* FISH * AHI a marine food fish [n -S] BUT a {flatfish=n} [n -S] DIB to fish by letting the bait bob lightly on the water [v DIBBED, DIBBING, DIBS] EEL a snakelike fish [n -S] : EELY GED a food fish [n -S] GIG to catch fish with a pronged spear [v GIGGED, GIGGING, GIGS] ICH a disease of certain fishes [n ICHS] KOI a large and colorful fish [n -S] ONO a large mackerel [n ONOS] ROE the mass of eggs within a female fish [n -S] ALEC a {herring=n} [n -S] AMIA a freshwater fish [n -S] BASS an edible fish [n -ES] BRIT a young herring [n -S] CERO a large food fish [n CEROS] CHUB a freshwater fish [n -S] COHO a small salmon [n -HOS] : COHOE(s) CUSK a marine food fish [n -S] DACE a freshwater fish [n -S] DORE a large freshwater fish [n -S] EELY resembling an {eel=n} [adj EELIER, EELIEST] FISH to catch or try to catch fish (cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] FLEW a fishing net [n -S] FUGU a toxin-containing fish [n -S] FYKE a bag-shaped fishnet [n -S] GAFF to catch a fish with a sharp hook [v -ED, -ING, -S] GILL to catch fish with a type of net [v -ED, -ING, -S] GOBY a small fish [n GOBIES] HAAF a deep-sea fishing ground [n -S] HAKE a marine fish [n -S] HERL a feathered fishing lure [n -S] KELT a salmon that has spawned [n -S] KETA a type of salmon (a food fish) [n -S] LUCE a freshwater fish [n -S] MILT to impregnate with milt (fish sperm) [v -ED, -ING, -S] / MILTY, MILTER(s) MOLA a marine fish [n -S] OPAH a marine fish [n -S] PARR a young salmon [n -S] PAUA a large New Zealand shellfish (abalone) [n -S] POGY a marine fish [n -GIES] RUDD a freshwater fish [n -S] SCAD a marine fish [n -S] SCUP a marine food fish [n -S] SHAD a food fish [n -S] SILD a young herring [n -S] TUNA a marine food fish [n -S] : TUNNY TYEE a food fish [n -S] WEIR a fence placed in a stream to catch fish [n -S] ANGLE to fish with a hook and line [v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES] BETTA a freshwater fish [n -S] BLEAK {dreary=adj} [adj BLEAKER, BLEAKEST] / a freshwater fish [n -S] BRILL an edible flatfish [n -S] CHARR a small-scaled trout [n -S] CHIRO a marine fish [n -ROS] CISCO a freshwater fish [n -COS or -COES] CNIDA a stinging organ in a jellyfish [n -DAE] COBIA a large game fish [n -S] COBLE a small fishing boat [n -S] COHOE coho (a small salmon (a food fish)) [n -S] CREEL to put fish in a creel (a fish basket) [v -ED, -ING, -S] DANIO an aquarium fish [n -NIOS] DASHI a fish broth [n -S] DRAIL a heavy fishhook [n -S] ELVER a young eel [n -S] FISHY of or resembling fish [adj FISHIER, FISHIEST] GADID {gadoid=n} [n -S] GULAR a scale on the throat of a reptile or fish [n -S] GUPPY a small, tropical fish [n -PIES] GURDY a winch on a fishing boat [n -DIES] GURRY fish offal [n -RIES] JUREL a food fish [n -S] KENCH a bin for salting fish [n -ES] KIACK a fish of the herring family [n -S] LAKER a lake fish [n -S] LEGER fishing bait made to lie on the bottom [n -S] LOACH a freshwater fish [n -ES] LOCHE a fish of the cod family [n -S] LOTTE a {monkfish=n} [n -S] MILTY full of milt [adj MILTIER, MILTIEST] MINNY {minnow=n} [n -NIES] MOLLY {mollie=n} [n -LIES] MORAY a