IDOLATER one that worships idols [n -S] IDOLATOR {idolater=n} [n -S] IDOLATRY the worship of idols [n -TRIES] INSHRINE to {enshrine=v} [v -SHRINED, -SHRINING, -SHRINES] INSPIRIT to fill with spirit or life [v -ED, -ING, -S] ISAGOGIC a branch of theology [n -S] JESUITRY an unethical principle or practice -- usually used disparagingly [n -RIES] KABALISM {cabalism=n} [n -S] KABALIST {cabalist=n} [n -S] KABBALAH {cabala=n} [n -S] : CABALA CABBALA CABBALAH KABALA KABBALA KABBALAH QABALA QABALAH KASHRUTH the Jewish dietary laws [n -S] KATCHINA {kachina=n} [n -S] LAMASERY a monastery of lamas [n -SERIES] LECHAYIM {lehayim=n} [n -S] LEGENDRY a collection of legends [n -RIES] LOCUTORY a room in a monastery [n -RIES] MADRASAH {madrassa=n} [n -S] MADRASSA a Muslim school [n -S] MAGICIAN one skilled in magic [n -S] MARTYRLY resembling a martyr [adj] MASHGIAH an inspector of kosher establishments [n -GIHIM] : MASHGIACH MECHITZA a partition separating men and women in a synagogue [n -TZAS or -TZOT] MISERERE a part of a church seat [n -S] MISFAITH lack of faith; disbelief [n -S] MONACHAL pertaining to {monks=n} [adj] MONASTIC a {monk=n} [n -S] MONKHOOD the state of being a monk [n -S] MOZZETTA a hooded cape worn by bishops [n -TAS or -TE] MYSTAGOG a teacher of religious mysteries [n -S] MYSTICAL spiritually significant or symbolic [adj] MYSTICLY in a mystical manner [adv] MYSTIQUE an aura of mystery or mystical power surrounding a particular person or thing [n -S] MYTHICAL based on or described in a myth [adj] OBEAHISM the use of obeah [n -S] OBLATION the act of making a religious offering [n -S] : OBLATORY [adj] OCCULTER one that {occults=v} [n -S] OCCULTLY {secretly=adv} [adv] ORTHODOX one holding traditional beliefs [n -ES] OVERHOLY too holy [adj] PAGANDOM the realm of pagans [n -S] PAGANISE to {paganize=v} [v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES] PAGANISH resembling a {pagan=n} [adj] PAGANISM an irreligious attitude [n -S] PAGANIST a {pagan=n} [n -S] PAGANIZE to make irreligious [v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES] PANTHEON a temple dedicated to all the gods [n -S] PAPISTRY the Roman Catholic religion -- usually used disparagingly [n -RIES] PARAMENT an ornamental vestment [n -MENTS or -MENTA] PARASHAH a portion of the Torah read on the Sabbath [n -SHAHS or -SHOTH or -SHOT or -SHIOTH] PARCLOSE a screen dividing areas in a church [n -S] PASSOVER the lamb eaten at the feast of a Jewish holiday [n -S] PASTORLY befitting a pastor (a spiritual