* PLACES: Cities, Regions and Countries * (see also NAMES) JAVA {coffee=n} [n -S] JURA JUS a legal right [n JURA] ARLES money paid to bind a bargain [n] CHILE {chili=n} [n -S] CHINA fine porcelain ware [n -S] CONGO an eellike amphibian [n -GOES] / {congou=n} [n -GOS] GENOA a triangular sail [n -S] GREEK something unintelligible [n GREEK] JAPAN to coat with a glossy, black lacquer [v -PANNED, -PANNING, -PANS] : JAPANNER(s) JAPANIZE MECCA a place visited by many people [n -S] PARIS a European herb [n -ISES] ROUEN any of a breed of domestic ducks [n -S] SODOM a place notorious for vice and corruption [n -S] TEXAS the uppermost structure on a steamboat [n -ES] TONGA a light cart used in India [n -S] ZAIRE a monetary unit of Zaire [n -S] AFGHAN a woolen blanket or shawl [n -S] ALASKA a heavy fabric [n -S] ARCTIC a warm, waterproof overshoe [n -S] BETHEL a holy place [n -S] BOSTON a card game [n -S] BRASIL {brazil=n} [n -S] BRAZIL a {dyewood=n} [n -S] : BRASIL CYPRUS {cypress=n} [n -ES] FRENCH to cut into thin strips before cooking [v -ED, -ING, -ES] GAMBIA {gambier=n} [n -S] : GAMBIA GAMBIER GAMBIR GERMAN an elaborate dance [n -S] GUINEA a former British coin [n -S] JERSEY a close-fitting knitted shirt [n -SEYS] : JERSEYED [adj] JORDAN a type of container [n -S] MADRAS a cotton fabric [n -ES] MEDINA the native quarter of a North African city [n -S] OXFORD a type of {shoe=n} [n -S] PANAMA a lightweight hat [n -S] RIALTO a marketplace [n -TOS] SAXONY a woolen fabric [n -NIES] SHERPA a soft fabric for linings [n -S] THEBES [n] TOLEDO a finely tempered sword [n -DOS] TURKEY a large American bird [n -KEYS] WARSAW a marine fish [n -S] BOLIVIA a soft fabric [n -S] CYPRESS a thin fabric [n -ES] ENGLISH to cause a billiard ball to spin around its vertical axis [v -ED, -ING, -ES] GERMANE {relevant=adj} [adj], GERMANELY HOLLAND a cotton fabric [n -S] KASHMIR {cashmere=n} [n -S] : CASHMERE CASIMERE CASIMIRE CASSIMERE KASHMIR MOROCCO a soft leather [n -COS] SALINAS [n] : SALINA a pond, marsh, or lake containing salt water [n -S] TOPONYM the name of a place [n -S] : TOPONYMIC, TOPONYMIST(s), TOPONYMY BALMORAL a type of {shoe=n} [n -S] BERMUDAS knee-length walking shorts [n] BETHESDA a {chapel=n} [n -S] BORDEAUX a red or white wine [n BORDEAUX] COLORADO of medium strength and color -- used of cigars [adj] EGYPTIAN a typeface with squared serifs [n -S] FLORENCE {florin=n} [n -S] GALLOWAY a breed of hornless cattle [n -WAYS] GERMANIC containing germanium (a metallic element) [adj] GOLGOTHA a place of burial [n -S] GUERNSEY a woolen shirt [n -SEYS] JAPANIZE to make Japanese [v -NIZED, -NIZING, -NIZES] JAPANNER one that {japans=v} [n -S] KLONDIKE a card game [n -S] LABRADOR a hunting dog [n -S] SHANGHAI to kidnap for service aboard a ship [v -ED, -ING, -S] SHETLAND a wool yarn [n -S] TOPONYMY the study of toponyms [n -MIES] VALENCIA a woven fabric [n -S] WATERLOO a decisive defeat [n -LOOS] BRITANNIA [n -S] : BRITTANIA BRITTANIA [n -S] : BRITANNIA FRANKFORT [n -S] : FRANKFURT FRANKFURT [n -S] : FRANKFORT, FRANKFURTER GERMANDER [n -S] GERMANIUM [n -S] GERMANIZE [v -ZED -ZES -ZING] MANHATTAN [n -S] MONADNOCK [n -S] SASKATOON [n -S] TOPONYMIC [adj] : TOPONYMICAL TOPONYMIST [n -S] GERMANIZATION [n -S] * List compiled from OWL2 + Long List by Rebecca Slivka