tropical eel [n -RAYS] : MURRY MURRY a {moray=n} [n -RIES] NYMPH to fish using a fly (a hook with silk or feathers) that looks like a larva [v -ED -ING -S] OSCAR a South American fish [n -S] PARGO a food fish [n -GOS] PERCH to sit or rest on an elevated place [v -ED, -ING, -ES] : PERCHER(s) PLATY split into thin, flat pieces [adj PLATIER, PLATIEST] / a small tropical fish [n PLATYS or PLATIES] PORGY a marine food fish [n -GIES] PRAWN to fish for prawns (edible shellfish) [v -ED, -ING, -S] RUFFE a freshwater fish [n -S] SARGO a silvery marine fish [n -GOS] SAURY a marine fish [n -RIES] SEINE to catch fish with a large, vertically hanging net [v SEINED, SEINING, SEINES] SMOLT a young salmon [n -S] SNELL {keen=adj} [adj SNELLER, SNELLEST] / to attach a short line to a fishhook [v -ED, -ING, -S] SPAWN to deposit eggs [v -ED, -ING, -S] : SPAWNER(s) SPRAT a small herring [n -S] SQUID to fish for squid (ten-armed marine mollusks) [v SQUIDDED, SQUIDDING, SQUIDS] : CALAMAR CALAMARI CALAMARY SUSHI a dish of cold rice cakes topped with strips of raw fish [n -S] TENCH a freshwater fish [n -ES] TETRA a tropical fish [n -S] TOGUE a freshwater fish [n -S] TORSK a marine food fish [n -S] TRAWL to fish by dragging a net along the sea bottom [v -ED, -ING, -S] TROLL to fish with a slowly trailing line [v -ED, -ING, -S] TROUT a freshwater fish [n -S] : TROUTY TUNNY a {tuna=n} [n -NIES] YABBY an Australian crayfish [n -BIES] ZUPPA a fish soup [n -S] ALEVIN a young fish [n -S] ANABAS a freshwater fish [n -ES] BARBEL an organ of a fish [n -S] BARBOT barbotte (a large catfish (a scaleless, large-headed fish)) [n -S] BAYMAN a person who fishes on a bay [n BAYMEN] BELUGA a white sturgeon [n -S] BIGEYE a marine fish [n -S] BLENNY a marine fish [n -NIES] BONACI an edible fish [n -S] BONITA {bonito=n} [n -S] BONITO a marine food fish [n -TOS or -TOES] : BONITA BOWFIN a freshwater fish [n -S] BRAIZE a marine fish [n -S] BURBOT a freshwater fish [n -S] CAPLIN {capelin=n} [n -S] : CAPELAN CAPELIN CAPLIN CARIBE the {piranha=n} [n -S] CAVIAR the roe of sturgeon [n -S] : CAVIARE CODDER a cod fisherman [n -S] CONGER a marine eel [n -S] CONNOR a saltwater fish [n -S] CUNNER a marine fish [n -S] DIPNET to scoop fish with a type of net [v -NETTED, -NETTING, -NETS] DOBBER a float for a fishing line [n -S] DOGGER a fishing vessel [n -S] DORADO a marine fish [n -DOS] FISHER one that {fishes=v} [n -S] FIZGIG {fishgig=n} [n -S] GADOID a type of fish [n -S] : GADID GANOID a type of fish [n -S] GRILSE a young salmon [n -S] GUNNEL a marine fish [n -S] GURNET a {gurnard=n} [n -S] HAUSEN a Russian sturgeon [n -S] KILLIE a freshwater fish [n -S] KIPPER to cure fish by salting and smoking [v -ED, -ING, -S] LAUNCE a marine fish [n -S] LUNKER a large game fish [n -S] MADTOM a North American catfish [n -S] MARLIN a marine game fish [n -S] MEDAKA a Japanese fish [n -S] MEDUSA a jellyfish [n -SAE or -SAS] : MEDUSAL [adj] MILTER a male fish at breeding time [n -S] MINNOW a small fish [n -S] : MINNY MOLLIE a tropical fish [n -S] : MOLLY MUDBUG a {crayfish=n} [n -S] MUDCAT a type of {catfish=n} [n -S] MULLET an edible fish [n -S] MUSKIE a freshwater fish [n -S] OSETRA a golden or brownish caviar [n -S] : OSSETRA PERCID a freshwater fish of the perch family [n -S] PIRANA {piranha=n} [n -S] : PIRANA PIRAYA PIRANHA PIRAYA {piranha=n} [n -S] : PIRANA PIRAYA PIRANHA PLAICE a European flatfish [n -S] REDEAR a common sunfish [n -S] REDFIN a freshwater fish [n -S] REMORA a type of marine fish [n -S] : REMORID [adj] ROBALO a marine food fish [n -LOS] ROUGHY a small fish having rough scales [n ROUGHIES] : RUFFE SAITHE a marine food fish [n SAITHE] SALMON a food fish [n -S] SAMLET a young salmon [n -S] SAUGER a freshwater fish [n -S] SAUREL a marine fish [n -S] SHANNY a marine fish [n -NIES] SPARID any of a family of marine fishes [n -S] : SPAROID(s) SPLAKE a freshwater fish [n -S] SURIMI an inexpensive fish product [n -S] TARPON a marine game fish [n -S] TAUTOG a marine fish [n -S] : TAUTAUG TOMCOD a marine fish [n -S] : TOMMYCOD TROUTY abounding in {trout=n} [adj TROUTIER, TROUTIEST] TULADI a freshwater fish [n -S] TURBOT a European flatfish [n -S] WARSAW a marine fish [n -S] WEEVER a marine fish [n -S] WRASSE a marine fish [n -S] ZANDER a freshwater fish [n -S] ABALONE an edible shellfish [n -S] ACALEPH a jellyfish [n -LEPHAE or -LEPHS] ALEWIFE a marine fish [n -WIVES] ANCHOVY a small food fish [n -VIES] : ANCHOVETA(s) ANCHOVETTA(s) ANGLING the sport of fishing [n -S] BACALAO {codfish=n} [n -LAOS] : BACALAO BACCALA BACALHAU BACCALA a codfish (a marine food fish) [n -S] : BACALAO BACCALA BACALHAU BATFISH a batlike fish [n -ES] BLOATER a smoked herring [n -S] BLUEFIN a large tuna [n -S] BOXFISH a marine fish [n -ES] BROOKIE a brook trout [n -S] BUMMALO a small Asian fish [n -LOS] CABEZON a large, edible fish [n -S] CALAMAR {calamary=n} [n -S] : CALAMAR CALAMARI CALAMARY CAPELAN {capelin=n} [n -S] : CAPELAN CAPELIN CAPLIN CAPELIN a small, edible fish [n -S] : CAPELAN CAPELIN CAPLIN CATFISH a scaleless, large-headed fish [n -ES] CAVALLA a large food fish [n -S] CAVALLY {cavalla=n} [n -LIES] CAVIARE {caviar=n} [n -S] CEVICHE {seviche=n} [n -S] CHINOOK a warm wind [n -S] CICHLID a tropical fish [n -LIDS or -LIDAE] CLUPEID a fish of the herring family [n -S] CODFISH the cod (a marine food fish) [n -ES] : BACALAO BACCALA BACALHAU CORBINA a food and game fish [n -S] : CORVINA CORVINA {corbina=n} [n -S] COWFISH an aquatic mammal [n -ES] CRAPPIE an edible fish [n -S] CRAWDAD a {crayfish=n} [n -S] CRUCIAN a European fish [n -S] DIPNOAN a {lungfish=n} [n -S] DOGFISH a small shark [n -ES] EELLIKE resembling an {eel=n} [adj] EELPOUT a marine fish [n -S] EELWORM a small roundworm [n -S] ESCOLAR a food fish [n -S] FATBACK a marine fish [n -S] FINFISH a true fish [n -ES] FISHERY a place for catching fish [n -ERIES] FISHEYE a suspicious stare [n -S] FISHGIG a pronged implement for spearing fish [n -S] : FIZGIG FISHILY in a fishy manner [adv] FISHING the occupation or pastime of catching fish [n -S] FISHNET a net for catching fish [n -S] FISHWAY a device for enabling fish to pass around a dam [n -WAYS] FLYTIER a maker of fishing flies [n -S] FOXFISH a large shark [n -ES] GARFISH a freshwater fish [n -ES] GARPIKE