overseer) [adj] PHALLISM worship of the phallus as symbolic of nature's creative power [n -S] PHALLIST one who practices phallism [n -S] PHELONIA liturgical vestments [n] PONTIFEX an ancient Roman priest [n -FICES] PONTIFIC pertaining to a pope or bishop [adj] PREDELLA the base of an altarpiece [n -S] PRIESTLY characteristic of or befitting a priest [adj -LIER, -LIEST] PRIEDIEU a piece of furniture for kneeling on during prayer [n -DIEUS or -DIEUX] PRIORATE the office of a prior [n -S] PRIORESS a nun corresponding in rank to a prior [n -ES] PROPYLON an entrance to a temple [n -LA] PSALMIST a writer of psalms [n -S] PSALMODY the use of psalms in worship [n -DIES] PSALTERY an ancient stringed musical instrument [n -TERIES] QUIETISM a form of religious mysticism [n -S] QUIETIST an advocate of {quietism=n} [n -S] RABBINIC pertaining to {rabbis=n} [adj] RELIGION the worship of a god or the supernatural [n -S] RESPONSA written rabbinic decisions [n] REVEREND a clergyman [n -S] REVERENT deeply respectful [adj] SACRARIA ancient Roman shrines [n]: SACRARIUM, SACRARIAL SACRISTY a room in which sacred vessels and vestments are kept [n -TIES] SANCTIFY to make {holy=adj} [v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES] SANCTITY {holiness=n} [n -TIES] SANNYASI a Hindu monk [n -S] SANTERIA a religion of the Caribbean region [n -S] SATANISM worship of the powers of evil [n -S] SATANIST one who practices satanism [n -S] SEDILIUM {sedile=n} [n -LIA] SEMINARY a school for the training of priests, ministers, or rabbis [n -NARIES] SEMITIST one who favors Jewish interests [n -S] SERAPHIM {seraph=n} [n -S] SHADCHAN a Jewish marriage broker [n -CHANIM or -CHANS] SHAMMASH {shammes=n} [n -MASHIM] : SHAMAS SHAMES SHAMMAS SHAMMASH SHAMMES SHAMMOS SHAMOS SIMONIAC one who practices simony [n -S] : SIMONIST(s) SIMONIST a {simoniac=n} [n -S] SORCERER one who practices sorcery [n -S] SOULLESS [adj] SOULLIKE [adj] SOULMATE a person with whom one is perfectly suited [n -S] STEGODON an extinct elephant-like mammal [n -S] SURPLICE a loose-fitting vestment [n -S] TALISMAN an object believed to possess magical powers [n -S] TALMUDIC pertaining to the body of Jewish civil and religious law [adj] TANTRISM a school of Buddhism incorporating Hindu and pagan elements [n -S] TENEBRAE a religious service [n] TEOCALLI an Aztec temple [n -S] THEARCHY rule by a god [n -CHIES] THEOCRAT a person who rules as a representative of a god [n -S] THEODICY a defense of God's goodness in respect to the existence of evil [n -CIES] THEOGONY