* MATH * (see also numbers.txt) ADD to combine or join so as to bring about an increase [v -ED, -ING, -S] : ADDABLE [adj] : ADDER(s) AND an added condition or stipulation [n -S] COS a variety of lettuce [n -ES] SEC {secant=n} [n -S] SUM to add into one total [v SUMMED, SUMMING, SUMS] CONE to shape like a cone (a geometric solid) [v CONED, CONING, CONES] COSH to {bludgeon=v} [v -ED, -ING, -ES] DYAD a pair of units [n -S] : DYADIC DYADICALLY MATH mathematics [n -S] PLUS an additional quantity [n PLUSES or PLUSSES] QUAD to space out by means of quadrats [v QUADDED, QUADDING, QUADS] SINE a trigonometric function of an angle [n -S] SINH a hyperbolic function of an angle [n -S] TORE a {torus=n} [n -S] TORI [n] ABACI [n] ADDER a venomous snake [n -S] COLOG the logarithm of the reciprocal of a number [n -S] : COLOGARITHM COMPT to {count=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] CONIC a geometric curve [n -S] : CONICAL COSEC {cosecant=n} [n -S] COSET a mathematical subset [n -S] COTAN a trigonometric function of an angle [n -S] : COTANGENT COUNT to list or mention the units of one by one to ascertain the total [v -ED, -ING, -S] CUBIC a mathematical equation or expression [n -S] DATUM something used as a basis for calculating [n -TA or -TUMS] DIVVY to {divide=v} [v -VIED, -VYING, -VIES] GIVEN something assigned as a basis for a calculation [n -S] HALVE to divide into two equal parts [v HALVED, HALVING, HALVES] KNOWN a mathematical quantity whose value is given [n -S] MINUS a negative quantity [n -ES] OBELI [n] QUIPU an ancient calculating device [n -S] : QUIPPU(s) READD [v -ED, -ING, -S] TALLY to {count=v} [v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES] TORUS a large convex molding [n -RI] ABACUS a calculating device [n -CI or -CUSES] ACNODE an element of a mathematical set that is isolated from the other elements [n -S] ADDEND a number to be added to another [n -S] ADDUCT to draw toward the main axis [v -ED, -ING, -S] AFFINE a relative by marriage [n -S] : AFFINAL AUGEND a number to which another is to be added [n -S] CENSUS to take an official count of [v -ED, -ING, -ES] CIPHER to solve problems in arithmetic [v -ED, -ING, -S] CONOID a geometric solid [n -S] : CONOIDAL [adj] COSINE a trigonometric function of an angle [n -S] DEDUCT to {subtract=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] DIVIDE to separate into parts, areas, or groups [v -VIDED, -VIDING, -VIDES] / UNDIVIDED : DIVIDER(S) DYADIC a sum of mathematical dyads [n -S] : DYADICALLY JETTON a piece used in counting [n -S] MATRIX something within which something else originates or develops [n -TRICES or -TRIXES] MISADD to add incorrectly [v -ED, -ING, -S] MODULO with respect to a modulus [adv] NEGATE to {nullify=v} [v -GATED, -GATING, -GATES] : NEGATER NEGATOR NUMBER to {count=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] : NUMBERER(s) OBELUS a symbol used in ancient manuscripts to indicate a doubtful passage/division sign [n -LI] OPTIME an honor student in mathematics at Cambridge University [n -S] OUTADD to surpass in adding [v -ED, -ING, -S] PORISM a type of mathematical proposition [n -S] QUIPPU {quipu=n} [n -S] RADIAL a part diverging from a center [n -S] : RADIALLY RADIAN a unit of angular measure [n -S] RADIUS a straight line from the center of a circle to the circumference [n -DII or -DIUSES] RECKON to count or compute [v -ED, -ING, -S] SCALAR a mathematical quantity possessing only magnitude [n -S] SECANT a trigonometric function of an angle [n -S]: SECANTLY SPHERE to form into a sphere (a type of geometric solid) [v SPHERED, SPHERING, SPHERES] SPHERY resembling a sphere [adj SPHERIER, SPHERIEST] SPINOR a type of mathematical vector [n -S] SQUARE having four equal sides and four right angles; rigidly conventional [adj SQUARER, SQUAREST] / to make {square=adj} [v SQUARED, SQUARING, SQUARES] : SQUARER(s) SUBSET a mathematical set contained within a larger set [n -S] TOROID a type of geometric surface [n -S] : TOROIDAL [adj] TOROSE cylindrical and swollen at intervals [adj] WITHAL in addition [adv] ABELIAN being a commutative group in mathematics [adj] ADDABLE [adj] ADDEDLY additionally [adv] ADJOINT a type of mathematical matrix [n -S] ALGEBRA a branch of mathematics [n -S] ALIQUOT a number that divides evenly into another [n -S] (opp ALIQUANT) ANTILOG the number corresponding to a given logarithm [n -S] AVERAGE to calculate the arithmetic mean of [v -AGED, -AGING, -AGES] CISSOID a type of geometric curve [n -S] COMPUTE to calculate [v -PUTED, -PUTING, -PUTES] CONICAL shaped like a cone [adj] : CONICALLY CYCLOID a geometric curve [n -S] DECIMAL a fraction whose denominator is some power of ten [n -S] : DECIMALLY DIVIDER one that {divides=v} [n -S] DIVISOR a number by which a dividend is divided [n -S] EVOLUTE a type of geometric curve [n -S] FACIEND a number to be multiplied by another [n -S] FRACTAL a complex geometric curve [n -S] FRUSTUM a part of a conical solid [n -TA or -TUMS] INTEGER a whole number [n -S] LIMACON a type of geometric curve [n -S] MAPPING a mathematical correspondence [n -S] MAXIMAL an element of a mathematical set that is followed by no other [n -S] MAXIMIN the maximum of a set of minima [n -S] MAXIMUM the greatest possible amount, quantity, or degree [n -MUMS or -MA] MINIMAL an element of a mathematical set that precedes all others [n -S] MINIMAX the minimum of a set of maxima [n -ES] MINIMUM the least possible amount, quantity, or degree [n -MUMS or -MA] MINUEND a number from which another is to be subtracted [n -S] MODULUS a number that produces the same remainder when divided into each of two numbers [n -LI] : MODULO [adv] NEGATER one that {negates=v} [n -S] : NEGATOR NEGATOR {negater=n} [n -S] NUMERAL a symbol that expresses a number [n -S] NUMERIC a {numeral=n} [n -S] OPERAND a quantity on which a mathematical operation is performed [n -S] OBCONIC conical with the apex below [adj] : OBCONICAL OPERANT one that {operates=v} [n -S] OPERATE to perform a function [v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] ORDINAL a number designating position in a series [n -S] PERCENT one part in a hundred [n -S] : PERCENTAL, PERCENTAGE PRORATE to divide proportionately [v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES] PYRAMID