* NUMBERS * SUDOKU a puzzle involving the numbers 1 through 9 [n -S] (see also math.txt) MINUS a negative quantity [n -ES] NEGATIVE to {veto=v} [v -TIVED, -TIVING, -TIVES] : NEGATIVELY, NEGATIVISM NEGATIVIST NEGATIVITY NEGATIVISTIC NEGATIVENESS NIL {nothing=n} [n -S] NADA {nothing=n} [n -S] NONE one of seven canonical daily periods for prayer and devotion [n -S] NULL to reduce to nothing [v -ED, -ING, -S] ZERO to aim at the exact center of a target [v -ED, -ING, -ES or -S] AUGHT a zero [n -S] : NAUGHT NIHIL {nothing=n} [n -S] ZILCH {nothing=n} [n -ES] NAUGHT a zero [n -S] : AUGHT NUTHIN [n] REZERO to reset (a gauge) back to zero [v -ED, -ING, -ES or -S] ZEROTH being numbered zero in a series [adj] NONZERO having a value other than zero [adj] NOTHING the absence of all quantity or magnitude [n -S] SUBZERO registering less than zero [adj] NAETHING {nothing=n} [n -S] NIHILITY the state of being nothing [n -TIES] NOTHINGNESS [n -ES] POSITIVE {certain=adj} [adj -TIVER, -TIVEST] / a quantity greater than zero [n -S] NONNEGATIVE [adj] HALF one of two equal parts [n HALVES] HALVE to divide into two equal parts [v HALVED, HALVING, HALVES] QUARTERN one-fourth of something [n -S] MILLIONTH [n -S] BILLIONTH [n -S] TRILLIONTH [n -S] ZILLIONTH [adj] QUADRILLIONTH [n -S] QUINTILLIONTH [n -S] AE one [adj] UN one [pron -S] ANE {one=n} [n -S] ONE a number [n -S] ONCE one single time [n] FIRST something that precedes all others [n -S] PRIMA {primo=n} [n -S] PRIME to make {ready=adj} [v PRIMED, PRIMING, PRIMES] PRIMO the main part in a musical piece [n -MOS or -MI] LOONIE a coin worth one Canadian dollar [n -S] FIRSTLY before all others [adv] ONEFOLD constituting a single, undivided whole [adj] PREMIER a prime minister [n -S] PRIMACY the state of being first [n -CIES] PRIMARY a preliminary election [n -RIES] IMPRIMIS in the first place [adv] FIRSTLING [n -S] FIRSTNESS [n -ES] PRIMALITY PRIMARILY FIRSTFRUITS TWA {two=n} [n -S] : TWA TWAE TWO TWO a number [n TWOS] : TWA TWAE TWO BOTH being the two [adj] PAIR to arrange in sets of two [v -ED, -ING, -S] TWAE {two=n} [n -S] : TWA TWAE TWO BINAL twofold [adj] DUPLE having two parts or elements [adj] TWAIN a set of two [n -S] TWICE two times [adv] ATWAIN in two [adv] BINARY a combination of two things [n -RIES] BINATE growing in pairs [adj] : BINATELY [adv] DOUBLE to make twice as great [v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES] DOUBLY to twice the degree [adv] DUALLY in two ways [adv] SECOND to give support or encouragement to [v -ED, -ING, -S] : SECONDER(s) TOONIE a Canadian two-dollar coin [n -S] : TWOONIE(s) TWOFER something sold at the rate of two for the price of one [n -S] DUALISM a philosophical theory [n -S] DUALIST an adherent of dualism [n -S] DUALITY the state of being twofold [n -TIES] DUALIZE to make twofold [v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES] PAIRING a matching of two opponents in a tournament [n -S] RECOUPE divided twice [adj] SECONDE a position in fencing [n -S] SECONDO the lower part in a piano duet [n -DI] TWASOME {twosome=n} [n -S] TWOFOLD an amount twice as great as a given unit [n -S] TWOONIE {toonie=n} [n -S] TWOSOME a group of two [n -S] : TWASOME DIDYMOUS occurring in pairs [adj] SECONDEE a worker who is transferred to another job temporarily [n -S] SECONDER one that {seconds=v} [n -S] SECONDLY in the next place after the first [adv] TUPPENCE {twopence=n} [n -S] TUPPENNY {twopenny=adj} [adj] TWOPENCE a British coin worth two pennies [n -S] : TUPPENCE TWOPENNY worth twopence [adj] : TUPPENNY DUPLICATE to multiply by