* FARMING * AG agriculture [n -S] COW a farm animal [n -S or KINE] / to intimidate [v -ED, -ING, -S] HOE to use a hoe (a gardening tool) [v HOED, HOEING, HOES] SOD to cover with sod (turf) [v SODDED, SODDING, SODS] : RESOD SOW to scatter over land for growth, as seed [v SOWED, SOWN, SOWING, SOWS] : SOWABLE [adj], RESOW AGRO a student of agricultural science [n AGROS] DISK to break up land with a type of farm implement [v -ED, -ING, -S] : DISKER(s) FARM to manage and cultivate as a farm (a tract of land devoted to agriculture) [v -ED, -ING, -S] : FARMABLE [adj] PLOW to turn up land with a plow (a farm implement) [v -ED, -ING, -S] : PLOWABLE [adj], PLOWER(s), PLOUGH REPLOW RYOT a tenant farmer in India [n -S] TILL to prepare land for crops by plowing [v -ED, -ING, -S] : UN/TILLABLE [adj] UNTILLED, TILLER(s), ROTOTILL INTERTILL TRUG a gardener's basket [n -S] ARBOR a tree [n -ES] / a shady garden shelter [n -S] : ARBOUR(s) ARTEL a collective farm in Russia [n -S] ARVAL pertaining to plowed land [adj] CROFT to farm on a small tenant farm [v -ED -ING -S] / a small tenant farm [n -S]: CROFTER(s), UNDERCROFT(s) EJIDO a piece of land farmed communally in Mexico [n -DOS] GARTH a yard or garden [n -S] MILPA a field that is cleared from a jungle for farming purposes [n -S] RESOD [v -SODDED, -SODDING, -SODS] RESOW [v -SOWED, -SOWN, -SOWING, -SOWS] SODDY a house built of sod [n -DIES] STOOK to stack upright in a field for drying, as bundles of grain [v -ED, -ING, -S] : STOOKER(s) STOOKING(s) TILTH {tillage=n} [n -S] YAIRD a garden [n -S] ARBOUR a shady garden shelter [n -S] : ARBOURED [adj] ARBOR(s) BOWERY a colonial Dutch farm [n -ERIES] COLTER a blade on a plow [n -S] : COULTER(s) DISKER one that disks (to break up land with a type of farm implement) [n -S] DOBBIN a farm horse [n -S] FALLOW to plow and leave unseeded [v -ED, -ING, -S] FARMER one that {farms=v} [n -S] FARROW to give birth to a litter of pigs [v -ED, -ING, -S] FURROW to make furrows (narrow depressions) in [v -ED, -ING, -S] : FURROWY, FURROWER(s) SULCUS a narrow furrow [n -CI] : SULCAL [adj], SULCATE GARDEN to cultivate a plot of ground [v -ED, -ING, -S] : GARDENER(s) GARDENINGS GARDENFUL(s) GRANGE a farm [n -S] : GRANGER(s) HALUTZ an Israeli farmer [n -LUTZIM] : CHALUTZ KOLHOZ {kolkhoz=n} [n -HOZY or -HOZES] : KOLHOZ KOLKHOS KOLKHOZ KOLKOZ (plurals: -ES, -Y) KOLKOZ {kolkhoz=n} [n -KOZY or -KOZES] : KOLHOZ KOLKHOS KOLKHOZ KOLKOZ (plurals: -ES, -Y) LISTER a type of plow [n -S] MOSHAV a cooperative settlement of small farms in Israel [n -SHAVIM] PLOUGH to {plow=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] PLOWER one that {plows=v} [n -S] REPLOW [v -ED, -ING, -S] SHAMBA a farm in East Africa [n -S] SICKLE to cut with an agricultural implement having a single blade [v -LED, -LING, -LES] TILLER to put forth stems from a root [v -ED, -ING, -S] : TILLERMAN YEOMAN an independent farmer [n YEOMEN] : YEOMANLY [adj] CHALUTZ {halutz=n} [n -LUTZIM] COULTER {colter=n} [n -S] CROFTER a tenant farmer [n -S] FARMING the business of operating a farm [n -S] FURROWY marked by furrows [adj] GEORGIC a poem about farming [n -S] GRANGER a {farmer=n} [n -S] HENNERY a poultry farm [n -NERIES] KIBBUTZ a collective farm in Israel [n -BUTZIM] KOLKHOS {kolkhoz=n} [n -KHOSY or -KHOSES] : KOLHOZ KOLKHOS KOLKHOZ KOLKOZ (plurals: -ES, -Y) KOLKHOZ a collective farm in Russia [n -KHOZY or -KHOZES] : KOLHOZ KOLKHOS KOLKHOZ KOLKOZ (plurals: -ES, -Y) LAMBING the birth of lambs on a farm [n -S] MAILING a rented farm [n -S] NONFARM not pertaining to the farm [adj] PLOWBOY a boy who leads a plow team [n -BOYS] PLOWMAN a man who plows [n PLOWMEN] SOVKHOZ a state-owned farm in the Soviet Union [n -KHOZES or -KHOZY] STOOKER one that {stooks=v} [n -S] SUBSOIL to plow so as to turn up the subsoil (the layer of earth beneath the surface soil) [v -ED, -ING, -S] : SUBSOILINGS SULCATE having long, narrow furrows [adj] : SULCAL SWIDDEN an agricultural plot produced by burning off the vegetative cover [n -S] TILLAGE cultivated land [n -S] : TILTH(s) TRACTOR a motor vehicle used in farming [n -S] WOOLHAT one who works a small farm [n -S] AGROLOGY the science of soils in relation to crops [n -GIES] : AGROLOGIC [adj] AGRONOMY the application of scientific principles to the cultivation of land [n -MIES] : AGRONOMIC [adj], AGRONOMICALLY; AGRONOMIST(s) AQUAFARM to cultivate food fish [v -ED, -ING, -S] BIRDFARM an aircraft carrier [n -S] CHARLOCK a troublesome weed [n -S] CROPLAND {farmland=n} [n -S] CROPLESS being without crops (agricultural produce) [adj] FARMHAND a farm laborer [n -S] FARMLAND cultivated land [n -S] FARMWIFE a farmer's wife [n -WIVES] FARMWORK labor done on a farm [n -S] FARMYARD an area surrounded by farm buildings [n -S] FURROWER one that {furrows=v} [n -S] GANGPLOW an agricultural implement [n -S] GARDENER one that {gardens=v} [n -S] GEOPONIC pertaining to {farming=n} [adj] KALEWIFE a female vegetable vendor [n -WIVES] KALEYARD a kitchen garden [n -S] LANDSIDE a part of a plow [n -S] PLOWABLE [adj] : TILLABLE PLOWBACK a reinvestment of profits in a business [n -S] PLOWHEAD the clevis of a plow [n -S] PLOWLAND land suitable for cultivation [n -S] ROTOTILL to till soil with a type of farming implement [v -ED, -ING, -S] : ROTOTILLER(s) SNOWPLOW to execute a type of skiing maneuver [v -ED, -ING, -S] STEADING a small farm [n -S] TILLABLE [adj] : PLOWABLE, UNTILLABLE UNPLOWED [adj] UNTILLED [adj] FARMHOUSE [n -S] FARMSTEAD [n -S] GARDENFUL [n -S] GARDENING GARDEN, to cultivate a plot of ground [n -S] INTERTILL [v -ED, -ING, -S] : INTERTILLAGE NONFARMER [n -S] PLOWSHARE [n -S] SODBUSTER [n -S] STOOKINGS STOOKING, the work of a stooker [n] SUPERFARM [n -S] TILLERMAN [n TILLERMEN] AGRONOMIST [n -S] FARMERETTE [n -S] FARMWORKER [n -S] ROTOTILLER [n -S] UNDERCROFT [n -S] UNTILLABLE [adj] : TILLABLE AGRICULTURE [n -S] : AGRICULTURAL, AGRICULTURIST(s) AQUICULTURE [n -S] SUBSOILINGS SUBSOILING, SUBSOIL, to plow so as to turn up the subsoil (the layer of earth beneath the surface soil) [n] AGRIBUSINESS [n -ES] AGRICHEMICAL [n -S] : AGROCHEMICAL AGRICULTURAL [adj] : AGRICULTURALLY, AGRICULTURALIST(s) AGROCHEMICAL [n -S] : AGRICHEMICAL AGROFORESTER [n -S] : AGROFORESTRY AGROFORESTRY [n -TRIES] INTERTILLAGE [n -S] AGRICULTURIST [n -S] : AGRICULTURALIST AGRONOMICALLY [adv] AGRIBUSINESSMAN [n AGRIBUSINESSMEN] AGRICULTURALIST [n -S] : AGRICULTURIST NONAGRICULTURAL [adj] PREAGRICULTURAL [adj] * List compiled from OWL3 + OWL2 + Long List by Rebecca Slivka