to raise or increase by adding amounts gradually [v -ED, -ING, -S] QUADRAT a piece of type metal used for filling spaces [n -S] QUADRIC a type of geometric surface [n -S] QUANTIC a type of mathematical function [n -S] QUARTER to divide into four equal parts [v -ED, -ING, -S] QUARTIC a type of mathematical function [n -S] QUINTIC a type of mathematical function [n -S] RADIANT a point from which rays are emitted [n -S] RECOUNT to relate in detail [v -ED, -ING, -S] : RECOUNTER(s) RECOUPE divided twice [adj] RHOMBIC having the shape of a rhombus [adj] RHOMBUS a type of geometric figure [n -BUSES or -BI] : RHOMBOID(s) SEMILOG having one scale logarithmic and the other arithmetic [adj] : SEMILOGARITHMIC SQUARER one that {squares=v} [n -S] STANINE one of the nine classes into which a set of scores are divided [n -S] SUBJOIN to add at the end [v -ED, -ING, -S] SUBRING a subset of a mathematical ring that is itself a ring [n -S] SUMLESS too large for calculation [adj] SUMMAND an {addend=n} [n -S] SUMMATE to {sum=v} [v -MATED, -MATING, -MATES] SWANPAN a Chinese abacus [n -S] : SHWANPAN(s) TESSERA a small square used in mosaic work [n -SERAE] : TESSERACT(s) TRISECT to divide into three equal parts [v -ED, -ING, -S] UNADDED [adj] UNITIZE to divide into units [v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES] UNKNOWN one that is not known [n -S] VERSINE a trigonometric function of an angle [n -S] ABSCISSA a particular geometric coordinate [n -SAS or -SAE] ADDITION something added [n -S] : ADDITIONAL ADDITIONALLY ADDITIVE a substance added to another to impart desirable qualities [n -S] : ADDITIVELY ADDITORY making an addition [adj] AFFINELY in the manner of a type of mathematical mapping [adv] : AFFINE(s) AFFINAL ALGORISM the Arabic system of arithmetic notation [n -S] ALIQUANT not dividing evenly into another number [adj] (opp ALIQUOT(s)) BIRADIAL having dual symmetry [adj] CALCULUS a branch of mathematics [n -LI or -LUSES] CATENARY a mathematical curve [n -NARIES] CATENOID a geometric surface [n -S] CHECKSUM a sum derived from bits of computer data [n -S] CONCHOID a type of geometric curve [n -S] CONICITY the state of being conical [n -TIES] CONTINUA mathematical sets [n] COSECANT a trigonometric function of an angle [n -S] : COSEC(s) DIVIDEND a quantity to be divided [n -S] DIVIDUAL capable of being divided [adj] DIVISION the act of dividing [n -S] EXPONENT one who expounds [n -S] : EXPONENTIAL(s) EXSECANT a trigonometric function of an angle [n -S] EXTREMUM a maximum or a minimum of a mathematical function [n -MA] FORECAST to estimate or calculate in advance [v -ED, -ING, -S] FRACTION to divide into portions [v -ED, -ING, -S] GEODESIC a geometric line [n -S] GEOMETER a specialist in geometry [n -S] GEOMETRY a branch of mathematics [n -TRIES] GROUPOID a type of mathematical set [n -S] HARDEDGE a geometric painting [n -S] HELICOID a type of geometrical surface [n -S] MANTISSA the decimal part of a logarithm [n -S] MISCOUNT to count incorrectly [v -ED, -ING, -S] MULTIPLE the product of a quantity by an integer [n -S] : MULTIPLIER MULTIPLY to increase in number [v -PLIED, -PLYING, -PLIES] NEGATION the act of negating [n -S] : NEGATIONAL NEGATIVE to {veto=v} [v -TIVED, -TIVING, -TIVES] : NEGATIVELY NUMBERER one that {numbers=v} [n -S] NUMERACY the ability to understand basic mathematics [n -CIES] NUMERARY pertaining to numbers [adj] NUMERATE to {count=v} [v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] NUMEROUS {many=adj} [adj] ORDINATE a particular geometric coordinate [n -S] OUTCOUNT to surpass in counting [v -ED, -ING, -S] PARABOLA a conic section [n -S] : PARABOLIC [adj] PARACHOR a mathematical constant that relates molecular volume to surface tension [n -S] POSITIVE {certain=adj} [adj -TIVER, -TIVEST] / a quantity greater than zero [n -S] PRISMOID a geometric solid [n -S] QUADRANT a quarter section of a circle [n -S] QUADRATE to correspond or agree [v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES] QUANTIFY to determine the quantity of [v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES] QUANTILE any of the values of a random variable that divides a frequency distribution [n -S] QUANTIZE to limit the possible values of to a discrete set [v -TIZED, -TIZING, -TIZES] QUARTILE a portion of a frequency distribution [n -S] QUOTIENT the number resulting from the division of one number by another [n -S] RADICAND a quantity in mathematics [n -S] RATIONAL a number that can be expressed as a quotient of integers [n -S] REDIVIDE [v -VIDED, -VIDING, -VIDES] RENUMBER [v -ED, -ING, -S] RHOMBOID a type of geometric figure [n -S] : RHOMBUS SECANTLY in an intersecting manner [adv] SHWANPAN {swanpan=n} [n -S] SINUSOID a mathematical curve [n -S] SPHERICS the geometry of figures on the surface of a sphere [n] SPHEROID a type of geometric solid [n -S] SPHERULE a small sphere [n -S] SQUARELY in a direct manner [adv] SQUARISH somewhat square [adj] SQUARISHLY SQUARISHNESS SUBFIELD a subset of a mathematical field that is itself a field [n -S] SUBGRAPH a graph contained within a larger graph [n -S] SUBGROUP a distinct group within a group [n -S] / also [v -ED -ING -S] SUBSPACE a subset of a mathematical space [n -S] SUBTOTAL to total a portion of [v -TALED, -TALING, -TALS or -TALLED, -TALLING, -TALS] SUBTRACT to take away [v -ED, -ING, -S] : SUBTRACTER(s) SUPERADD to add further [v -ED, -ING, -S] TOPOLOGY a branch of mathematics [n -GIES] TRIHEDRA figures having three plane surfaces meeting at a point [n] TROCHOID a type of geometric curve [n -S] WAVEFORM a type of mathematical graph [n -S] SYMMETRY an exact correspondence between the opposite halves of a figure [n -TRIES] : ASYMMETRY, SYMMETRIC ASYMMETRY [n -TRIES] : ASYMMETRIC [adj] ASYMMETRICAL ASYMPTOTE [n -S] : ASYMPTOTIC [adj], ASYMPTOTICALLY [adv] CALCULATE [v -TED -TES -TING] CALCULATEDLY : MISCALCULATE RECALCULATE, CALCULATOR(s) COTANGENT a trigonometric function of an angle [n -S] : COTAN COUNTABLE [adj] : COUNTABLY COUNTLESS COVERSINE a trigonometric function of an angle [n -S] DIVIDABLE : SUBDIVIDABLE DIVIDEDLY DIVISIBLE [adj] : DIVISIBLY GEOMETRIC [n -S] GEOMETRICAL GEOMETRID [n -S] HYPERBOLA [n -E or -S], HYPERBOLIC [adj] HYPERBOLE [n -S] HYPERCUBE [n -S] LOGARITHM [n -S] : LOGARITHMIC