two [v -TED -TES -TING] SECONDARY [n -RIES] SECONDHAND SECONDMENT [n -S] SECONDARILY SECONDARINESS [n -ES] TREY a three in cards, dice, or dominoes [n TREYS] TRIO a group of three [n TRIOS] THIRD one of three equal parts [n -S] THREE a number [n -S] TRIAD a group of three [n -S] TROIS the number three [n TROIS] THRICE three times [adv] TRIFID divided into three parts [adj] TRINAL having three parts [adj] TRIPLE to make three times as great [v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES] TRIPLY in a triple degree, manner, or number [adv] TERNARY a group of three [n -RIES] TERNATE arranged in groups of three [adj] TERNION a group of three [n -S] TERTIAL a flight feather of a bird's wing [n -S] TERTIAN a recurrent fever [n -S] THIRDLY in the third place [adv] TIERCED divided into three equal parts [adj] TRIFOLD having three parts [adj] TRIFORM having three forms [adj] TRINARY consisting of three parts [adj] TRINITY a group of three [n -TIES] TRIPART divided into three parts [adj] TRIPLET a group of three of one kind [n -S] TRIPLEX an apartment having three floors [n -ES] TRISECT to divide into three equal parts [v -ED, -ING, -S] TERTIARY a {tertial=n} [n -ARIES] THIRDHAND THREEFOLD THREESOME [n -S] THREEPENCE [n -S] THREEPENNY THREESCORE TRIPLICATE to multiply by three [v -TED -TES -TING] FOUR a number [n -S] QUAD to space out by means of quadrats [v QUADDED, QUADDING, QUADS] FOURTH one of four equal parts [n -S] QUARTE a fencing thrust [n -S] QUARTO the size of a piece of paper cut four from a sheet [n -TOS] QUATRE the four at cards or dice [n -S] TETRAD a group of four [n -S] : TETRADIC [adj] FOURGON a wagon for carrying baggage [n -S] QUARTER to divide into four equal parts [v -ED, -ING, -S] : QUARTERER(s) QUARTET a group of four [n -S] : QUARTETTE QUARTIC a type of mathematical function [n -S] FOURFOLD four times as great [adj] FOURPLEX {quadplex=n} [n -ES] FOURSOME a group of four [n -S] FOURTHLY in the fourth place [adv] QUATORZE a set of four cards of the same denomination scoring fourteen points [n -S] FOURPENCE [n -S] FOURPENNY [n -PENNIES] FOURSCORE QUADRUPLE to make four times as great [v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES] QUADRUPLY QUARTERER [n -S] QUARTETTE [n -S] : QUARTET FOURSQUARE QUADRUPLET [n -S] QUATERNARY [n -RIES] QUATERNITY a group of four [n -TIES] QUATREFOIL [n -S] QUADRUPLICATE to multiply by four [v -TED -TES -TING] QUADRUPLICITY [ n -TIES] QUADRUPLICATION CINQ cinque (the number five) [n -S] FIVE a number [n -S] FIFTH one of five equal parts [n -S] FIVER a five-dollar bill [n -S] QUINT a group of five [n -S] CINQUE the number five [n -S] : CINQ(s) PENTAD a group of five [n -S] QUINTE a position in fencing [n -S] FIFTHLY in the fifth place [adv] QUINARY a group of five [n -RIES] QUINATE arranged in groups of five [adj] QUINTET a group of five [n -S] : QUINTETTE QUINTIC a type of mathematical function [n -S] FIVEFOLD five times as great [adj] FIVEPINS a bowling game [n] QUINCUNX an arrangement of five objects [n -ES] QUINTETTE [n -S] : QUINTET QUINTUPLE to make five times as great [v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES] QUINTUPLY CINQUEFOIL a five-petalled plant [n -S] QUINTUPLET [n -S] QUINTUPLICATE to multiply by five [v -TED -TES -TING] SIX a number [n -ES] SEXT one of seven canonical daily periods for prayer and devotion [n -S] HEXAD a group of six [n -S] : HEXADIC [adj] SEXTO {sixmo=n} [n -TOS] SIXER the leader of a group of six Brownies or Cubs [n -S] SIXMO a paper size [n -MOS] SIXTE a fencing parry [n -S] SIXTH one of six