* HORSES and other equines * ASS a hoofed mammal [n -ES] DAK transportation by relays of men and horses [n -S] BAY dark reddish-brown [adj BAYER BAYEST] BARD to armor a horse [v -ED, -ING, -S] CLOP to make the sound of a hoof striking pavement [v CLOPPED, CLOPPING, CLOPS] COLT a young male horse [n -S] : COLTISH [adj] COLTER(s) EKKA a one-horse vehicle of India [n -S] FOAL to give birth to a horse [v -ED, -ING, -S] GAIT to train a horse to move in a particular way [v -ED, -ING, -S] HAME a part of a horse collar [n -S] HOOF the hard covering on the feet of certain animals [n HOOVES or HOOFS] / to {dance=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] : HOOVED [adj], HOOFER(s) MARE a dark area on the surface of the moon or Mars [n -RIA] / a mature female horse [n -S] MOKE a {donkey=n} [n -S] POLO a game played on horseback [n -LOS] PONY to prepare lessons with the aid of a literal translation [v -NIED, -NYING, -NIES] : PONYTAIL REIN to {restrain=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] SORE to mutilate the feet of (a horse) so as to force a particular gait [v SORED, SORING, SORES] / painfully sensitive to the touch [adj SORER, SOREST] SPUR to urge on with a spur (a horseman's goad) [v SPURRED, SPURRING, SPURS] : SPURRIER(s) YAUD an old mare [n -S] MULE to strike from dies belonging to two different issues, as a coin [v MULED, MULING, MULES] : MULEY(s), MULISH AGIST to feed and take care of for a fee, as livestock [v -ED, -ING, -S] AIVER a draft horse [n -S] BRONC {bronco=n} [n -S] : BRONC BRONCO BRONCHO BURRO a small donkey [n -ROS] COPER a horse dealer [n -S] CUDDY a {donkey=n} [n -DIES] EQUID an animal of the horse family [n -S] FARCY a disease of horses [n -CIES] FILLY a young female horse [n -LIES] GALOP to dance a galop (a lively round dance) [v -ED, -ING, -S] : GALOPADE(s) HINNY to {whinny=v} [v -NIED, -NYING, -NIES] HORSE to provide with a horse (a large, hoofed mammal) [v HORSED, HORSING, HORSES] : HORSEY HORSY, HORSIE(s) HORSY resembling a horse [adj HORSIER, HORSIEST] : HORSEY JENNY a female {donkey=n} [n -NIES] JOCKY resembling an athlete (one skilled in feats of physical strength and agility) [adj JOCKIER, JOCKIEST] : JOCKDOM JOCKISH KIANG a wild ass [n -S] LONGE to guide a horse by means of a long rope [v LONGED, LONGEING, LONGES] MULEY a hornless cow [n MULEYS] NEDDY a {donkey=n} [n -DIES] NEIGH to utter the cry of a horse [v -ED, -ING, -S] PACER a horse whose gait is a pace [n -S] PACEY keeping a fast pace (rate of speed) [adj PACIER, PACIEST] PINTO a spotted horse [n -TOS or -TOES] ROWEL to prick with a spiked wheel in order to urge forward [v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS] SELLE a saddle [n -S] SHIER a horse having a tendency to shy [n -S] SHOER one that shoes horses [n -S] STAIG a {colt=n} [n -S] : STAGGIE(s) STEED a horse [n -S] SULKY sullenly aloof or withdrawn [adj SULKIER, SULKIEST] : SULKILY [adv] / a light horse-drawn vehicle [n SULKIES] TRAVE a frame for confining a horse [n -S] WAGON to convey by wagon (a four-wheeled, horse-drawn vehicle) [v -ED, -ING, -S] WALER an Australian-bred saddle horse [n -S] ZEBRA an African mammal that is related to the horse [n -S] : ZEBRAIC [adj], ZEBRAFISH ZEBRAWOOD AHORSE on a horse [adv] BAYARD a horse [n -S] BEHOOF use, advantage, or benefit [n -HOOVES] BEHOVE to {behoove=v} [v -HOVED, -HOVING, -HOVES] BRONCO a wild horse [n -COS] : BRONC BRONCO BRONCHO, BRONCOBUSTER BRUMBY a wild horse [n -BIES] BUCKER a bucking horse [n -S] CALKIN a gripping projection on a horseshoe [n -S] CANTER to ride a horse at a moderate pace [v -ED, -ING, -S] CANTLE the rear part