* EYES, VISION, etc. * EYE the organ of sight [n EYES, EYEN or EYNE] / to watch closely [v EYED, EYING or EYEING, EYES] : EYEABLE [adj] SEE to perceive with the eyes [v SAW, SEEN, SEEING, SEES] : SEEABLE [adj], SEER(s), RESEE SPY to watch secretly [v SPIED, SPYING, SPIES] VID a {video=n} [n -S] EYEN [n] EYER one that eyes [n -S] EYNE [n] GAZE to look intently [v GAZED, GAZING, GAZES] IRIS a part of the eye [n IRISES or IRIDES] / to give the form of a rainbow to [v -ED, -ING, -ES] KOHL a type of eye makeup [n -S] LAMP to look at [v -ED, -ING, -S] LEER to look with a sideways glance [v -ED, -ING, -S] LOOK to use one's eyes in seeing [v -ED, -ING, -S] : RELOOK, LOOKER(s) PEEK to look furtively or quickly [v -ED, -ING, -S] PEER to look narrowly or searchingly [v -ED, -ING, -S] SEEL to stitch closed the eyes of, as a falcon during training [v -ED, -ING, -S] SEER a {prophet=n} [n -S] STYE an inflamed swelling of the eyelid [n -S] TEAR to emit tears (drops of saline liquid secreted by a gland of the eye) [v -ED, -ING, -S] / to pull apart or into pieces [v TORE, TORN, TEARING, TEARS] : TEARABLE [adj], TEARY, TEARER(s) UVEA a layer of the eye [n -S] : UVEAL [adj] VIDE see -- used to direct a reader to another item; VIDE is the only form of this verb; it cannot be conjugated [v] VIEW to look at [v -ED, -ING, -S] : VIEWABLE [adj], VIEWER(s), VIEWY WARY {watchful=adj} [adj WARIER, WARIEST] WINK to close and open one eye quickly [v -ED, -ING, -S] BLIND sightless [adj BLINDER, BLINDEST] / to make sightless [v -ED, -ING, -S] BLINK to open and shut the eyes [v -ED, -ING, -S] DEKKO a look [n -KOS] GLASS to encase in glass (a transparent substance) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] : GLASSY GLASSILY GLIME to glance slyly [v GLIMED, GLIMING, GLIMES] LORAL pertaining to the space between the eye and bill of a bird [adj] LOUPE a small magnifying glass [n -S] MYOPE one who is affected with myopia [n -S] MYOPY {myopia=n} [n -PIES] OPTIC an {eye=n} [n -S] : OPTICAL [adj] OXEYE a flowering plant [n -S] RESEE [v -SAW, -SEEN, -SEEING, -SEES] RHEUM a watery discharge from the eyes or nose [n -S] : RHEUMIC [adj] SCOPE to look at in order to evaluate [v SCOPED, SCOPING, SCOPES] SIGHT to observe or notice [v -ED, -ING, -S] : SIGHTER(s) SPECS {eyeglasses=n} [n] STIME a glimpse [n -S] TEARY {tearful=adj} [adj TEARIER, TEARIEST] TENTY {watchful=adj} [adj TENTIER, TENTIEST] TORIC a lens designed to correct astigmatism [n -S] VIDEO a recording for playing on a television set [n -EOS] VIEWY {showy=adj} [adj VIEWIER, VIEWIEST] VIGIL a period of watchfulness maintained during normal sleeping hours [n -S] VISOR to provide with a visor (a projecting brim) [v -ED, -ING, -S] : VIZOR(s), VISORLESS VISTA a distant view [n -S] : VISTAED [adj], VISTALESS VIZOR to {visor=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] WATCH to observe