* INSECTS * ANT a small insect [n -S] BEE a winged insect [n -S] BOT the larva of a botfly [n -S] DOR a black European beetle [n -S] FLY {clever=adj} [adj FLIER, FLIEST] / to move through the air [v FLEW, FLOWN, FLYING, FLIES] / to hit a ball high into the air in baseball [v FLIED, FLYING, FLIES] LAC a resinous substance secreted by certain insects [n -S] NIT the egg of a parasitic insect [n -S] CLEG a horsefly (a large fly) [n -S] DEET an insect repellent [n -S] FLEA a parasitic insect [n -S] GAPY infested with gapeworms [adj] GNAT a small winged insect [n -S] LICE [n] MOTH a winged insect [n -S] PUPA an intermediate stage of a metamorphic insect [n -PAS or -PAE] : PUPAL [adj]; PREPUPA WASP a stinging insect [n -S] : WASPISH, WASPLIKE [adj] WETA a large wingless insect of New Zealand [n -S] AEDES any of a genus of mosquitoes [n AEDES] ALATE a winged insect [n -S] APHID any of a family of small, soft-bodied insects [n -S] APHIS an {aphid=n} [n APHIDES] APIAN pertaining to {bees=n} [adj] CIMEX a {bedbug=n} [n -MICES] CULEX a {mosquito=n} [n CULEXES or CULICES] EGGAR {egger=n} [n -S] EGGER a kind of moth [n -S] : EGGAR EMMET an {ant=n} [n -S] FLIER one that {flies=v} [n -S] FLYBY a flight of aircraft close to a specified place [n -BYS] FLYER {flier=n} [n -S] FRASS debris made by insects [n -ES] FRONS the upper anterior portion of an insect's head [n FRONTES] IMAGO an adult insect [n -GOES or -GOS] KELEP a stinging ant [n -S] LARVA the immature form of various insects and animals when newly hatched [n -VAE or -VAS] : LARVAL [adj] LOUSE a parasitic insect [n LICE] / to spoil or bungle [v LOUSED, LOUSING, LOUSES] LOUSY mean or contemptible [adj LOUSIER, LOUSIEST] : LOUSILY [adv] MIDGE a small winged insect [n -S] MIREX an insecticide [n -ES] MOTHY full of moths [adj MOTHIER, MOTHIEST] NALED an insecticide [n -S] NOTUM a part of the thorax of an insect [n -TA] NYMPH to fish using a fly (a hook with silk or feathers) that looks like a larva [v -ED -ING -S] / a female spirit [n -S] : NYMPHAL, NYMPHEAN [adj] REFLY [v -FLEW, -FLOWN, -FLYING, -FLIES] SCOPA a small tuft of hair on the body of an insect [n -PAE] ZINEB an insecticide [n -S] ALDRIN an insecticide [n -S] ANTING the deliberate placing, by certain birds, of living ants among the feathers [n -S] BEDBUG a bloodsucking insect [n -S] BEETLE to jut out [v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES] : BEETLER(s) BEFLEA to infest with fleas [v -ED, -ING, -S] BOMBYX a {silkworm=n} [n -ES] : BOMBYCID BOTFLY a type of fly [n -FLIES] BRULOT a biting fly [n -S] CERCUS a sensory appendage of an insect [n CERCI] : CERCAL [adj] CHAFER a large beetle [n -S] CHEGOE {chigoe=n} [n -S] CHIGOE a tropical flea [n -S] : CHEGOE CHINCH a {bedbug=n} [n -ES] : CHINCHY [adj] CHITIN the main component of insect shells [n -S] CICADA a winged insect [n -DAS or -DAE] : CICALA(s) CICALA {cicada=n} [n -LAS or -LE] CLERID a predatory beetle [n -S] COCCID an {insect=n} [n -S] COOTIE a body louse [n -S] DAYFLY a {mayfly=n} [n -FLIES] DEFLEA to rid of fleas [v -ED, -ING, -S] DOBSON an aquatic insect larva [n -S] ELATER a click beetle [n -S] : ELATERID(s) ENDRIN an insecticide [n -S] ERGATE a worker ant [n -S] FLYBOY a pilot in an air force [n -BOYS] FLYING the operation of an aircraft [n -S] FLYMAN a stage worker in a theater [n FLYMEN] FLYOFF a competitive testing of model aircraft [n -S] FLYWAY an established air route of migratory birds [n -WAYS] GADFLY a biting fly [n -FLIES] GASTER the enlarged part of the