a {garfish=n} [n -S] GOBIOID a fish of the goby family [n -S] GOLDEYE a freshwater fish [n -S] GOURAMI a food fish [n -S or -ES] GRAVLAX cured salmon [n GRAVLAX] GROUPER a food fish [n -S] GRUNION a small food fish [n -S] GURNARD a marine fish [n -S] : GURNET HADDOCK a food fish [n -S] HAGFISH an eellike fish [n -ES] HALIBUT a {flatfish=n} [n -S] : HOLIBUT HELLERI a tropical fish [n -S or -ES] HERRING a food fish [n -S] HOGFISH a tropical fish [n -ES] HOLIBUT {halibut=n} [n -S] ICEFISH to fish through holes in the ice on a lake or river [v -ED, -ING, -ES] INCONNU a large food fish [n -S] JEWFISH a large marine fish [n -ES] KAKIVAK a fish spear used by the Inuits [n -S] KOKANEE a food fish [n -S] LABROID a marine fish [n -S] LAMPREY an eellike fish [n -PREYS] LEISTER to spear with a three-pronged fishing implement [v -ED, -ING, -S] LINGCOD a marine food fish [n -S] LOBEFIN a bony fish [n -S] LOBSTER to fish for lobsters (marine crustaceans) [v -ED, -ING, -S] LUTFISK {lutefisk=n} [n -S] MARGATE a tropical fish [n -S] MENDIGO a freshwater fish [n -GOS] MOJARRA a marine fish [n -S] MOONEYE a freshwater fish [n -S] MUDFISH a fish found in mud or muddy water [n -ES] MUSPIKE a freshwater fish [n -S] NYMPHED NYMPH, to fish using a fly (a hook with silk or feathers) that looks like a larva [v] OARFISH a marine fish [n -ES] OLDWIFE a marine fish [n -WIVES] OQUASSA a small lake trout [n -S] OSSETRA {osetra=n} [n -S] OUTFISH to surpass in fishing [v -ED, -ING, -ES] PANCHAX a tropical fish [n -ES] PANFISH any small fish that can be fried whole [n -ES] / to fish for any small fish that can be fried whole [v -ED -ES -ING] PERCHER one that {perches=v} [n -S] PERCOID a spiny-finned fish [n -S] PETRALE a food fish [n -S] PIGFISH a marine fish [n -ES] PINFISH a small marine fish [n -ES] PINTADA {pintado=n} [n -S] PINTADO a large food fish [n -DOS or -DOES] PINTANO a tropical fish [n -NOS] PIRANHA a voracious fish [n -S] : PIRANA PIRAYA PIRANHA PISCARY a place for fishing [n -RIES] PISCINE pertaining to fish [adj] PLACOID a fish having platelike scales [n -S] POLLACK a marine food fish [n -S] : POLLOCK POLLOCK {pollack=n} [n -S] POMFRET a marine fish [n -S] POMPANO a marine food fish [n -NOS] PUPFISH a small, freshwater fish [n -ES] QUINNAT a food fish [n -S] RASBORA a tropical fish [n -S] RATFISH a marine fish [n -ES] RATTAIL a marine fish [n -S] REDFISH an edible rockfish [n -ES] RIVULUS a small tropical American fish [n -ES] ROLLMOP a fillet of herring [n -S] SALMONY resembling salmon (a food fish) [adj] SALTERY a factory where fish is salted for storage [n -ERIES] SANDDAB a small flatfish [n -S] SARDINE to pack tightly [v -DINED, -DINING, -DINES] SASHIMI a Japanese dish of sliced raw fish [n -S] SAWFISH a marine fish [n -ES] SCALARE a tropical fish [n -S] SCULPIN a freshwater fish [n -S] SEAFOOD edible fish or shellfish from the sea [n -S] SETLINE a strong fishing line [n -S] SEVICHE a dish of raw fish [n -S] : CEVICHE SEVRUGA caviar from the Caspian Sea [n -S] SHOTTEN having spawned -- used of a fish [adj] SIGANID any of a family of fishes [n -S] SILURID any of a family of catfishes [n -S] SNAGGER a person who uses illegal fishing methods [n -S] SNIGGLE to fish for eels [v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES] SOCKEYE a food fish [n -S] SPAROID a {sparid=n} [n -S] SPAWNER one that {spawns=v} [n -S] STERLET a small sturgeon [n -S] STRIPER a food and game fish [n -S] SUNFISH a marine fish [n -ES] SUNSTAR a type of starfish (a star-shaped marine animal) [n -S] TAILFIN a fin at the posterior end of a fish [n -S] TAUTAUG {tautog=n} [n -S] TELEOST a bony fish [n -S] TIDDLER a small fish [n -S] TILAPIA an African fish [n -S] VENDACE a European fish [n -S] VENTRAL a fin located on the underside of a fish [n -S] WALLEYE an eye having a white cornea [n -S] : WALLEYED [adj] WHIPRAY a {stingray=n} [n -RAYS] WHITING a marine food fish [n -S] AEQUORIN a protein secreted by jellyfish [n -S] ALBACORE a marine food fish [n -S] : ALBICORE ALBICORE {albacore=n} [n -S] AMMOCETE the larva of a lamprey [n -S] ANABLEPS a freshwater fish [n -ES] AQUAFARM to cultivate food fish [v -ED, -ING, -S] ARAPAIMA a large food fish [n -S] BACALHAU baccala (a codfish (a marine food fish)) [n -S] : BACALAO BACCALA BACALHAU BACKCAST a backward movement in casting a fishing line [n -S] BAITFISH a fish used as bait [n -ES] BARBOTTE a large catfish (a scaleless, large-headed fish) [n -S] : BARBOT BARNACLE a shellfish [n -S] : BARNACLED [adj] BAYNODDY a bayman (a person who fishes on a bay) [n -DIES] BILLFISH a fish with long, slender jaws [n -ES] BLACKFIN a food fish [n -S] BLOODFIN a freshwater fish [n -S] BLOWFISH a marine fish [n -ES] BLUEBACK a bird or fish having a bluish back [n -S] BLUEFISH a marine fish [n -ES] BLUEGILL an edible sunfish [n -S] BLUEHEAD a marine fish [n -S] BOARFISH a marine fish [n -ES] BOCACCIO a {rockfish=n} [n -CIOS] BONEFISH a slender marine fish [n -ES] BOURRIDE a fish stew [n -S] BRISLING a small herring [n -S] BUCKTAIL a fishing lure [n -S] BULLHEAD a freshwater catfish [n -S] BURRFISH a fish with erect spines [n -ES] BUZZBAIT a vibrating fishing lure [n -S] CALAMARI squid used as food [n -S] : CALAMAR CALAMARI CALAMARY CALAMARY a squid [n -MARIES] : CALAMAR CALAMARI CALAMARY CARANGID a marine fish [n -S] : CARANGOID [adj] CAVEFISH a sightless fish [n -ES] CHARACID {characin=n} [n -S] CHARACIN a tropical fish [n -S] : CHARACID CHIMAERA a marine fish [n -S] CHROMIDE a tropical fish [n -S] CIOPPINO a spicy fish stew [n -NOS] COALFISH a blackish fish [n -ES] CRAWFISH to back out or retreat [v -ED, -ING, -ES] CRAYFISH a crustacean [n -ES] CREVALLE a food and game fish [n -S] CYPRINID a small freshwater fish [n -S] DEALFISH a marine fish [n -ES] DRAGONET a marine fish [n -S] DRIFTNET a large fishnet arranged to drift with the tide or current [n -S] DRUMFISH a fish that makes a drumming sound [n -ES] EULACHAN {eulachon=n} [n -S] : EULACHAN EULACHON OOLACHAN OOLICHAN EULACHON a marine food fish [n -S] : EULACHAN EULACHON OOLACHAN OOLICHAN FALLFISH a freshwater fish [n -ES] FILEFISH a marine fish [n -ES] FISHABLE suitable for fishing [adj] FISHBOAT a watercraft used for fishing [n -S] FISHBOLT a type of bolt [n -S] FISHBONE a bone of a