of a saddle [n -S] CAYUSE an Indian pony [n -S] COLTAN a black ore containing columbite and tantalite [n -S] COLTER a blade on a plow [n -S] : COULTER(s) COWBOY to tend cattle or horses [v -BOYED, -BOYING, -BOYS] DOBBIN a farm horse [n -S] DONKEY the domestic ass [n -KEYS] EQUINE a horse [n -S] EXACTA a type of horse racing bet [n -S] GALLOP to ride a horse at full speed [v -ED, -ING, -S] : GALLOPER(s) GARRON a small, sturdy horse [n -S] GASKIN a part of a horse's leg [n -S] GIDDAP used as a command to a horse to go faster [interj] : GIDDAP GIDDYAP GIDDYUP HOOFER a professional dancer [n -S] HOOVED having hooves [adj] HORSIE a child's name for a horse [n -S] : HORSEY HORSY [adj] HORSEY {horsy=adj} [adj HORSIER, HORSIEST] JENNET a small horse [n -S] JIBBER a horse that jibs [n -S] JOCKEY to maneuver for an advantage [v -EYED, -EYING, -EYS] : JOCKEYISH, OUTJOCKEY LAMPAS inflammation of the roof of a horse's mouth [n -ES] LATIGO a strap used to fasten a saddle [n -GOS or -GOES] MANEGE the art of training and riding horses [n -S] MANGER a trough or box from which horses or cattle eat [n -S] MORGAN a unit of distance between genes [n -S] MUDDER a racehorse that runs well on a muddy track [n -S] MULISH {stubborn=adj} [adj] : MULISHLY [adv], MULISHNESS NAGANA a disease of horses in Africa [n -S] NICKER to {neigh=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] NOBBLE to disable a racehorse [v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES] NUMNAH a pad placed under a saddle [n -S] ONAGER a wild ass of central Asia [n -GERS or -GRI] PADNAG a horse that moves along at an easy pace [n -S] PELHAM a type of a horse's mouthpiece [n -S] PESADE the position of a horse when rearing [n -S] PIAFFE to perform a piaffer [v PIAFFED, PIAFFING, PIAFFES] : PIAFFER(s) REMUDA a herd of horses [n -S] RIDGEL a {ridgling=n} [n -S] : RIDGEL RIDGELING RIDGIL RIDGLING RIDGIL a {ridgling=n} [n -S] : RIDGEL RIDGELING RIDGIL RIDGLING SADDLE to put a saddle (a leather seat for a rider) on [v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES] SHELTY {sheltie=n} [n -TIES] SORING the practice of making a horse's front feet sore to force high stepping [n -S] SPAVIE {spavin=n} [n -S] : SPAVIET [adj] SPAVIN a disease of horses [n -S] : SPAVINED [adj] SPURRY a European weed [n -RIES] : SPURREY(s) SWEENY atrophy of the shoulder muscles in horses [n -NIES] : SWEENEY SWEENY SWINNEY TARPAN an Asian wild horse [n -S] UNBEAR to free from the pressure of a rein [v -BEARED, -BEARING, -BEARS] WHINNY abounding in {whin=n} [adj -NIER, -NIEST] / to neigh in a low or gentle manner [v -NIED, -NYING, -NIES] : HINNY APAREJO a type of saddle [n -JOS] BRADOON {bridoon=n} [n -S] BRECHAM a collar for a horse [n -S] : BRECHAN(s) BRECHAN {brecham=n} [n -S] BRIDOON a device used to control a horse [n -S] : BRADOON(s) BRONCHO {bronco=n} [n -CHOS] : BRONC BRONCO BRONCHO CARACOL to {caracole=v} [v -COLLED, -COLLING, -COLS] : CARACOLER COLTISH [adj] : COLTISHLY COLTISHNESS CRUPPER the rump of a horse [n -S] DAYMARE a nightmarish fantasy experienced while awake [n -S] DOGCART a one-horse carriage [n -S] DOURINE a disease of horses [n -S] EQUERRY an officer in charge of the care of horses [n -RIES] EVENTER a horse or rider competing in eventing [n -S] FARRIER one that shoes horses [n -S] FEEDBAG a bag for feeding horses [n -S] FEEDBOX a box for animal feed [n -ES] FETLOCK a joint of a horse's leg [n -S] GAMBADE a {gambado=n} [n -S] GAMBADO a leap made by a horse [n -DOES or -DOS] : GAMBADE(s) GAMBREL a part of a horse's leg [n -S] GELDING a castrated animal [n -S] GIDDYAP {giddap=interj} [interj] : GIDDAP