* DISEASE * FLU a virus disease [n -S] GID a disease of sheep [n -S] ICH a disease of certain fishes [n ICHS] ILL an {evil=n} [n -S] / not well [adj ILLER, ILLEST], ILLY POX to infect with syphilis [v -ED, -ING, -ES] PUS a viscous fluid formed in infected tissue [n -ES] ACNE a skin disease [n -S] : ACNED [adj] AGUE a malarial fever [n -S] : AGUELIKE, AGUISH [adj], AGUISHLY [adv] COLD having little or no warmth [adj COLDER, COLDEST] / the relative lack of heat; a chill [n -S] GERM a microorganism that causes disease [n -S] GOUT a metabolic disease [n -S] ILLY {badly=adv} [adv] KURU a disease of the nervous system [n -S] LUES {syphilis=n} [n LUES] : LUETIC(s) MONO an infectious disease [n MONOS] NONA a virus disease [n -S] PEST an annoying person or thing [n -S] : PESTY PIAN a tropical disease [n -S] : PIANIC [adj] POCK to mark with pocks (pustules caused by an eruptive disease) [v -ED, -ING, -S] POXY afflicted with a pox [adj POXIER, POXIEST] SICK affected with disease or ill health [adj SICKER, SICKEST] / to {sic=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] SYPH {syphilis=n} [n -S] YAWS [v] / an infectious disease CROOK to {bend=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] / {sick=adj} [adj CROOKER, CROOKEST] CROUP a disease of the throat [n -S] FARCY a disease of horses [n -CIES] FAVUS a skin disease [n -ES] FEVER to affect with fever (abnormal elevation of the body temperature) [v -ED, -ING, -S] : ENFEVER, FEBRILE FEVERISH FEBRIFIC FEVEROUS GRIPY causing sharp pains in the bowels [adj GRIPIER, GRIPIEST] LAZAR a beggar afflicted with a loathsome disease [n -S] LUPUS a skin disease [n -ES] MANGE a skin disease of domestic animals [n -S] OCTAN a fever recurring every eighth day [n -S] PARVO a contagious disease of dogs [n -VOS] PEAKY {sickly=adj} [adj PEAKIER, PEAKIEST], PEAKISH PESTY irritating [adj -IER, -IEST] PINTA a skin disease [n -S] POLIO an infectious virus disease [n -LIOS] : POLIOVIRUS(es) RABIC pertaining to {rabies=n} [adj] RABID affected with rabies [adj] : RABIDLY [adv] SICKO {sickie=n} [n SICKOS] SPRUE a tropical disease [n -S] SURRA a disease of domestic animals [n -S] TABES a syphilitic disease [n TABES] : TABETIC(s) TABID affected with tabes [adj] TINEA a fungous skin disease [n -S] : TINEAL [adj] VIRAL pertaining to or caused by a virus [adj] : VIRALLY [adv] VIRUS any of a class of submicroscopic pathogens [n -ES] YAWEY pertaining to yaws (an infectious disease) [adj] AFTOSA a disease of hoofed mammals [n -S] AHCHOO used to represent the sound of a sneeze [interj] ANGINA a disease marked by spasmodic attacks of intense pain [n -S] : ANGINAL, ANGINOSE, ANGINOUS [adj] ASTHMA a respiratory disease [n -S] CAPSID the outer shell of a virus particle [n -S] : CAPSIDAL [adj] CARATE a tropical skin disease [n -S] CORYZA a head cold [n -S] : CORYZAL [adj] COWPOX a cattle disease [n -ES] DENGUE a tropical disease [n -S] DROPSY an excessive accumulation of serous fluid [n -SIES] : DROPSIED [adj], DROPSY HYDROPS HYDROPSY ECZEMA a skin disease [n -S] FOMITE an inanimate object that serves to transmit infectious organisms [n -S] GRIPPE a virus disease [n -S] HAPTEN a substance similar to an antigen [n -S] : HAPTENIC [adj] HERPES a skin infection [n HERPES] : HERPETIC [adj] INFECT to contaminate with disease-producing germs [v -ED, -ING, -S], INFECTER(s) INFECTOR(s) LUETIC one infected with syphilis [n -S] MALADY an {illness=n} [n -DIES] NAGANA a disease of horses in Africa [n -S] PLAGUE to harass or torment [v PLAGUED, PLAGUING, PLAGUES] : ANTIPLAGUE, PLAGUY PLAGUEY, PLAGUER(s) PLAGUY troublesome [adj] : PLAGUILY [adv], PLAGUEY RABIES an infectious virus disease [n RABIES] : RABIETIC [adj] REAGIN a type of {antibody=n} [n -S] : REAGINIC [adj] SCURVY base or contemptible [adj -VIER, -VIEST] : SCURVILY [adv] / a disease resulting from vitamin C deficiency [n -VIES] SEXTAN a recurrent malarial fever [n -S] SICKEE {sickie=n} [n -S] SICKEN to make {sick=adj} [v -ED, -ING, -S] SICKIE an emotionally sick person [n -S] : SICKEE(s) SICKLY appearing as if sick [adj -LIER, -LIEST] : SICKLILY [adv] / to make {sickly=adj} [v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES] SPAVIE {spavin=n} [n -S] : SPAVIET [adj] SPAVIN a disease of horses [n -S] : SPAVINED [adj] STURDY strong and durable [adj -DIER, -DIEST] : STURDILY [adv] / a disease of sheep [n -DIES] : STURDIED [adj] TETANY a condition marked by painful muscular spasms [n -NIES] TETTER a skin disease [n -S] TYPHUS an infectious disease [n -ES] : TYPHOUS [adj] VIRION a virus particle [n -S] VIROID a viruslike plant pathogen [n -S] VOMITO the black vomit of yellow fever [n -TOS] WEAKLY weak and sickly [adj -LIER, -LIEST] ZOSTER a virus disease [n -S] AIRSICK nauseated from flying in an airplane [adj] ANTHRAX an infectious disease [n -THRACES] ANTIGEN a substance that stimulates the production of antibodies [n -S], ANTIGENIC : ANTIGENE(s) BIGHEAD a disease of animals [n -S] BROMISM a diseased condition of the skin [n -S] CARSICK nauseated from riding in a car [adj] CATARRH inflammation of a mucous membrane [n -S] : CATARRHALLY CHOLERA an acute disease [n -S] CHOLERS [n] CHRONIC one that suffers from a long-lasting disease [n -S] DISEASE to make unhealthy [v -EASED, -EASING, -EASES] DOURINE a disease of horses [n -S] ECTHYMA a virus disease [n -MATA] ENDEMIC an endemial disease [n -S] ENFEVER to {fever=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] EPITOPE a region on the surface of an antigen [n -S] EPIZOIC living on the body of an animal [adj] EPIZOON an epizoic parasite [n -ZOA] FEBRILE {feverish=adj} [adj] : AFEBRILE, FEBRIFIC FOWLPOX a virus disease of poultry [n -ES] FROGEYE a plant disease [n -S] : FROGEYED [adj] HEMATIC a medicine for a blood disease [n -S] HYDROPS {hydropsy=n} [n -ES] : DROPSY HYDROPS HYDROPSY ICTERIC a remedy for icterus [n -S] ICTERUS a diseased condition of the liver [n -ES] ILLNESS {sickness=n} [n -ES] LAZARET a hospital treating contagious diseases [n -S] : LAZARETTE(S), LAZARETTO(S) LEPROSE {leprous=adj} [adj] LEPROSY a chronic disease characterized by skin lesions and deformities [n -SIES] LEPROUS affected with leprosy [adj] LEUCOMA {leukoma=n} [n -S] LEUKOMA an opacity of the cornea [n -S] LOCKJAW a form of tetanus [n -S] LOCOISM a disease of livestock [n -S] LYSOGEN a type of {antigen=n} [n -S] MALARIA an infectious disease [n -S] : MALARIAL, MALARIAN [adj], ANTIMALARIA ANTIMALARIAL(s) MURRAIN a disease of cattle [n -S] MYCOSIS a disease caused by a fungus [n -COSES] : MYCOTIC [adj] MYELOMA a tumor of the bone marrow [n -MAS or -MATA] MYIASIS infestation of human tissue by fly maggots [n MYIASES] OPSONIC pertaining to {opsonin=n} [adj] OPSONIN an antibody of blood serum [n -S] PEAKISH somewhat sickly [adj] PEMPHIX a skin disease [n -ES] PLAGUER one that {plagues=v} [n -S] PLAGUEY {plaguy=adj} [adj] PODAGRA gout in the foot [n -S] : PODAGRAL, PODAGRIC [adj] POLYOMA a type of {virus=n} [n -S] PREMUNE resistant to a disease [adj] PRURIGO a skin disease [n -GOS] PURPURA a disease characterized by purple spots on the skin [n -S] PYRETIC pertaining to fever [adj] : APYRETIC PYREXIA fever [n -S] : PYREXIAL, PYREXIC [adj] PYROGEN a substance that produces fever [n -S] QUARTAN a recurrent malarial fever [n -S] QUINTAN a recurrent fever [n -S] RICKETS a disease resulting from vitamin D deficiency [n] RUBELLA a virus disease [n -S] RUBEOLA a virus disease [n -S] : RUBEOLAR [adj] SARCINA a spherical bacterium [n -NAS or -NAE] SARCOID a disease of horses [n -S] SARCOMA a type of {tumor=n} [n -MAS or -MATA] SCABIES a skin disease [n SCABIES] SCRAPIE a disease of sheep [n -S] SEASICK affected with nausea caused by the motion of a vessel at sea [adj] : SEASICKNESS(es) SEQUELA an abnormal condition resulting from a preceding disease [n -QUELAE] SEROVAR a group of microorganisms having a characteristic set of antigens [n -S] SHILPIT {sickly=adj} [adj] SICKBAY a ship's hospital [n -BAYS] SICKBED a sick person's bed [n -S] SICKISH somewhat sick [adj] : SICKISHLY, SICKISHNESS SICKOUT an organized absence of workers claiming to be sick [n -S] SOROCHE mountain sickness [n -S] SYCOSIS an inflammatory disease of the hair follicles [n -COSES] TABETIC one affected with tabes [n -S] TERTIAN a recurrent fever [n -S] TETANAL pertaining to {tetanus=n} [adj] TETANUS an infectious disease [n -ES] : TETANOID [adj] TURISTA intestinal sickness affecting a tourist in a foreign country [n -S] : TOURISTA(s) TYPHOID an infectious disease [n -S] VACCINA {vaccinia=n} [n -S] VARIOLA {smallpox=n} [n -S] : VARIOLAR [adj] VIREMIA the presence of a virus in the blood [n -S] : VIREMIC [adj] VIROSIS infection with a virus [n -ROSES] AFEBRILE having no fever [adj] AGUEWEED a flowering plant [n -S] ALLOTYPE a type of {antibody=n} [n -S] ALLOTYPY the condition of being an allotype [n -TYPIES] ANASARCA a form of dropsy [n -S] ANTIBODY a body protein that produces immunity against certain microorganisms or toxins [n -BODIES] ANTIGENE {antigen=n} [n -S], ANTIGENIC APYRETIC having no fever [adj] ATHEROMA a disease of the arteries [n -MAS or -MATA] ATHETOID affected with a type of nervous disorder [adj] AVIANIZE to make less severe by repeated culture in a chick embryo, as a virus [v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES] BEDSONIA a {virus=n} [n -S] BERIBERI a thiamine deficiency disease [n -S] BIGEMINY the state of having a double pulse [n -NIES] BLACKLEG a cattle disease [n -S] BOTRYTIS a plant disease [n -TISES] BULLNOSE a disease of swine [n -S] CHALAZIA tumors of the eyelid [n] CLUBROOT a plant disease [n -S] COINFECT to infect with two organisms [v -ED, -ING, -S] CONIOSIS an infection caused by the inhalation of dust [n -OSES] CONTAGIA causative agents of infectious diseases [n] DEMENTIA mental illness [n -S] DIAGNOSE to recognize a disease by its signs and symptoms [v -NOSED, -NOSING, -NOSES] ENZOOTIC a type of animal disease [n -S] EPIDEMIC a rapid spread of a disease [n -S] EPIZOISM the state of being epizoic [n -S] EPIZOITE an epizoic organism [n -S] EPIZOOTY a type of animal disease [n -TIES] ERGOTISM poisoning produced by eating ergot-infected grain [n -S] ETIOLOGY the study of the causes of diseases [n -GIES] FEBRIFIC {feverish=adj} [adj] FEVERFEW a perennial herb [n -S] FEVERISH having a fever [adj] : FEVERISHLY, FEVERISHNESS FEVEROUS {feverish=adj} [adj] FURUNCLE a painful swelling of the skin [n -S] FUSARIUM a disease-causing fungus [n -SARIA] GANGRENE to suffer the loss of tissue in part of the body [v -GRENED, -GRENING, -GRENES], GANGRENOUS GAPEWORM a worm that causes a disease of young birds [n -S] GLANDERS a disease of horses [n] GLAUCOMA a disease of the eye [n -S] GUMMOSIS a disease of plants [n -MOSES] HALAZONE a disinfectant for drinking water [n -S] HOMESICK longing for home [adj] : HOMESICKNESS(es) HORSEPOX a skin disease of horses [n -ES] HYDROPIC affected with hydropsy [adj] HYDROPSY {dropsy=n} [n -SIES] : DROPSY HYDROPS HYDROPSY IDIOTYPE a structure of an antibody [n -S] IMMUNISE to {immunize=v} [v -NISED, -NISING, -NISES] IMMUNITY the state of being protected from a disease [n -TIES] IMMUNIZE to protect from a disease [v -NIZED, -NIZING, -NIZES] IMPETIGO a skin disease [n -GOS] INFECTER one that {infects=v} [n -S] : INFECTOR(s) INFECTOR {infecter=n} [n -S] JUGULATE to suppress a disease by extreme measures [v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES] KERATOMA a skin disease [n -MAS or -MATA] LEUCEMIA {leukemia=n} [n -S] : LEUCEMIC [adj] LEUCOMAS [n] LEUKEMIA a disease of the blood-forming organs [n -S] : LEUCEMIA(s) LEUKEMIC one affected with leukemia [n -S] LEUKOSIS {leukemia=n} [n -KOSES] : LEUKOTIC [adj] LOVESICK languishing with love [adj] MALINGER to feign illness in order to avoid duty or work [v -ED, -ING, -S] MILIARIA a skin disease [n -S] MOLLUSCA a skin disease [n] MORBIFIC causing disease [adj] MORBILLI a virus disease [n] MYCETOMA a fungous infection [n -MAS or -MATA] MYOPATHY a disorder of muscle tissue [n -THIES] MYOSITIS muscular pain from infection [n -TISES] MYOTONIA temporary muscular rigidity [n -S] : MYOTONIC [adj] MYXEDEMA a disease caused by decreased activity of the thyroid gland [n -S] NEPHRISM ill health caused by a kidney disease [n -S] NOSOLOGY a classification of diseases [n -GIES] OVERSICK too sick [adj] PALUDISM {malaria=n} [n -S] : PALUDAL [adj] PANDEMIC a widespread disease [n -S] PATHOGEN any disease-producing organism [n -S] PELLAGRA a niacin-deficiency disease [n -S] PESTHOLE a place liable to epidemic disease [n -S] PHTHISIC {phthisis=n} [n -S] : PHTHISICAL PHTHISIS a disease of the lungs [n PHTHISES] : PHTHISIC(s) PHYLAXIS an inhibiting of infection by the body [n -AXISES] PINDLING puny or sickly [adj] POCKMARK to mark with scars caused by an eruptive disease [v -ED, -ING, -S] POXVIRUS a type of {virus=n} [n -ES] PRODROME a sign of impending disease [n -DROMES or -DROMATA] PROGNOSE to forecast the probable course of a disease [v -NOSED, -NOSING, -NOSES] PROPHAGE a form of virus [n -S] PROVIRUS