fish [n -S] FISHBOWL a bowl in which live fish are kept [n -S] FISHHOOK a barbed hook for catching fish [n -S] FISHKILL the sudden destruction of large numbers of fish [n -S] FISHLESS having no fish [adj] FISHLIKE resembling a fish [adj] FISHLINE a line used in fishing [n -S] FISHMEAL ground dried fish [n -S] FISHPOLE a fishing rod [n -S] FISHPOND a pond abounding in edible fish [n -S] FISHTAIL to have the rear end of a moving vehicle slide from side to side [v -ED, -ING, -S] FISHWIFE a woman who sells fish [n -WIVES] FISHWORM a worm used as bait [n -S] FLATFISH any of an order of marine fishes [n -ES] FLATHEAD a marine food fish [n -S] FOOLFISH a marine fish [n -ES] FROGFISH a marine fish [n -ES] GAMBUSIA a small fish [n -S] GAMEFISH a fish caught for sport [n -ES] GILTHEAD a marine fish [n -S] GOATFISH a tropical fish [n -ES] GOLDFISH a freshwater fish [n -ES] GRAYFISH a {dogfish=n} [n -ES] GRAYLING a food fish [n -S] HAIRWING a fishing lure tied with hair [n -S] HALFBEAK a marine fish [n -S] HANDLINE a fishing line worked by hand [n -S] HEADFISH a marine fish [n -ES] HORNPOUT a {catfish=n} [n -S] ICHTHYIC pertaining to fishes [adj] JACKFISH a food fish [n -ES] KABELJOU a large food fish [n -S] KELPFISH a fish that lives among seaweed [n -ES] KINGFISH a marine food fish [n -ES] LADYFISH a {bonefish=n} [n -ES] LIONFISH a tropical fish [n -ES] LIVEWELL a container of water in a boat for keeping fish alive [n -S] LONGLINE a type of fishing line [n -S] LOOKDOWN a marine fish [n -S] LUMPFISH a marine fish [n -ES] LUNGFISH a type of fish [n -ES] LUTEFISK dried codfish [n -S] : LUTFISK MACKEREL a marine food fish [n -S] MAHIMAHI a food fish in Hawaii [n MAHIMAHI] MATELOTE a fish stew [n -S] MENHADEN a marine fish [n -S] MIDSHORE designating a fishery that is between the inshore and offshore fisheries [adj] MILKFISH a marine food fish [n -ES] MONKFISH a marine fish [n -ES] MOONFISH a marine fish [n -ES] MOSSBACK a large, old fish [n -S] : MOSSBACKED [adj] MURAENID a {moray=n} [n -S] NUMBFISH a fish capable of emitting electric shocks [n -ES] OOLACHAN a marine food fish [n -S] : EULACHAN EULACHON OOLACHAN OOLICHAN OOLICHAN eulachon (a marine food fish) [n -S] : EULACHAN EULACHON OOLACHAN OOLICHAN OVERFISH to deplete the supply of fish in an area by fishing to excess [v -ED, -ING, -ES] PARVOLIN an oily liquid obtained from fish [n -S] PHORETIC PHORESY, a symbiotic relationship between some arthropods and fishes [adj] PICKEREL a freshwater fish [n -S] PILCHARD a small marine fish [n -S] PIPEFISH a slender fish [n -ES] PIRARUCU a large food fish [n -S] PISCATOR a fisherman [n -S] : PISCATORY [adj] PISCATORIAL REDHORSE a freshwater fish [n -S] ROCKFISH a fish living around rocks [n -ES] ROCKLING a marine fish [n -S] ROSEFISH a marine food fish [n -ES] SAILFISH a large marine fish [n -ES] SALMONID a fish of the salmon family [n -S] SANDFISH a marine fish [n -ES] SANDLING a marine fish [n -S] SCIAENID a carnivorous fish [n -S] SCOMBRID a fish of the mackerel family [n pl. -S] : SCOMBROID(s) SCUPPAUG {scup=n} [n -S] SEAHORSE a fish of the pipefish family [n -S] SEAROBIN a marine