GIDDYAP GIDDYUP GIDDYUP {giddap=interj} [interj] : GIDDAP GIDDYAP GIDDYUP HORSILY in a horsy manner [adv] HOSTLER a person who tends horses or mules [n -S] HOTSPUR a {hothead=n} [n -S] JACKASS a male {donkey=n} [n -ES] JOCKDOM the world of athletes [n -S] JOCKISH characteristic of an athlete [adj] LIMULUS a horseshoe crab [n -LI] LORIMER a maker of implements for harnesses and saddles [n -S] LORINER {lorimer=n} [n -S] MOCHILA a leather covering for a saddle [n -S] MUSTANG a wild horse [n -S] PADDOCK to confine in an enclosure for horses [v -ED, -ING, -S] PALFREY a riding horse [n -FREYS] PASSADE a turn of a horse backward or forward on the same ground [n -S] PASTERN a part of a horse's foot [n -S] PEYTRAL a piece of armor for the breast of a horse [n -S] : PEYTRAL PEYTREL POITREL PEYTREL {peytral=n} [n -S] : PEYTRAL PEYTREL POITREL PIAFFER a movement in horsemanship [n -S] : PIAFFE [v] PICADOR a horseman in a bullfight [n -ES or -S] PIEBALD a spotted animal [n -S] PILLION a pad or cushion for an extra rider on a horse or motorcycle [n -S] POITREL {peytral=n} [n -S] : PEYTRAL PEYTREL POITREL QUINELA {quinella=n} [n -S] : QUINELA QUINELLA QUINIELA QUITTOR an inflammation of an animal's hoof [n -S] SADDLER one that makes, repairs, or sells saddles [n -S] SARCOID a disease of horses [n -S] SAWBUCK a {sawhorse=n} [n -S] SHELTIE a small, shaggy pony [n -S] : SHELTY SNAFFLE to obtain by devious means [v -FLED, -FLING, -FLES] SPURREY {spurry=n} [n -REYS] STAGGIE a {colt=n} [n -S] : STAIG(s) STIRRUP a support for the foot of a horseman [n -S] SWEENEY {sweeny=n} [n -NEYS] : SWEENEY SWEENY SWINNEY SWINNEY {sweeny=n} [n -NEYS] : SWEENEY SWEENY SWINNEY TROTTER a horse that trots [n -S] TURFMAN a person who is devoted to horse racing [n TURFMEN] UNHORSE to cause to fall from a horse [v -HORSED, -HORSING, -HORSES] UNICORN a mythical horselike creature [n -S] WHICKER to {whinny=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] ZEBRASS the offspring of a zebra and an ass [n -ES] ZEBRINE the offspring of a male horse and a female zebra [n -S] ZEBROID pertaining to a {zebra=n} [adj] BANGTAIL a racehorse [n -S] BAREBACK without a saddle [adv] CARACOLE to perform a half turn on a horse [v -COLED, -COLING, -COLES] : CARACOL, CARACOLER(S) CARRIAGE a wheeled, horse-drawn vehicle [n -S] CAVALERO a {horseman=n} [n -ROS] : CABALLERO(s) CAVALIER to behave haughtily [v -ED, -ING, -S] CHAMFRON armor for a horse's head [n -S] CHIGETAI a wild ass [n -S] COCKSPUR a thorny plant [n -S] COLTHOOD the state or time of being a colt [n -S] CROWBAIT an old horse [n -S] DEMIVOLT a half turn made by a horse [n -S] DESTRIER a war horse [n -S] DRESSAGE the training of a horse in obedience and deportment [n -S] EOHIPPUS an extinct horse [n -ES] EQUINELY in a horselike manner [adv] EQUINITY the state of being like a horse [n -TIES] EQUIPAGE a {carriage=n} [n -S] FLANCARD a piece of armor for the side of a horse [n -S] FOALINGS FOALING, the act of giving birth to a horse [n] FOREHOOF the hoof of a forefoot [n -HOOFS or -HOOVES] GALLOPER one that {gallops=v} [n -S] GALOPADE a lively round dance [n -S] : GALLOPADE(s) GAMASHES boots worn by horseback riders [n] GLANDERS a disease of horses [n] HACKINGS HACKING, the activity of riding a horse for pleasure [n] HARDBOOT a {horseman=n} [n -S] HOOFBEAT the sound of hooves striking the ground [n -S] HOOFLESS lacking hooves [adj] HOOFLIKE resembling a {hoof=n} [adj] HORSEBOX a closed vehicle for transporting horses [n -ES] HORSECAR a streetcar drawn by a horse [n -S] HORSEFLY a large fly [n -FLIES] HORSEMAN one who rides a horse [n HORSEMEN] HORSEPOX a skin disease