carefully [v -ED, -ING, -ES] : OUTWATCH, WATCHER(s) ANOPIA {anoopsia=n} [n -S] : ANOOPSIA ANOPIA ANOPSIA ASPECT appearance of something to the eye or mind [n -S] BIGEYE a marine fish [n -S] BINOCS binoculars [n] BUGEYE a small boat [n -S] CORNEA a part of the eye [n -S] : CORNEAL [adj] ETALON an optical instrument [n -S] EYEBAR a metal bar with a loop at one or both ends [n -S] EYECUP a cup used for applying lotions to the eyes [n -S] EYEFUL a complete view [n -S] EYELET to make a small hole in [v -LETTED, -LETTING, -LETS] EYELID the lid of skin that can be closed over an eyeball [n -S] GLASSY resembling glass [adj GLASSIER, GLASSIEST] : GLASSILY GLANCE to look quickly [v GLANCED, GLANCING, GLANCES] : GLANCINGLY, GLANCER(s) GOGGLE to stare with wide eyes [v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES] : BEGOGGLED, GOGGLER(s) GOGGLY wide-eyed [adj -GLIER, -GLIEST] LATENT a barely visible fingerprint that can be developed for study [n -S] LOOKER one that {looks=v} [n -S] LOOKUP the process of looking something up [n -S] MIOSIS excessive contraction of the pupil of the eye [n -OSES] MIOTIC an agent that causes miosis [n -S] MIRAGE a type of optical illusion [n -S] MYOPIA a visual defect [n -S] : MYOPIC [adj], MYOPY OCULAR an {eyepiece=n} [n -S] : OCULARLY OCULUS a circular window [n -LI] OUTSEE to see beyond [v -SAW, -SEEN, -SEEING, -SEES] PREVUE to {preview=v} [v -VUED, -VUING, -VUES] PTOSIS a drooping of the upper eyelid [n PTOSES] : PTOTIC [adj] REDEYE a railroad danger signal [n -S] REGARD to look upon with a particular feeling [v -ED, -ING, -S] RELOOK [v -ED, -ING, -S] RETINA a membrane of the eye [n -NAS or -NAE] REVIEW [v -ED, -ING, -S] RUBBER to stretch one's neck in looking at something [v -ED, -ING, -S] : RUBBERNECK, RUBBERNECKER SCLERA the white, fibrous outer coat of the eyeball [n -RAS or -RAE] : SCLERAL [adj] SEESAW to move up and down or back and forth [v -ED, -ING, -S] SQUINT cross-eyed [adj SQUINTER, SQUINTEST] / to look with the eyes partly closed [v -ED, -ING, -S] : ASQUINT [adv], SQUINTINGLY, SQUINCH SQUINNY, SQUINTY, SQUINTER(s) SWEVEN a dream or vision [n -S] TEARER one that tears or rips [n -S] UNSEEN [adj] VIEWER one that {views=v} [n -S] VISION to {imagine=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] : PREVISION VISIVE {visible=adj} [adj] VISUAL something that illustrates by pictures or diagrams [n -S] VOYEUR one who is sexually gratified by looking at sexual objects or acts [n -S] : VOYEURISM VOYEURISTIC ANOPSIA {anoopsia=n} [n -S] : ANOOPSIA ANOPIA ANOPSIA ASKANCE with a side glance [adv] ASQUINT with a sidelong glance [adv] BINOCLE a binocular [n -S] BLINDER an obstruction to sight [n -S] BLINDLY in a blind manner [adv] BUCKEYE a nut-bearing tree [n -S] CANTHUS a corner of the eye [n -THI] : CANTHAL [adj] CHOROID a membrane of the eye [n -S] COCKEYE a squinting eye [n -S] : COCKEYED [adj] COCKEYEDLY COCKEYEDNESS COMATIC having blurred vision as a result of coma [adj] CYCLOPS a freshwater animal [n CYCLOPS] / any of a race of giants in Greek mythology with a single eye in the middle of the forehead [n CYCLOPES] DEADEYE an expert marksman [n -S] EYEABLE [adj] EYEBALL to {eye=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] EYEBEAM a glance [n -S] EYEBOLT a type of bolt or screw [n -S] EYEBROW the ridge over the eye [n -S] EYEFOLD a fold of skin of the upper eyelid [n -S] EYEHOLE a small opening [n -S] EYEHOOK a type of hook [n -S] EYELASH a hair growing on the edge of an eyelid [n -ES] EYELESS lacking eyes [adj] EYELIFT plastic surgery of the eyelid [n -S] EYELIKE resembling an {eye=n} [adj] EYESHOT the range of vision [n -S] EYESOME pleasant to look at [adj] EYESORE something offensive to the sight [n -S] EYESPOT a simple visual organ of lower animals [n -S] EYEWASH an eye lotion [n -ES] EYEWEAR devices worn on or over the eyes [n EYEWEAR] EYEWINK a wink of the eye [n -S] FISHEYE a suspicious stare [n -S] FORESEE to see in advance [v -SAW, -SEEN, -SEEING, -SEES] : FORESIGHT, FORESEER(s) FROGEYE a plant disease [n -S] : FROGEYED [adj] GLANCER one that {glances=v} [n -S] GLIMPSE to see for an instant [v GLIMPSED, GLIMPSING, GLIMPSES] : GLIMPSER(s) GOGGLER one that {goggles=v} [n -S] GOLDEYE a freshwater fish [n -S] GRAYOUT a temporary blurring of vision [n -S] HYALOID a membrane of the eye [n -S] LOOKISM discrimination based on physical appearance [n -S] LOOKIST one that practices lookism [n -S] LOOKOUT one engaged in keeping watch [n -S] LORGNON a pair of eyeglasses with a handle [n -S] MASCARA to color the eyelashes or eyebrows with a cosmetic [v -ED, -ING, -S] MEROPIA partial blindness [n -S] : MEROPIC [adj] MONOCLE an eyeglass for one eye [n -S] : MONOCLED [adj] MOONEYE a freshwater fish [n -S] OBSERVE to look attentively [v -SERVED, -SERVING, -SERVES] OCELLAR pertaining to an {ocellus=n} [adj] OCELLUS a minute simple eye [n -LI] OCULIST a physician who treats diseases of the eye [n -S] : OCULARIST(s) OPTICAL pertaining to sight [adj] : OPTICALLY OUTLOOK a point of view [n -S] OVERSEE to watch over and direct [v -SAW, -SEEN, -SEEING, -SEES] : OVERSEER(s) PINKEYE an inflammation of the eye [n -S] POPEYED having bulging eyes [adj] PREVIEW to view or exhibit in advance [v -ED, -ING, -S] : PREVUE PREVISE to {foresee=v} [v -VISED, -VISING, -VISES] : PREVISOR(s) PUPILAR pertaining to a part of the eye [adj] PURVIEW the extent of operation, authority, or concern [n -S] RESIGHT [v -ED, -ING, -S] RETICLE a network of lines in the eyepiece of an optical instrument [n -S] REVISAL a {revision=n} [n -S] SACCADE a rapid, jerky movement of the eye [n -S] : SACCADIC [adj] SANDMAN a mythical person who makes children sleepy by sprinkling sand in their eyes [n SANDMEN] SCOTOMA a