* ends in YS * (only those words with a consonant just before the Y) BYS BY a pass in certain card games [n BYS] ABYS ABY to pay the penalty for [v ABOUGHT, ABYING, ABYS] : ABYE DRYS DRY having no moisture [adj DRIER, DRIEST or DRYER, DRYEST] / a prohibitionist [n DRYS] / to make {dry=adj} [v DRIED, DRYING, DRIES] : DRYABLE [adj] WHYS WHY the reason or cause of something [n WHYS] EMMYS EMMY a statuette awarded annually by a professional organization for notable achievement in television -- a trademark [n EMMYS] KUMYS KUMYS a beverage made from camel's milk {koumiss=n} [n -ES] : KOUMIS KOUMISS KOUMYS KOUMYSS KUMISS KUMYS POLYS POLY a type of white blood cell [n POLYS] / a garment made of polyester [n POLIES] BENDYS BENDY {okra=n} [n -DYS] / {flexible=adj} [adj BENDIER, BENDIEST] BIALYS BIALY an onion roll [n -ALYS or -ALIES] : BIALI(s) COLBYS COLBY a mild cheese [n -BYS] FLYBYS FLYBY a flight of aircraft close to a specified place [n -BYS] HENRYS HENRY a unit of inductance [n -RIES or -RYS] KOUMYS KOUMYS a beverage made from camel's milk {koumiss=n} [n -ES] : KOUMIS KOUMISS KOUMYS KOUMYSS KUMISS KUMYS PLATYS PLATY split into thin, flat pieces [adj PLATIER, PLATIEST] / a small tropical fish [n PLATYS or PLATIES] TELLYS TELLY a television set [n -LIES or -LYS] ZLOTYS ZLOTY a monetary unit of Poland [n ZLOTYS, ZLOTE, ZLOTIES, or ZLOTYCH] BLOWBYS BLOWBY leakage of exhaust fumes [n -BYS] CHLAMYS CHLAMYS a garment worn in ancient Greece [n -MYSES or -MYDES] GOODBYS GOODBY {goodbye=n} [n -BYS] QWERTYS QWERTY a standard typewriter keyboard [n -S] SHINDYS SHINDY a {shindig=n} [n -DYS or -DIES] ABHENRYS ABHENRY a unit of inductance [n -RIES or -RYS] STANDBYS STANDBY one that can be relied on [n -BYS] SWINGBYS SWINGBY a mission in which a spacecraft uses a planet's gravitational pull for making course changes [n -BYS] HENDIADYS the use of two words with a conjunction as a single idea (e.g. sound and fury) [n -ES] TREVALLYS TREVALLY an Australian food fish [n TREVALLYS or TREVALLIES] MILLIHENRYS MILLIHENRY a unit of inductance (one thousandth of a HENRY) [n -RIES or -RYS] * List compiled from OWL2 + Long List by Rebecca Slivka