equal parts [n -S] SENARY pertaining to the number six [adj] SEXTET a group of six [n -S] : SEXTETTE SIXFOLD being six times as great as [adj] SIXTHLY in the sixth place [adv] SEXTETTE {sextet=n} [n -S] SEXTUPLE to make six times as great [v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES] SEXTUPLY to six times as much or as many [adv] SIXPENCE a British coin worth six pennies [n -S] SIXPENNY worth sixpence [adj] SEXTUPLET [n -S] SEXTUPLICATE to multiply by six [v -TED -TES -TING] SEVEN a number [n -S] HEPTAD a group of seven [n -S] SEPTET a group of seven [n -S] : SEPTETTE SEPTIME a position in fencing [n -S] : SEPTIMAL SEVENTH one of seven equal parts [n -S] HEBDOMAD the number seven [n -S] : HEBDOMADAL HEBDOMADALLY weekly [adj] SEPTETTE {septet=n} [n -S] SEPTIMAL based on the number seven [adj] SEPTUPLE to make seven times as great [v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES] SEPTENARY [n - RIES] SEPTUPLET [n -S] SEVENFOLD SEVENTHLY EIGHT a number [n -S] OCTAD a group of eight [n -S] : OCTADIC [adj] OCTAL pertaining to a number system with a base of eight [adj] OCTET a group of eight [n -S] : OCTETTE EIGHTH one of eight equal parts [n -S] OCTANT an eighth of a circle [n -S] : OCTANTAL [adj] OCTAVE a type of musical interval [n -S] : OCTAVAL [adj] OCTAVO a page size [n -VOS] OGDOAD a group of eight [n -S] EIGHTVO {octavo=n} [n -VOS] OCTETTE {octet=n} [n -S] OCTUPLE to multiply by eight [v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES] OCTUPLY to eight times the degree [adv] EIGHTHLY in the eighth place [adv] OCTONARY a stanza of eight lines [n -NARIES] OCTUPLET a group of eight related items [n -S] OCTUPLEX being eight times as great [adj] EIGHTBALL [n -S] EIGHTFOLD NINE a number [n -S] NINTH one of nine equal parts [n -S] NONET a composition for nine instruments or voices [n -S] ENNEAD a group of nine [n -S] : ENNEADIC [adj] NINEPIN a wooden pin used in a bowling game [n -S] NINTHLY in the ninth place [adv] NONAGON a nine-sided polygon [n -S] : NONAGONAL NONUPLE a number nine times as great as another [n -S] NINEBARK a flowering shrub [n -S] NINEFOLD nine times as great [adj] ENNEADIC [adj] ENNEAGON a {nonagon=n} [n -S] TEN a number [n -S] TENTH one of ten equal parts [n -S] TENTHLY in the tenth place [adv] ELEVEN a number [n -S] ELEVENTH one of eleven equal parts [n -S] ELEVENSES snack before lunch DOZEN to {stun=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] TWELVE a number [n -S] DOZENTH {twelfth=n} [n -S] TWELFTH the number twelve in a series [n -S] DUECENTO the 1200s [n -TOS] TWELVEMO a page size [n -MOS] DUODECIMO [n -S] DUODECIMAL base 12 [n -S] TWELVEMONTH [n -S] PRIVATDOZENT [n -S] TRECENTO the 1300s [n -TOS] THIRTEEN a number [n -S] THIRTIETH [n -S] THIRTYISH THIRTEENTH [n -S] FOURTEEN a number [n -S] FOURTEENER [n -S] FOURTEENTH [n -S] QUATTROCENTO the 1400s [n -S] FIFTEEN a number [n -S] FIFTEENTH [n -S] CINQUECENTO the 1500s [n -S] CINQUECENTIST an artist of the 1500s [n -S] SIXTEEN a number [n -S] SEICENTO the 1600s [n -TOS] SIXTEENMO [n -S] SIXTEENTH [n -S] HEXADECIMAL base 16 [n -S] SEVENTEEN [n -S] SEVENTEENTH [n -S] EIGHTEEN a number [n -S] EIGHTEENTH [n -S] NINETEEN a number [n -S] NINETEENTH TWENTY a number [n -TIES] VICENARY pertaining to the number twenty [adj] TWENTYSOMETHING [adj] THIRTY a number [n -TIES] THIRTYSOMETHING [adj] FORTY a number [n -TIES] FORTIETH one of forty equal parts [n -S] FORTYISH being about forty years old [adj] FIFTY a number [n -TIES] FIFTIETH one of fifty equal parts [n -S] FIFTYISH being about fifty years old [adj] SIXTY