blind spot in the field of vision [n -MAS or -MATA] SEEABLE [adj] SEEINGS [n] SEERESS a female {seer=n} [n -ES] SENOPIA an improvement of near vision [n -S] SHUTEYE sleep [n -S] SIGHTER one that {sights=v} [n -S] SIGHTLY pleasing to look at [adj -LIER, -LIEST] SOCKEYE a food fish [n -S] SQUINCH to {squint=v} [v -ED, -ING, -ES] SQUINNY {squinty=adj} [adj -NIER, -NIEST] / to {squint=v} [v -NIED, -NYING, -NIES] SQUINTY marked by squinting [adj SQUINTIER, SQUINTIEST] : SQUINNY SURVEIL to watch closely [v -VEILLED, -VEILLING, -VEILS] TEARFUL full of tears [adj] : TEARFULLY TEARFULNESS TEARGAS to subject to a gas that irritates the eyes [v -GASSED, -GASSING, -GASES or -GASSES] TEARILY in a teary manner [adv] UNSIGHT to prevent from seeing [v -ED, -ING, -S] : UNSIGHTLY VIEWING an act of seeing, watching, or looking [n -S] VISIBLE capable of being seen [adj] : VISIBLY [adv] WALLEYE an eye having a white cornea [n -S] : WALLEYED [adj] WATCHER one that {watches=v} [n -S] WITNESS to see or know by personal experience [v -ED, -ING, -ES] ANOOPSIA a visual defect [n -S] : ANOOPSIA ANOPIA ANOPSIA APPARENT easily seen [adj] ASTIGMIA a visual defect [n -S] : ASTIGMATISM BIRDSEYE a flowering plant [n -S] BROWBAND a band designed to cross the forehead [n -S] BROWBEAT to intimidate [v -BEAT, BEATEN, BEATING, BEATS] BROWLESS lacking eyebrows [adj] CHALAZIA tumors of the eyelid [n] COLOBOMA a lesion of the eye [n -MATA] DIOPTRIC aiding the vision by refraction [adj] DIPLOPIA double vision [n -S] : DIPLOPIC [adj] ENVISAGE to form a mental image of [v -AGED, -AGING, -AGES] ENVISION to {envisage=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] EYEBLACK a dark pigment applied under the eyes [n -S] EYEBLINK an {instant=n} [n -S] EYEDNESS preference for the use of one eye over the other [n -ES] EYEDROPS a medicated solution for the eyes applied in drops [n] EYEGLASS a lens used to aid vision [n -ES] EYELINER makeup for the eyes [n -S] EYEPIECE the lens or lens group nearest the eye in an optical instrument [n -S] EYEPOINT the point at which an eye is placed in using an optical instrument [n -S] EYESHADE a visor for shading the eyes [n -S] EYESHINE a reflection from the eyes of some animals [n -S] EYESIGHT the ability to see [n -S] EYESTALK a stalklike structure with an eye at its tip [n -S] EYESTONE a disk used to remove foreign matter from the eye [n -S] EYETOOTH a {cuspid=n} [n -TEETH] EYEWATER an {eyewash=n} [n -S] FORESEER one that {foresees=v} [n -S] FOUREYED wearing eyeglasses [adj] GLABELLA the smooth area between the eyebrows [n -BELLAE] GLAUCOMA a disease of the eye [n -S] GLIMPSER one that {glimpses=v} [n -S] HAPLOPIA normal vision [n -S] HAWKEYED having keen sight [adj] HYPEROPE a farsighted person [n -S] HYPOPYON an accumulation of pus in the eye [n -S] LOOKDOWN a marine fish [n -S] OCULARLY by means of the eyes or sight [adv] OEILLADE an amorous look [n -S] ONLOOKER a spectator [n -S] : ONLOOKING [adj] OPTICIAN one who makes or deals in optical goods [n -S] OPTICIST one engaged in the study of light and vision [n -S] OUTSIGHT the power of perceiving external things [n -S] OUTWATCH to watch longer than [v -ED, -ING, -ES] OVERLOOK to fail to notice [v -ED, -ING, -S] OVERSEER one that {oversees=v} [n -S] OVERVIEW a {summary=n} [n -S] PALPEBRA an {eyelid=n} [n -BRAE] PANOPTIC including everything visible in one view [adj] PANORAMA a complete view [n -S] PARALLAX an apparent optical displacement of an object [n -ES] PEEPHOLE a small opening through which one may look [n -S] PEEPSHOW an exhibition viewed through a small opening [n -S] PHOTOPIA vision in bright light [n -S] : PHOTOPIC [adj] PREVISOR one that {previses=v} [n -S] REREVIEW [v -ED, -ING, -S] RETINULA a neural receptor of an arthropod's eye [n -LAE or -LAS] REVIEWAL the act of reviewing [n -S] REVIEWER one that {reviews=v} [n -S] REVISION a revised version [n -S] REVISORY pertaining to {revision=n} [adj] RINGBOLT a type of {eyebolt=n} [n -S] SCOTOPIA vision in dim light [n -S] : SCOTOPIC [adj] SIGHTING an observation [n -S] SIGHTSEE to visit and view places of interest [v -SAW, -SEEN, -SEEING, -SEES] : SIGHTSEER(s) SPECTATE to attend and view [v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES] SPYGLASS a small telescope [n -ES] SQUINTER one that {squints=v} [n -S] SUBOPTIC situated under the eyes [adj] TEARDROP a tear [n -S] TEARLESS being without tears [adj] TELEVIEW to observe by means of television [v -ED, -ING, -S] : TELEVIEWER(s) TIGEREYE a {gemstone=n} [n -S] TRACHOMA a disease of the eye [n -S] VERGENCE a movement of one eye in relation to the other [n -S] VIEWABLE [adj] VIEWDATA a {videotex=n} [n VIEWDATA] VIEWLESS having no opinions [adj] : VIEWLESSLY VIGILANT {watchful=adj} [adj] VISIONAL imaginary [adj] : VISIONALLY VISUALLY with regard to the sense of sight [adv] WATCHEYE a {walleye=n} [n -S] WATCHFUL closely observant or alert [adj] : WATCHFULLY, WATCHFULNESS WATCHMAN a man employed to stand guard [n WATCHMEN] WATCHOUT the act of looking out for something [n -S] AMBLYOPIA [n -S] : AMBLYOPIC [adj] AMETROPIA [n -S] : AMETROPIC [adj] BINOCULAR [n -S] : BINOCULARLY; BINOCS BINOCLE(s), BINOCULARITY BIRDWATCH [v -ED, -ING, -ES] BOMBSIGHT [n -S] CLEAREYED [adj] ESOTROPIA a form of strabismus [n -S] : ESOTROPIC [adj] EXOTROPIA eyes turned outwards [n -S] : EXOTROPIC [adj] EYEBRIGHT [n -S] EYEOPENER [n -S] EYEPOPPER [n -S] EYESTRAIN [n -S] FARSEEING : FARSIGHTED FORESIGHT [n -S] : FORESIGHTED [adj] GOLDENEYE a diving duck [n -S] HINDSIGHT [n -S] HORDEOLUM a swelling of the eyelid [n -LA] HYPEROPIA farsightedness [n -S] : HYPEROPIC [adj], HYPEROPE(s) INTERVIEW [v -S -ED -ING] : INTERVIEWEE(s) INTERVIEWER(s) INVISIBLE [n -S] : INVISIBLY ISEIKONIA [n -S] : ISEIKONIC [adj]; ANISEIKONIA LOOKALIKE [n -S] MONOCULAR [n -S] : MONOCULARLY NONVIEWER [n -S] NONVISUAL OCULARIST [n -S] : OCULIST(s) OVERSIGHT [n -S] OVERWATCH [v -ED, -ING, -ES] PREREVIEW [adj] PREVIEWER [n -S] PREVISION [v -ED, -ING, -S] PREVISIONAL SIGHTLESS [adj] : SIGHTLESSLY SIGHTLINE [n -S] SIGHTSEER [n -S] SUBVISUAL TEARINESS [n -ES] TEARSTAIN [n -S] : TEARSTAINED [adj] UNSEEABLE UNSIGHTLY [adj -LIER -LIEST] : UNSIGHTLINESS UNWATCHED [adj] VIDEODISC [n -S] VIDEODISK [n -S] VIDEOLAND [n -S] VIDEOTAPE [v -TAPED -TAPES -TAPING] VIDEOTEXT [n -S] : VIDEOTEX VIEWPOINT [n -S] VISIONARY [n -RIES] VISUALISE [v -SED, -SING, -SES] : VISUALIZE VISUALIST [n -S] VISUALITY [n -TIES] VISUALIZE [v -ZED, -ZING, -ZES], VISUALIZER(s) : VISUALISE VOYEURISM [n -S] WATCHABLE [n -S] : UNWATCHABLE WORLDVIEW [n -S] ANASTIGMAT a type of lens [n -S] : ANASTIGMATIC [adj] ASTIGMATIC [n -S] : ANASTIGMATIC [adj] DEATHWATCH [n -ES] EYEDROPPER [n -S] EYESTRINGS EYEWITNESS [v -ED -ES -ING] FARSIGHTED [adj] : FARSIGHTEDLY, FARSIGHTEDNESS INSIGHTFUL : INSIGHTFULLY NYCTALOPIA night blindness [n -S] OCULOMOTOR [adj] PRESBYOPIA [n -S] : PRESBYOPIC REVIEWABLE RUBBERNECK [v -ED, -ING, -S] : RUBBER [v], RUBBERNECKER(s) STRABISMUS [n -ES] : STRABISMIC SUBVISIBLE TEARJERKER [n -S] TELEVIEWER [n -S] TELEVISUAL TRINOCULAR [adj] UNFORESEEN : UNFORESEEABLE UNREVIEWED VIDEOPHILE [n -S] VIDEOPHONE [n -S] VIEWERSHIP [n -S] VIEWFINDER [n -S] VIEWLESSLY VISIBILITY [n -TIES] : VISIBLENESS VISIONALLY VISIONLESS VISUALIZER [n -S] ANISEIKONIA [n -S] : ANISEIKONIC [adj]; ISEIKONIA ASTIGMATISM [n -S] : ASTIGMIA AUDIOVISUAL [n -S] COUNTERVIEW [n -S] DEUTERANOPE [n -S] FORESEEABLE : UNFORESEEABLE, FORESEEABILITY FORESIGHTED [adj] : FORESIGHTEDLY, FORESIGHTEDNESS INTERVIEWEE [n -S] INTERVIEWER [n -S] INTRAOCULAR [adj] : INTRAOCULARLY LONGSIGHTED [adj] : LONGSIGHTEDNESS NEARSIGHTED [adj] : NEARSIGHTEDLY REINTERVIEW [v -ED -ING -S] SIGHTLINESS [n -ES] SQUINTINGLY STEREOSCOPE [n -S] TEARFULNESS [n -ES] ULTRAVIOLET [n -S] UNWATCHABLE VISIBLENESS [n -ES] VIDEOGRAPHY [n -GRAPHIES] : VIDEOGRAPHER VOYEURISTIC [adj] : VOYEURISTICALLY BINOCULARITY [n -TIES] COCKEYEDNESS [n -ES] DEUTERANOPIA a type of colorblindness [n -S] : DEUTERANOPIC, DEUTERANOPE(s) FORESIGHTFUL INTERVISIBLE PREINTERVIEW [v -ED -ING -S] RUBBERNECKER [n -S] SHORTSIGHTED : SHORTSIGHTEDLY STEREOPTICON [n -S] STEREOSCOPIC [adj] UNREVIEWABLE VIDEOGRAPHER [n -S] WATCHFULNESS ANISOMETROPIA [n -S] : ANISOMETROPIC DEUTERANOMALY [n -LIES] : DEUTERANOMALOUS HYPERMETROPIA farsightedness [n -S] : HYPERMETROPIC INVISIBLENESS [n -ES] SIGHTLESSNESS [n -ES] UNFORESEEABLE UNSIGHTLINESS [n -ES] VIDEOCASSETTE [n -S] VISIONARINESS [n -ES] VISUALIZATION [n -S] FARSIGHTEDNESS [n -ES] FORESEEABILITY FORESIGHTEDNESS LONGSIGHTEDNESS NEARSIGHTEDNESS REVISUALIZATION VIDEOCONFERENCE [n -S] * List compiled from OWL2 + Long List by Rebecca Slivka