an account of the origin of the gods [n -NIES] THEOLOGY the study of religion [n -GIES] THEONOMY rule by a god [n -MIES] THURIBLE a {censer=n} [n -S] THURIFER one who carries a thurible in a religious ceremony [n -S] TITANESS a female {titan=n} [n -ES] TITANISM revolt against social conventions [n -S] TITHABLE subject to the payment of tithes [adj] TRADITOR a traitor among the early Christians [n -ES] TRANSEPT a major transverse part of the body of a church [n -S] TRIFORIA galleries in a church [n] TZITZITH {zizith=n} [n] : TZITZIS TZITZIT TZITZITH ZIZIT ZIZITH UNCHURCH to expel from a church [v -ED, -ING, -ES] UNDERGOD a lesser god [n -S] UNKOSHER not kosher [adj] VALKYRIE a maiden in Norse mythology [n -S] : VALKYR VALKYRIE WALKYRIE VERONICA a handkerchief bearing the image of Christ's face [n -S] VESPERAL a covering for an altar cloth [n -S] VESTMENT one of the ceremonial garments of the clergy [n -S], VESTMENTAL VIZIRATE the office of a vizir [n -S] VIZIRIAL [adj] WAHCONDA {wakanda=n} [n -S] WALKYRIE {valkyrie=n} [n -S] : VALKYR VALKYRIE WALKYRIE WITCHERY {sorcery=n} [n -ERIES] WITCHING {sorcery=n} [n -S] WIZARDLY [adj] WIZARDRY {sorcery=n} [n -RIES] YARMELKE {yarmulke=n} [n -S] : YAMALKA YAMULKA YARMELKE YARMULKE YARMULKE a skullcap worn by Jewish males [n -S] : YAMALKA YAMULKA YARMELKE YARMULKE YESHIVAH {yeshiva=n} [n -S] ZIGGURAT an ancient Babylonian temple tower [n -S] : ZIGGURAT ZIKKURAT ZIKURAT ZIKKURAT {ziggurat=n} [n -S] : ZIGGURAT ZIKKURAT ZIKURAT ZOMBIISM the system of beliefs connected with a West African snake god [n -S] ZOOLATER one that worships animals [n -S] ZOOLATRY the worship of animals [n -TRIES] ANTIPAPAL APHRODITE [n -S] ARCHANGEL [n -S] ASPERGILL [n -S] : ASPERGILLUM(s) ASPERGILLA ASTROLOGY [n -GIES] : ASTROLOGICAL, ASTROLOGER(s) BAPTISTRY [n -TRIES] : BAPTISTERY BEWITCHER [n -S] BIBLICISM [n -S] BIBLICIST [n -S] BISHOPRIC [n -S] BLASPHEME [v -MED -MES -MING] : BLASPHEMER(s) BLASPHEMOUS BLASPHEMY [n -MIES] CATHEDRAL [n -S] CHURCHING ritual performed on women after childbirth [n -S] CHURCHMAN [n CHURCHMEN] CLERGYMAN [n CLERGYMEN] CONFITEOR a general confession of sin [n -S] CONVERTER [n -S] : CONVERTOR(s) CONVERTOR [n -S] : CONVERTER(s) CULTISHLY DAREDEVIL [n -S] DEVILFISH [n -ES] DEVILMENT [n -S] DEVILWOOD [n -S] DOGMATICS [n -S] DOGMATISM [n -S] DOGMATIST [n -S] DOGMATIZE [v -ED, -ING, -S] ECCLESIAL [adj] : ECCLESIAL ECCLESIASTIC ECCLESIASTICAL ENSHRINEE [n -S] FAITHLESS GODFATHER [v -ED, -ING, -S] GODLESSLY GODLINESS [n -ES] GODMOTHER [v -ED, -ING, -S] GODPARENT [n -S] HAPHTARAH [n -S] : HAFTARA HAFTARAH HAFTORAH HAPHTARA HAPHTARAH (plurals: -S, -ROT, -ROTH; also, HAFTOROS) HAGGADIST a haggadic scholar [n -S] HAGGADOTH [n] HEGUMENOS [n -ES] IMPIOUSLY JESUITISM [n -S] KABBALISM [n -S] KABBALIST [n -S] LEGENDARY LEGENDIZE [v -ZED, -ZING, -S] LITURGICS LITURGISM [n -S] LITURGIST [n -S] MAGICALLY MARTYRDOM MARTYRIZE [v -ZED, -ZING, -S] MASHGIACH (mashgiah=n) [n MASHGICHIM] MONASTERY [n -RIES] MONKISHLY MONKSHOOD a flowering plant [n -S] MONSIGNOR honorific for official of the catholic church [n -RI or -RS], MONSIGNORIAL MULLAHISM [n -S] MYSTICISM [n -S] MYSTIFIER [n -S] MYTHICIZE [v -ED, -ING, -S] MYTHMAKER [n -S] MYTHOLOGY [n -GIES] MYTHOPEIC NONCHURCH NONKOSHER [n -S] NONSACRED NYMPHALID [n -S] NYMPHETIC NYMPHETTE [n -S] OCCULTISM [n -S] OCCULTIST [n -S] ORTHODOXY [n -XIES] PARANYMPH [n -S] PIOUSNESS [n -ES] PRAYERFUL PRIESTESS [n -ES] PRIORSHIP [n -S] PROCHURCH PSALMBOOK [n -S] PSALTERIA pl. PSALTERIUM RABBINATE [n -S] RABBINISM [n -S] REBAPTIZE [v -TIZED, -TIZING, -TIZES] RECONVERT [v -ED, -ING, -S] RECTORATE [n -S] : RECTORIAL RELIGIOSE RELIGIOUS [adj] : RELIGIOUSLY RELIQUARY [n -RIES] SACRALIZE [v -ZED -ZES -ZING] SACRAMENT [n -S] SACRARIUM [n SACRARIA] : SACRARIAL SACRIFICE [v -ED, -ING, -S] SACRISTAN officer in charge of the sacristy [n -S] SACRILEGE [n -S] SATURNIID [n -S] SATURNINE SATURNISM [n -S] SATYRICAL SATYRLIKE SEMIPIOUS SORCERESS a female {sorcerer=n} [n -ES] SORCEROUS SPIRITISM [n -S] SPIRITIST [n -S] SPIRITOSO SPIRITOUS SPIRITUAL [n -S] SPIRITUEL SYNAGOGAL SYNAGOGUE [n -S] TALMUDISM [n -S] THEOGONIC THEOLOGIC THEOLOGUE [n -S] THEOPHANY [n -NIES] THEOSOPHY [n -PHIES] TIERCERON [n -S] VESTRYMAN [n VESTRYMEN] VIZIERATE the office of a vizier [n -S] VIZIERIAL VOODOOISM [n -S] VOODOOIST [n -S], VOODOOISTIC WITCHHOOD [n -S] WITCHLIKE WITCHWEED [n -S] WORSHIPER [n -S] ALTARPIECE [n -S] ANTECHAPEL [n -S] ANTICHURCH ARCHBISHOP [n -S] ARCHDEACON [n -S] ARCHPRIEST [n -S] ASCETICISM [n -S] ASTROLOGER [n -S] BAPTISTERY [n -TERIES] : BAPTISTRY BEWITCHERY [n -RIES] BLASPHEMER [n -S] CAMERLENGO a cardinal appointed treasurer of vatican [n -GOS] CATECHUMEN one receiving instruction in catechism, preparing for baptism [n -S] CATHOLICON [n -S] CATHOLICOS [n -ES or CATHOLICOI] CHERUBLIKE CHURCHGOER [n -S] CHURCHLESS CHURCHYARD [n -S] COLPORTAGE [n -S] COLPORTEUR [n -S] CONSECRATE [v -ED, -ING, -S] : CONSECRATOR CONVERSION [n -S] DEVILISHLY DOGMATICAL DOGMATIZER [n -S] ERGODICITY [n -CITIES] FAITHFULLY HENOTHEISM [n -S] HENOTHEIST [n -S] HOMOOUSIAN [n -S] : HOMOIOUSIAN IDOLATROUS INTERFAITH IRRELIGION [n -S] JESUITICAL JESUITICALLY LEPRECHAUN [n -S] : LEPRECHAUNISH LITURGICAL MAGNIFICAT [n -S] MYSTAGOGUE [n -S] MYSTERIOUS MYSTICALLY MYTHICALLY MYTHICIZER [n -S] MYTHMAKING [n -S] MYTHOLOGER [n -S] MYTHOLOGIC MYTHOMANIA [n -S] MYTHOPOEIA [n -S] MYTHOPOEIC NONASCETIC NUNCIATURE [n -S] NYMPHOLEPT [n -S] adj. -LEPTIC ORTHODOXLY PRIESTHOOD [n -S] PSALTERIUM RABBINICAL RECHRISTEN [v -ED, -ING, -S] RECTORSHIP [n -S] SACREDNESS [n -ES] SACRIFICER [n -S] SACROSANCT SATURNALIA [n -S], SATURNALIAN SATYRIASIS [n -SES] SEMISACRED SHIBBOLETH a widely held belief or truism, a catch phrase [n -S] SPIRITLESS SPIRITUOUS THEOCRATIC THEOLOGIAN [n -S] THEOLOGISE [v -ED, -ING, -S] THEOLOGIZE [v -ED, -ING, -S] THEONOMOUS THEOPHANIC UNBAPTIZED UNCHURCHLY UNDOGMATIC UNFAITHFUL UNORTHODOX VIZIERSHIP [n -S] WITCHCRAFT [n -S] WITCHGRASS [n -ES] WORSHIPFUL WORSHIPPER [n -S] ZOMBIELIKE ZYGODACTYL having toes in pairs opposite each other (as in some birds) ARCHDIOCESE [n -S] : ARCHDIOCESAN ASCETICALLY ASPERGILLUM [n -LA or -LUMS] BEDEVILMENT [n -S] BEWITCHMENT [n -S] BLASPHEMOUS : BLASPHEMOUSLY, BLASPHEMOUSNESS BODHISATTVA [n -S] CALEFACTORY [n -IES] CARDINALATE office of a cardinal [n -S] CATHOLICATE [n -S] CATHOLICITY [n -CITIES] CATHOLICIZE [v -ED, -ING, -S] CHRISMATION [n -S] CHRISTENING [n -S] CHRISTIANIA [n -S] CHURCHGOING [n -S] CHURCHWOMAN [n CHURCHWOMEN] CLERGYWOMAN [n CLERGYWOMEN] CLERICALISM [n -S] CLERICALIST [n -S] CONSECRATOR [n -S] CONVENTICLE [n -S] : CONVENTICLER(s) CONVERTIBLE [n -S] : CONVERTIBLY, CONVERTIBILITY, CONVERTIBLENESS COUNTERMYTH [n -S] CREATIONISM [n -S] CREATIONIST [n -S] CULTISHNESS [n -ES] DAREDEVILRY [n -RIES] DEMIGODDESS [n -ES] EUCHARISTIC FAITHLESSLY GODDAMNDEST : GODDAMNEDEST GODDAUGHTER [n -S] GODFORSAKEN GODLESSNESS [n -ES] GODLIKENESS [n -ES] HOMOIOUSIAN [n -S] : HOMOOUSIAN INTERCHURCH INTERNUNCIO [n -S] INTERPARISH IRRELIGIOUS [adj] : IRRELIGIOUSLY LEGENDARILY MARTYROLOGY [n -GIES] MONSEIGNEUR (monsignor) [n pl. MESSEIGNEURS] MYTHOGRAPHY [n -PHIES] MYTHOLOGIST [n -S] MYTHOLOGIZE [v -ED, -ING, -S] MYTHOMANIAC [n -S] MYTHOPOETIC NEOORTHODOX NONDOGMATIC NONMYSTICAL NONORTHODOX NYMPHOLEPSY [n -PSIES] NYMPHOMANIA [n -S] OCCULTATION [n -S] PARISHIONER [n -S] PRAYERFULLY PREACHINESS [n -ES] PROTOMARTYR [n -S] RELIGIONIST [n -S] RELIGIOSITY [n -TIES] SPIRITISTIC SPIRITUALLY SPIRITUALTY SPIRITUELLE SUPERCHURCH [n -ES] THEOCENTRIC THEOLOGICAL THEOLOGIZER [n -S] THEOSOPHIST [n -S] UNCHRISTIAN