of horses [n -ES] HOTBLOOD a thoroughbred horse [n -S] JOCKETTE a woman who rides horses in races [n -S] : JOCKEY LIMULOID a horseshoe crab [n -S] MULETEER one who drives mules (hoofed work animals) [n -S] NOSEBAND a part of a horse's bridle [n -S] PALOMINO a slender-legged horse [n -NOS] PERFECTA a system of betting [n -S] PONYTAIL a hairstyle [n -S] : PONYTAILED [adj] QUADRIGA a chariot drawn by four horses [n -GAE] QUINELLA a type of bet in horse racing [n -S] : QUINELA QUINELLA QUINIELA QUINIELA {quinella=n} [n -S] : QUINELA QUINELLA QUINIELA RACEGOER one who regularly goes to horse races [n -S] REDHORSE a freshwater fish [n -S] REINLESS unrestrained [adj] REINSMAN a skilled rider of horses [n REINSMEN] RESADDLE [v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES] RIDGLING a male animal with undescended testicles [n -S] : RIDGEL RIDGELING RIDGIL RIDGLING RINGBONE a bony growth on a horse's foot [n -S] SADDLERY the shop of a saddler [n -DLERIES] SAWHORSE a rack used to support a piece of wood being sawed [n -S] SEAHORSE a fish of the pipefish family [n -S] SHETLAND a wool yarn [n -S] SKEWBALD a horse having patches of brown and white [n -S] SKIJORER a skier who is drawn over snow by a horse or vehicle [n -S] SPURGALL to injure with a spur [v -ED, -ING, -S] SPURRIER one that makes spurs [n -S] STALLION an uncastrated male horse [n -S] STAMPEDE to cause to run away in headlong panic [v -PEDED, -PEDING, -PEDES] TAPADERA a part of a saddle [n -S] : TAPADERO TAPADERO {tapadera=n} [n -ROS] TRAPPING a covering for a horse [n -S] UNSADDLE to remove the saddle from [v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES] WARHORSE a musical or dramatic work that has been performed to excess [n -S] WINDGALL a swelling on a horse's leg [n -S] YEARLING an animal past its first year and not yet two years old [n -S] APPALOOSA [n -S] BREECHING [n -S] BROODMARE [n -S] CABALLERO (cavalero=n) [n -ROS] CARACOLER [n -S] CARTHORSE [n -S] CHECKREIN [n -S] CHEVALIER [n -S] COCKHORSE [n -S] COLTISHLY COLTSFOOT [n -S] CURRYCOMB [v -ED -S -ING] GALLOPADE (galopade=n) [n -S] HACKAMORE [n -S] HEADSTALL [n -S] HOOFBOUND HOOFPRINT [n -S] HORSEBACK [n -S] HORSEBEAN [n -S] HORSEHAIR [n -S] HORSEHIDE [n -S] HORSELESS HORSELIKE HORSEMINT [n -S] HORSEPLAY [n -S] : HORSEPLAYER(s) HORSERACE [n -S] HORSESHIT [n -S] HORSESHOD HORSESHOE [v -SHOED -SHOD -SHOEING -SHOES] : HORSESHOER(s) HORSETAIL [n -S] HORSEWEED [n -S] HORSEWHIP [v -WHIPPED -WHIPPING -WHIPS] : HORSEWHIPPER(s) HORSINESS [n -ES] JOCKEYISH LAMINITIS [n -ES] NIGHTMARE [n -S] : NIGHTMARISH NIGHTMARISHLY OUTGALLOP [v -ED, -ING, -S] OUTJOCKEY [v -EYED, -EYING, -EYS] PACKHORSE [n -S] RACEHORSE [n -S] RIDGELING a {ridgling=n} [n -S] : RIDGEL RIDGELING RIDGIL RIDGLING SADDLEBAG [n -S] SADDLEBOW [n -S] SANDCRACK a fissure in a horse's hoof causing lameness [n -S] STUDHORSE [n -S] SURCINGLE [v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES] WORKHORSE [n -S] DONKEYWORK [n -S] HOBBYHORSE [n -S] HORSEFLESH [n -ES] HORSELAUGH [n -S] HORSEPOWER [n -S] HORSESHOER [n -S] HORSEWOMAN [n HORSEWOMEN] MULISHNESS [n -ES] PACKSADDLE [n -S] SADDLEBRED [n -S] SADDLELESS SADDLETREE [n -S] SIDESADDLE [n -S] SINGLETREE [n -S] : SWINGLETREE STRINGHALT [n -S], STRINGHALTED [adj] WHEELHORSE [n -S] COLTISHNESS [n -ES] HORSEPLAYER [n -S] HORSERACING [n -S] HORSERADISH [n -ES] SADDLECLOTH [n -S] SWINGLETREE [n -S] : SINGLETREE WHIFFLETREE [n -S] WHIPPLETREE [n -S] BRONCOBUSTER [n -S] CLOTHESHORSE [n -S] HORSEMANSHIP [n -S] HORSEWHIPPER [n -S] THOROUGHBRED [n -S] HORSEFEATHERS [interj] * List compiled from OWL3 + OWL2 + Long List by Rebecca Slivka