abdomen in some insects [n -S] GNATTY infested with gnats [adj -TIER, -TIEST] HOPPER one that {hops=v} [n -S] LOCUST a migratory grasshopper [n -S] HORNET a stinging insect [n -S] INSECT any of a class of small invertebrate animals [n -S] IXODID a bloodsucking insect [n -S] MAGGOT the legless larva of certain insects [n -S] : MAGGOTY [adj] MANTID {mantis=n} [n -S] MANTIS a predatory insect [n -TISES or -TES] MAYFLY a winged insect [n -FLIES] MEDFLY a Mediterranean fruit fly [n -FLIES] MELOID a type of beetle [n -S] MORPHO a tropical butterfly [n -PHOS] OUTFLY to surpass in speed of flight [v -FLEW, -FLOWN, -FLYING, -FLIES] PROLEG an abdominal leg of certain insect larvae [n -S] PSOCID a minute winged insect [n -S] RONNEL an insecticide [n -S] SAWFLY a winged insect [n -FLIES] SCARAB a large, black beetle [n -S] SIALID an {alderfly=n} [n -S] : SIALIDAN TAMPAN a biting insect [n -S] TINEID one of a family of moths [n -S] TSETSE an African fly [n -S] : TZETZE(s) TUSSAH an Asian silkworm [n -S] : TUSSAH TUSSAR TUSSEH TUSSER TUSSOR TUSSORE TUSSUR TUSSAR {tussah=n} [n -S] : TUSSAH TUSSAR TUSSEH TUSSER TUSSOR TUSSORE TUSSUR TUSSEH {tussah=n} [n -S] : TUSSAH TUSSAR TUSSEH TUSSER TUSSOR TUSSORE TUSSUR TUSSER {tussah=n} [n -S] : TUSSAH TUSSAR TUSSEH TUSSER TUSSOR TUSSORE TUSSUR TUSSOR {tussah=n} [n -S] : TUSSAH TUSSAR TUSSEH TUSSER TUSSOR TUSSORE TUSSUR TUSSUR {tussah=n} [n -S] : TUSSAH TUSSAR TUSSEH TUSSER TUSSOR TUSSORE TUSSUR TZETZE {tsetse=n} [n -S] WEEVIL a small beetle [n -S] : WEEVILED, WEEVILLY, WEEVILY [adj] ADELGID a small insect (any of a class of small invertebrate animals) [n -S] ANTHILL a mound formed by ants in building their nest [n -S] ANTLIKE resembling an {ant=n} [adj] ANTLION a predatory insect [n -S] BAGWORM the larva of certain moths [n -S] BEETLER one that operates a cloth-finishing machine [n -S] BILLBUG a {weevil=n} [n -S] BLOWFLY a type of fly [n -FLIES] BUDWORM a caterpillar that eats buds [n -S] CADELLE a small, black beetle [n -S] CARABID a predatory beetle [n -S] CARAPAX {carapace=n} [n -ES] CHALCID a tiny fly [n -S] CHINCHY {stingy=adj} [adj CHINCHIER, CHINCHIEST] CINERIN a compound used in insecticides [n -S] CRICKET to play cricket (a ball game) [v -ED, -ING, -S] : CRICKETER(s) CULICID a {culicine=n} [n -S] CUTWORM a caterpillar [n -S] DEALATE an insect divested of its wings [n -S] : DEALATED [adj] DEERFLY a bloodsucking fly [n -FLIES] DELOUSE to remove lice from [v -LOUSED, -LOUSING, -LOUSES] : DELOUSER(s) DEMETON an insecticide [n -S] ECDYSIS the shedding of an outer layer of skin [n -DYSES] : ECDYSIAL [adj] ECDYSON {ecdysone=n} [n -S] ELYTRON a hardened forewing of certain insects [n -TRA] : ELYTROID, ELYTROUS [adj] ELYTRUM {elytron=n} [n -TRA] FIREFLY a luminous insect [n -FLIES] FLEABAG an inferior hotel [n -S] FLEAPIT a run-down movie theater [n -S] FLYABLE suitable for flying [adj] FLYAWAY one that is elusive [n -AWAYS] FLYBELT an area infested with tsetse flies [n -S] FLYBLOW to {taint=v} [v -BLEW, -BLOWN, -BLOWING, -BLOWS] FLYLESS free of flies (winged insects) [adj] FLYLINE a type of line used in fly fishing [n -S] FLYOVER a flight of aircraft over a specific location [n -S] FLYPAST a {flyby=n} [n -S] FLYTIER a maker of fishing flies [n -S] FLYTING a dispute in verse form [n -S] FLYTRAP a trap for catching flies [n -S] GALLFLY a small insect [n -FLIES] GLOWFLY a {firefly=n} [n -FLIES] GOLDBUG a gold beetle [n -S] GYPLURE a synthetic attractant to trap gypsy moths [n -S] HALTERE a pair of wings of an insect [n -S] HEXAPOD a six-legged insect [n -S] KATYDID a grasshopper [n -S] LADYBUG a small beetle [n -S] LINDANE an insecticide [n -S] LOVEBUG a small black fly that swarms along highways [n -S] MENAZON an insecticide [n -S] MYIASIS infestation of human tissue by fly maggots [n MYIASES] NOCTUID a night-flying moth [n -S] : NOCTUOID [adj] ODONATA insects of an order of predacious insects [n] : ODONATE(s) ODONATE any of an order of predacious insects [n -S] : ODONATA OOTHECA an egg case of certain insects [n -CAE] : OOTHECAL [adj] OVERFLY to fly over [v -FLEW, -FLOWN, -FLYING, -FLIES] PHASMID a tropical insect [n -S] PHORATE an insecticide [n -S] PISMIRE an {ant=n} [n -S] PISSANT a type of {ant=n} [n -S] PLEURON a part of a thoracic segment of an insect [n -RA] PREPUPA a stage preceding the pupa [n -PAS or -PAE] : PREPUPAL PYRALID a long-legged moth [n -S] REPLETE a worker ant that serves as a living storehouse for liquid food [n -S] RESILIN an elastic substance in the cuticles of many insects [n -S] SANDFLY a biting fly [n -FLIES] SATYRID a brownish butterfly [n -S] SHADFLY a winged insect [n -FLIES] SHOOFLY a child's rocker [n -FLIES] STYLOPS an insect that is a parasite of other insects [n STYLOPS] : STYLOPID(s) STYLOPODIUM/STYLOPODIA SYRPHID a winged insect [n -S] TABANID a bloodsucking insect [n -S] TERMITE an insect resembling an ant [n -S] : TERMITIC [adj] TORTRIX a small moth [n -ES or TORTRICES] : TORTRICID(s) TROILUS a large butterfly [n -ES] TUSSORE {tussah=n} [n -S] : TUSSAH TUSSAR TUSSEH TUSSER TUSSOR TUSSORE TUSSUR WAXWORM a moth that infests beehives [n -S] WEBWORM a web-spinning caterpillar [n -S] ZYZZYVA a tropical weevil [n -S] ACULEATE a stinging insect [n -S] / having a sting [adj] : ACULEATED [adj] ALDERFLY a winged insect [n -FLIES] APHIDIAN an {aphid=n} [n -S] ARMYWORM a destructive moth larva [n -S] BLACKFLY a biting fly [n -FLIES] BOLLWORM the larva of a certain moth [n -S] BOMBYCID a {moth=n} [n -S] : BOMBYCOID [adj] BOOKLICE wingless insects that damage books [n] CARAPACE a hard, protective outer covering [n -S], adj. CARAPACED : CARAPAX CARBARYL an insecticide [n -S] CASEWORM an insect larva [n -S] CATCHFLY an insect-catching plant [n -FLIES] CECROPIA a large North American moth [n -S] CHILOPOD a multi-legged insect [n -S] CONENOSE a bloodsucking insect [n -S] CORNICLE a part of an aphid [n -S] CULICINE a {mosquito=n} [n -S] : CULICID(s) CURCULIO a {weevil=n} [n -LIOS] CUTICULA the outer hard covering of an insect [n -LAE] DACTYLUS a leg joint of certain insects [n -LI] DELOUSER one that gets rid of lice [n -S] DIAZINON an insecticide [n -S] DIELDRIN an insecticide [n -S] DIPLOPOD a multi-legged insect [n -S] DIPTERAN a two-winged fly [n -S] : DIPTERON(s) DIPTERON {dipteran=n} [n -TERA] ECDYSONE an insect hormone [n -S] ECLOSION the emergence of an insect larva from an egg [n -S] ELATERID an {elater=n} [n -S] FENTHION an insecticide [n -S] FIGEATER a large beetle [n -S] FIREBRAT a small, wingless insect [n -S] FLEABANE a flowering plant [n -S] FLEABITE the bite of a flea [n -S] FLEAWORT a European herb [n -S] FLYPAPER paper designed to catch or kill flies [n -S] FLYSHEET a {circular=n} [n -S] FLYSPECK to mark with minute spots [v -ED, -ING, -S] FLYWHEEL a heavy disk used in machinery [n -S] FOREWING an anterior wing of an insect [n -S] GLOSSINA a tsetse fly [n -S] GLOWWORM a luminous insect [n -S] GNATHITE a jawlike appendage of an insect [n -S] GNATLIKE resembling a {gnat=n} [adj] GREENBUG a green aphid [n -S] GREENFLY a green aphid [n -FLIES] GRUBWORM the larva of some insects [n -S] HAWKMOTH a large moth [n -S] HEMIPTER an {insect=n} [n -S] HINDWING a posterior wing of an insect [n -S] HORNTAIL a wasplike insect [n -S] HORNWORM the larva of a hawkmoth [n -S] HORSEFLY a large fly [n -FLIES] HOUSEFLY a common fly [n -FLIES] HOVERFLY a fly noted for hovering [n -FLIES] INSECTAN pertaining to {insects=n} [adj] LACEWING a winged insect [n -S] LAMPYRID any of a family of beetles [n -S] LEAFWORM a moth larva that feeds on leaves [n -S] MEALWORM the destructive larva of certain beetles [n -S] MEALYBUG a destructive insect [n -S] MOSQUITO a winged insect [n -TOES or -TOS] : MOSQUITOEY ANTIMOSQUITO MOTHBALL to put into storage [v -ED, -ING, -S] MOTHLIKE resembling a {moth=n} [adj] OVARIOLE one of the tubes of which the ovaries of most insects are composed [n -S] PINCHBUG a large beetle [n -S] POLYGYNE having more than one egg-laying queen in an insect colony [adj] PREPUPAL preceding the pupal stage [adj] : PREPUPA PRONOTUM a hard outer plate of an insect [n -NOTA] PROTURAN any of an order of white, wingless insects [n -S] PULICENE pertaining to {fleas=n} [adj] PULICIDE an agent used for destroying fleas [n -S] PULVILLI pads between the claws of an insect's foot [n] REDUVIID a bloodsucking insect [n -S] ROOTWORM a beetle whose larvae feed on the roots of crop plants [n -S] ROSESLUG a larval sawfly that eats rose leaves [n -S] ROTENONE an insecticide [n -S] SIALIDAN {sialid=n} [n -S] SILKWORM a caterpillar that spins a cocoon of silk fibers [n -S] SNOWFLEA a wingless insect appearing on snow in the spring [n -S] SPHINGID the {hawkmoth=n} [n -S] STINKBUG an insect that emits a foul odor [n -S] STONEFLY a winged insect [n -FLIES] STYLOPID a stylops (an insect that is a parasite of other insects) [n -S] : STYLOPODIUM/STYLOPODIA TACHINID a grayish fly [n -S] WHITEFLY a small whitish insect [n -FLIES] WOODWASP a large wasplike insect [n -S] ACULEATED having a sting [adj] : ACULEATE(s) BOOKLOUSE [n BOOKLICE] BUTTERFLY [v -FLIED -FLIES -FLYING] : BUTTERFLYER(s) CADDISFLY [n -FLIES] DAMSELFLY [n -FLIES] DERMESTID a beetle [n -S] DOBSONFLY [n -FLIES] DORBEETLE [n -S] DRAGONFLY [n -FLIES] ECDYSIAST [n -S] FLYBRIDGE [n -S] FLYRODDER [n -S] FLYWEIGHT [n -S] HEMELYTRA pl. of HEMELYTRON or HEMELYTRUM HIGHFLIER [n -S] HIGHFLYER [n -S] INSECTARY [n -RIES] INSECTILE LARVICIDE [n -S] : LARVICIDAL LONGICORN a type of beetle [n -S] LOUSEWORT [n -S] MOTHPROOF [v -ED, -ING, -S], MOTHPROOFER(s) NONFLYING [adj] NONINSECT [n -S] TENTORIAL TENTORIUM the internal skeleton of the head of an insect [n -RIA] TERMITARY a termite nest [n -RIES] : TERMITARIUM TORTRICID [n -S] : TORTRIX UNFLYABLE COCKCHAFER a beetle [n -S] FLEAHOPPER [n -S] FLYCATCHER [n -S] FLYSWATTER [n -S] FROGHOPPER [n -S] HEMELYTRON [n HEMELYTRA] HEMELYTRUM [n HEMELYTRA] LARVICIDAL LEAFHOPPER [n -S] MOSQUITOEY PERMETHRIN an insecticide[n -S] TERMITARIA [n] TREEHOPPER [n -S] BUTTERFLYER [n -S] CATERPILLAR [n -S] GALLINIPPER a large mosquito [n -S] GRASSHOPPER [n -S] HYMENOPTERA (n HYMENOPTERON) : HYMENOPTERAN(s) HYMENOPTERON(s) INSECTICIDE [n -S] INSECTIVORE [n -S] LAMELLICORN a type of beetle [n -S] MOTHPROOFER [n -S] ORTHOPTERAN [n -S] PLECOPTERAN [n -S] TERMITARIUM a termite nest [n TERMITARIA] : TERMITARY ANTIMOSQUITO HYMENOPTERAN [n -S] HYMENOPTERON [n -S or HYMENOPTERA] INSECTICIDAL : INSECTICIDALLY TRICHOPTERAN [n -S] INSECTIVOROUS NONINSECTICIDAL * List compiled from OWL3 + OWL2 + Long List by Rebecca Slivka