fish [n -S] SEATROUT a marine fish [n -S] SEININGS SEINING, the act of catching fish with a seine [n] SERRANID a marine fish [n -S] SHARKISH behaving like a shark (a predatory fish) [adj] SHRIMPER a shrimp fisher [n -S] SKIPJACK a marine fish [n -S] SOAPFISH a tropical fish that produces toxic mucus [n -ES] SPARLING a young herring [n -S] STARFISH a star-shaped marine animal [n -ES] STINGRAY a flat-bodied marine fish [n -RAYS] : WHIPRAY(s) STUDFISH a freshwater fish [n -ES] STURGEON an edible fish [n -S] SUCKFISH a {remora=n} [n -ES] SURFFISH a marine fish [n -ES] SWEETLIP a fish having a protruding mouth [n -S] TILEFISH a marine food fish [n -ES] TOADFISH a marine fish [n -ES] TOMMYCOD tomcod (a marine fish) [n -S] TREVALLY an Australian food fish [n -LIES] TROTLINE a strong fishing line [n -S] TROUTING the activity of fishing for trout [n -S] TULLIBEE a freshwater fish [n -S] UNFISHED [adj] WARMOUTH a freshwater fish [n -S] WEAKFISH a marine fish [n -ES] : SQUETEAGUE WOLFFISH a marine fish [n -ES] AMBERJACK [n -S] ANCHOVETA [n -S] : ANCHOVETTA(s) ANGELFISH [n -ES] BARRACUDA [n -S] : BARRACOUTA BLACKFISH [n -ES] BLINDFISH [n -ES] CLINGFISH [n -ES] CRAMPFISH [n -ES] DEVILFISH [n -ES] FISHERMAN [n FISHERMEN] FISHINESS [n -ES] FISHPLATE [n -S] FROSTFISH [n -ES] GARIBALDI [n -S] GASPEREAU a type of herring [n -X] GLOBEFISH [n -ES] GOOSEFISH [n -ES] JELLYFISH [n -ES] JEWELFISH [n -ES] KILLIFISH [n -ES] PIKEPERCH [n -ES] PILOTFISH [n -ES] PISCATORY [adj] : PISCATORIAL PISCIFORM [adj] PISCIVORE [n -S] : PISCIVOROUS [adj] PLATYFISH [n -ES] SABLEFISH [n -ES] SALMONOID [n -S] SCOMBROID [n -S] : SCOMBRID(s) SHEATFISH [n -ES] SHEEPHEAD [n -S] : SHEEPSHEAD(s) SHELLFISH [n -ES] SNAKEFISH [n -ES] SNAKEHEAD [n -S] SPADEFISH [n -ES] SPEARFISH [v -FISHED -FISHES -FISHING] SQUAWFISH [n -ES] STEELHEAD [n -S] STOCKFISH [n -ES] STONEFISH [n -ES] SURFPERCH [n -ES] SURMULLET [n -S] SWELLFISH [n -ES] SWORDFISH [n -ES] TOPMINNOW [n -S] TRUNKFISH [n -ES] VIPERFISH [n -ES] WHITEBAIT [n -S] WHITEFISH [n -ES] ZEBRAFISH [n -ES] ANCHOVETTA [n -S] : ANCHOVETA(s) ANGLERFISH [n -ES] ARCHERFISH [n -ES] BARRACOUTA [n -S] : BARRACUDA BARRAMUNDA [n -S] : BARRAMUNDI BARRAMUNDI [n -S] : BARRAMUNDA BUTTERFISH [n -ES] CANDLEFISH [n -ES] COELACANTH [n -S] CUTTLEFISH [n -ES] DAMSELFISH [n -ES] ESCAPEMENT [n -S] FISHERFOLK FISHMONGER [n -S] GROUNDFISH [n -ES] GUITARFISH [n -ES] LARGEMOUTH [n -S] MUTTONFISH [n -ES] NEEDLEFISH [n -ES] PADDLEFISH [n -ES] RIBBONFISH [n -ES] SHEEPSHEAD [n -S] : SHEEPHEAD(s) SILVERFISH [n -ES] SQUETEAGUE a {weakfish=n} [n] SMALLMOUTH [n -S] BONEFISHING [n -S] BUFFALOFISH [n -ES] DOLPHINFISH [n -ES] FISHABILITY [n -TIES] FISHERWOMAN FISHERWOMEN HERRINGBONE [v -BONED -BONES -BONING] MARLINSPIKE [n -S] : MARLINESPIKE MUSKELLUNGE PISCATORIAL [adj] : PISCATORY PISCIVOROUS SALMONBERRY [n -BERRIES] STICKLEBACK [n -S] SURGEONFISH [n -ES] TRIGGERFISH [n -ES] MARLINESPIKE [n -S] : MARLINSPIKE PISCICULTURE [n -S] SHELLFISHERY [n -RIES] SPORTFISHING [n -S] SQUIRRELFISH [n -ES] ELECTROFISHING [n -S] SPORTFISHERMAN [n SPORTFISHERMEN] * List compiled from OWL3 + OWL2 + Long List by Rebecca Slivka