a number [n -TIES] SIXTIETH one of sixty equal parts [n -S] SIXTYISH being about sixty years old [adj] SEXAGESIMAL base 60 [n -S] SEVENTY a number [n -TIES] SEVENTIETH [n -S] EIGHTY a number [n EIGHTIES] EIGHTIETH [n -S] NINETY a number [n -TIES] NINETIETH [n -S] CENTUM one hundred [n -S] HUNDRED a number (100) [n -S] CENTUPLE to increase a hundredfold [v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES] HUNDREDTH [n -S] HUNDREDFOLD HUNDREDWEIGHT [n -S] QUATERCENTENARY 400th anniversary [n -RIES] CHILIAD a group of one thousand [n -S] : CHILIADAL, CHILIADIC THOUSAND a number (1,000 = 10^3) [n -S] PERMILLAGE per thousand [n -S] THOUSANDTH [n -S] THOUSANDFOLD LAKH the sum of one hundred thousand (100,000 = 10^5) [n -S] MILLION a number (1,000,000 = 10^6) [n -S] MILLIONTH [n -S] MILLIONFOLD MULTIMILLION [n -S] BILLION a number (1,000,000,000 = 10^9) [n -S] also: MILLIARD(s) MILLIARD a {billion=n} [n -S] BILLIONTH [n -S] MULTIBILLION [n -S] TRILLION a number (1,000,000,000,000 = 10^12) [n -S] TRILLIONTH [n -S] MULTITRILLION [n -S] QUADRILLION a number ( = 10^15) [n -S] QUINTILLION a number ( = 10^18) [n -S] SEXTILLION a number ( = 10^21) [n -S] SEPTILLION a number ( = 10^24) [n -S] OCTILLION a number ( = 10^27) [n -S] NONILLION a number ( = 10^30) [n -S] DECILLION a number ( = 10^33) [n -S] UNDECILLION a number ( = 10^36) [n -S] DUODECILLION a number ( = 10^39) [n -S] TREDECILLION a number ( = 10^42) [n -S] - ( 10^45 ) QUINDECILLION a number ( = 10^48) [n -S] SEXDECILLION a number ( = 10^51) [n -S] - ( 10^54 ) OCTODECILLION a number ( = 10^57) [n -S] NOVEMDECILLION a number ( = 10^60) [n -S] VIGINTILLION a number ( = 10^63) [n -S] GOOGOL an enormous number ( = 10^100) [n -S] CENTILLION a number ( = 10^303 or 10^600 ) [n -S] GOOGOLPLEX (10 to the GOOGOLth power = 10^googol) [n -ES] * INDETERMINATE AMOUNTS * FEW amounting to or consisting of a small number [adj FEWER, FEWEST] NTH pertaining to an indefinitely large ordinal number [adj] MACH a number indicating the ratio of the speed of a body to the speed of sound [n -S] MANY consisting of or amounting to a large number [adj MORE, MOST] SOME being an unspecified number or part [adj] ABOUND to have a large number or amount [v -ED, -ING, -S] MUCKLE a large amount [n -S] MYRIAD a very large number [n -S] OODLES a large amount [n OODLES] : OODLINS PASSEL a large quantity or number [n -S] OODLINS {oodles=n} [n OODLINS] JILLION a very large number [n -S] : BAZILLION GAZILLION JILLION KAZILLION ZILLION PAUCITY smallness of number or quantity [n -TIES] ZILLION an indeterminately large number [n -S] : BAZILLION GAZILLION JILLION KAZILLION ZILLION ETCETERA a number of additional items [n -S] INFINITE something that has no limits [n -S] : INFINITELY, INFINITUDE INFINITENESS INFINITY the state of having no limits [n -TIES] : INFINITUDE INFINITENESS MAJORITY the greater number or part [n -TIES] MINORITY the smaller number or part [n -TIES] SHITLOAD a large amount -- usually considered vulgar [n -S] SOMEWHAT an unspecified number or part [n -S] BAZILLION an indeterminately large number [n -S] : BAZILLION GAZILLION JILLION KAZILLION ZILLION COUNTLESS GAZILLION an indeterminately large number [n -S], GAZILLIONTH [adj] GAZILLIONAIRE(s): BAZILLION GAZILLION JILLION KAZILLION ZILLION KAZILLION an indeterminately large number [n -S] : BAZILLION GAZILLION JILLION KAZILLION ZILLION GAZILLIONTH [adj] GAZILLIONAIRE [n -S] INFINITUDE [n -S] UNCOUNTABLE INFINITENESS [n -ES] INFINITESIMAL [n -S] : INFINITESIMALLY * List compiled from OWL3 + OWL2 + Long List by Rebecca Slivka