LOGARITHMICALLY MISDIVIDE [v -VIDED, -VIDING, -VIDES] MISNUMBER [v -ED, -ING, -S] NILPOTENT [n -S] OUTNUMBER [v -ED, -ING, -S] OVERCOUNT [v -ED -S -ING] PARABOLIC [adj] : PARABOLICALLY [adv] PERCENTAL PRENUMBER [v -ED, -ING, -S] QUADRATIC a type of mathematical function [n -S] SUBDIVIDE [v -VIDED, -VIDING, -VIDES] : SUBDIVIDER(S) SUMMATION [n -S] : SUMMATIVE, SUMMATIONAL SYMMETRIC [adj] : SYMMETRICAL SYMMETRICALLY TESSERACT [n -S] UNCOUNTED UNDIVIDED UNSQUARED ADDITIONAL [adj] : ADDITIONALLY ADDITIVELY ADDITIVITY [n -TIES] ARITHMETIC [n -S] : ARITHMETICAL CALCULATOR [n -S] DECIMALIZE [v -ZED, -ZING, -ZES] GEOMETRISE [v -SED, -SING, -SES] GEOMETRIZE [v -ZED, -ZING, -ZES] HYPERBOLIC [adj] HYPERBOLICAL HYPERBOLICALLY ICOSAHEDRA {icosahedron=n} ICOSAHEDRAL IDEMPOTENT [n -S] MATHEMATIC [n -S] : MATHEMATICAL MATHEMATICALLY MULTIPLIER [n -S] NEGATIONAL NEGATIVELY NEGATIVISM [n -S] NEGATIVIST [n -S] NEGATIVITY [n -TIES] NUMBERABLE NUMBERLESS PARABOLOID [n -S] : PARABOLOIDAL [aj] PERCENTAGE [n -S] PERCENTILE [n -S] QUATERNION [n -S] REDIVISION [n -S] SQUARENESS [n -ES] SQUARISHLY SUBTRACTER [n -S] SUBTRAHEND [n -S] SYMMETRIZE [v -ZED -ZES -ZING] UNDERCOUNT [v -ED, -ING, -S] UNNUMBERED AXISYMMETRY [n -TRIES] : AXISYMMETRIC AXISYMMETRICAL CALCULATION [n -S] : CALCULATIONAL CARDINALITY [n -TIES] COLOGARITHM [n -S] CRYPTARITHM [n -S] DISSYMMETRY [n -TRIES] : DISSYMMETRIC DIVIDEDNESS [n -ES] DIVISIONISM [n -S] DIVISIONIST [n -S] EXPONENTIAL [n -S] EXPONENTIALLY GEOMETRICAL [adj] GEOMETRICALLY HYPERBOLIST [n -S] HYPERBOLIZE [v -ZED, -ZING, -ZES] HYPERBOLOID [n -S] : HYPERBOLOIDAL ICOSAHEDRON [n -S or ICOSAHEDRA] : ICOSAHEDRAL INDIVISIBLE [n -S] INDIVISIBLY LOGARITHMIC MATHEMATIZE [v -ZED, -ZING, -ZES] MISDIVISION NONADDITIVE NONDIVIDING NONNEGATIVE RECALCULATE [v -TED -TES -TING] SUBDIVISION [n -S] SUBMULTIPLE [n -S] SUBTRACTION [n -S] SUBTRACTIVE SYMMETRICAL [adj] : SYMMETRICALLY, SYMMETRICALNESS ARITHMETICAL [adj] ARITHMETICALLY ASYMMETRICAL [adj] : ASYMMETRICALLY CALCULATEDLY COUNTABILITY DIVISIBILITY [n -TIES] GEOMETRICIAN [n -S] HYPERBOLICAL [adj] HYPERBOLICALLY MISCALCULATE [v -TED -TES -TING] MULTIPLICAND [n -S] MULTIPLICITY [n -TIES] MULTIVARIATE [adj] NEGATIVENESS [n -ES] NEGATIVISTIC NONSYMMETRIC [adj] : NONSYMMETRICAL SQUARISHNESS [n -ES] SUBDIVIDABLE TRIGONOMETRY [n -TRIES] : TRIGONOMETRIC TRIGONOMETRICAL UNCALCULATED ANTILOGARITHM [n -S] ANTISYMMETRIC [adj] ARITHMETICIAN [n -S] CALCULATINGLY CALCULATIONAL GEOMETRICALLY HYPERBOLOIDAL MATHEMATICIAN [n -S] NONADDITIVITY [n -TIES] RECALCULATION [n -S] SUPERADDITION [n -S] SUPERSYMMETRY [n -TRIES] : SUPERSYMMETRIC TRIGONOMETRIC [adj] TRIGONOMETRICAL UNCALCULATING UNSYMMETRICAL [adj] : UNSYMMETRICALLY BIOMATHEMATICS [n pl.] BIOMATHEMATICAL CALCULATEDNESS DECIMALIZATION [n -S] EXPONENTIATION [n -S] GEOMETRIZATION [n -S] HYPERBOLICALLY INDIVISIBILITY [n -TIES] MISCALCULATION [n -S] MATHEMATICALLY MULTIPLICATION [n -S] MULTIPLICATIVE NONGEOMETRICAL SYMMETRIZATION [n -S] TRIDIMENSIONAL CENTROSYMMETRIC LOGARITHMICALLY SEMILOGARITHMIC TRIGONOMETRICAL METAMATHEMATICS NONMATHEMATICAL * List compiled from OWL2 + Long List by Rebecca Slivka