UNCONVERTED UNGODLINESS [n -ES] UNORTHODOXY [n -XIES] UNSPIRITUAL VOODOOISTIC WORSHIPLESS ANTIDOGMATIC ANTIRELIGION ARCHDEACONRY [n -RIES] ARCHDIOCESAN ASTROLOGICAL : ASTROLOGICALLY BEWITCHINGLY CARDINALSHIP office of a cardinal [n -S] CATHOLICALLY CHERUBICALLY CHURCHIANITY [n -TIES] CHURCHLINESS [n -ES] CHURCHWARDEN [n -S] CONSECRATION [n -S] CONSECRATIVE CONSECRATORY CONVENTICLER [n -S] DAREDEVILTRY [n -RIES] DECONSECRATE [v -ED, -ING, -S] DEVILISHNESS [n -ES] DOGMATICALLY ECCLESIASTIC [adj] : ECCLESIAL ECCLESIASTIC ECCLESIASTICAL ENSHRINEMENT [n -S] FAITHFULNESS [n -ES] GODDAMNEDEST : GODDAMNDEST IDOLATROUSLY INTERCONVERT [v -ED, -ING, -S] : INCONVERTIBLE, INCONVERTIBLY INTERNUNCIAL JESUITICALLY LITURGICALLY LITURGIOLOGY [n -GIES] MONSIGNORIAL MYSTERIOUSLY MYSTIFYINGLY MYTHOGRAPHER [n -S] MYTHOLOGICAL MYTHOLOGIZER [n -S] NEOORTHODOXY [n -XIES] NONRELIGIOUS NYMPHOMANIAC [n -S] PRIESTLINESS [n -ES] PROCATHEDRAL [n -S] PROCESSIONAL [n -S] : PROCESSIONALLY RABBINICALLY RECONSECRATE [v -ED, -ING, -S] RECONVERSION [n -S] SEMIMYSTICAL SERAPHICALLY SPIRITLESSLY SPIRITUALISM [n -S] SPIRITUALIST [n -S] SPIRITUALITY [n -TIES] SPIRITUALIZE [v -ED, -ING, -S] THEOCENTRISM [n -S] THEOCRATICAL THEOSOPHICAL UNCHRISTENED UNFAITHFULLY UNORTHODOXLY WORSHIPFULLY ANTIRELIGIOUS ARCHBISHOPRIC [n -S] CHURCHMANSHIP [n -S] CONFRATERNITY [n -TIES] CONVERTAPLANE [n -S] : CONVERTIPLANE(s) CONVERTIPLANE [n -S] : CONVERTAPLANE(s) CORELIGIONIST [n -S] DEMYTHOLOGIZE [v -ED, -ING, -S] DOGMATIZATION [n -S] FAITHLESSNESS [n -ES] INSPIRATIONAL INSPIRITINGLY IRRELIGIONIST [n -S] MARTYRIZATION [n -S] MARTYROLOGIST [n -S] MYSTIFICATION [n -S] MYTHOPOETICAL NONCHURCHGOER [n -S] PRAYERFULNESS [n -ES] RELIGIOUSNESS [n -ES] REMYTHOLOGIZE [v -ED, -ING, -S] SATURNALIANLY SEMILEGENDARY SEMIRELIGIOUS SPIRITUALNESS [n -ES] SUPERMINISTER [n -S] THEOLOGICALLY ULTRAORTHODOX UNCONSECRATED ZOMBIFICATION [n -S] ZYGODACTYLOUS ARCHIEPISCOPAL DECONSECRATION [n -S] DEMYTHOLOGIZER [n -S] DESPIRITUALIZE [v -ED, -ING, -S] DOGMATICALNESS DOGMATIZATIONS ECCLESIASTICAL [adj] : ECCLESIAL ECCLESIASTIC ECCLESIASTICAL IDOLATROUSNESS [n -ES] INTERRELIGIOUS LITURGIOLOGIST [n -S] MULTIRELIGIOUS MYSTERIOUSNESS MYTHOLOGICALLY NONCONVERTIBLE NONTHEOLOGICAL NYMPHOMANIACAL OMPHALOSKEPSIS [n -SKEPSES] RECONSECRATION [n -S] RESPIRITUALIZE [v -ED, -ING, -S] SOCIORELIGIOUS SPIRITLESSNESS SPIRITUALISTIC UNDOGMATICALLY UNFAITHFULNESS WORSHIPFULNESS BLASPHEMOUSNESS OLIGODENDROCYTE OLIGODENDROGLIA * List compiled from OWL2 + Long List by Rebecca Slivka