a form of virus [n -ES] : PROVIRAL [adj] PSILOSIS a tropical disease [n -LOSES] : PSILOTIC [adj] PYODERMA a pus-causing skin disease [n -S] PYOGENIC producing pus [adj] PYORRHEA a discharge of pus [n -S] REINFECT [v -ED, -ING, -S] REOVIRUS a type of {virus=n} [n -ES] RINGWORM a skin disease [n -S] SANITATE to {sanitize=v} [v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES] SANITISE to {sanitize=v} [v -TISED, -TISING, -TISES] SANITIZE to guard against infection or disease by cleaning or sterilizing [v -TIZED, -TIZING, -TIZES] SCROFULA a disease of the lymph glands [n -S] SEROTYPE a group of closely related organisms distinguished by a common set of antigens [n -S] SICKENER one that {sickens=v} [n -S] SICKERLY {securely=adv} [adv] SICKNESS the state of being sick [n -ES] SICKROOM a room occupied by a sick person [n -S] SMALLPOX a virus disease [n -ES] SNOWMOLD a fungus disease of grasses near the edge of melting snow [n -S] SPECIFIC a remedy intended for a particular disease [n -S] SUBVIRAL pertaining to a part of a virus [adj] SUBVIRUS a viral protein smaller than a virus [n -ES] SWINEPOX a disease of swine [n -ES] SYNDROME a group of symptoms that characterize a particular disorder [n -S] SYNGENIC relating to or being genetically identical individuals with respect to reaction to antigens [adj] SYPHILIS a venereal disease [n -LISES] : SYPHILITIC TENIASIS infestation with tapeworms [n TENIASES] TETANISE to {tetanize=v} [v -NISED, -NISING, -NISES] TETANIZE to affect with convulsions [v -NIZED, -NIZING, -NIZES] TETANOID [adj] TOURISTA {turista=n} [n -S] TRACHOMA a disease of the eye [n -S] TRISTEZA a disease of citrus trees [n -S] UNSICKER unreliable [adj] VACCINIA {cowpox=n} [n -S] : VACCINIAL VACCINEE one that is vaccinated [n -S] VIROLOGY the study of viruses [n -GIES] VIRUCIDE {viricide=n} [n -S] VIRULENT extremely poisonous [adj] VIRUSOID a particle of RNA associated with some plant viruses [n -S] VITILIGO a skin disease [n -GOS] XANTHOMA a skin disease [n -MAS or -MATA] ZOONOSIS a disease that can be transmitted from animals to man [n -NOSES] : ZOONOTIC [adj] ANTIGENIC ARBOVIRUS [n -ES], ARBOVIRAL BRAINSICK [adj], BRAINSICKLY CHALAZION a tumor of the eyelid [n -S or CHALAZIA] DISINFECT [v -ED, -ING, -S] ECHOLALIA ECHOLALIC ECHOVIRUS [n -ES] ECLAMPSIA [n -S] : ECLAMPTIC [adj] EPIZOOTIC a disease affecting a large number of animals at the same time within a particular region [n -S] FEVERROOT [n -S] FEVERWEED [n -S] FEVERWORT [n -S] FILOVIRUS [n -ES] GREENSICK [adj] : GREENSICKNESS(es) HEARTSICK [adj] : HEARTSICKNESS(es) HORDEOLUM a swelling of the eyelid [n -LA] INFECTANT [adj.] INFECTION [n -S] INFECTIVE LAZARETTE (lazaret=n) [n -S] : LAZARETTO LAZARETTO (lazaret=n) [n -S] : LAZARETTE MOLLUSCUM a skin disease [n -CA] MYCOVIRUS [n -ES] MYXOVIRAL MYXOVIRUS [n -ES] NOSEBLEED [n -S] ONCOVIRUS [n -ES] PESTHOUSE [n -S] PESTILENT [adj], PESTILENTLY PESTILENTIAL: PESTILENCE ROTAVIRUS [n -ES] SEBORRHEA [n -S], SEBORRHEIC SICKISHLY SICKLEMIA [n -S], SICKLEMIC TOGAVIRUS [n -ES] VIRUCIDAL VIRUSLIKE ADENOVIRAL ADENOVIRUS [n -ES] ANTIPLAGUE [adj] GANGRENOUS HANTAVIRUS [n -ES] INFECTIOUS ISOANTIGEN [n -S] KLEBSIELLA a bacterium [n -S] LENTIVIRUS [n -ES] PARVOVIRUS [n -ES] PESTILENCE [n -S] POLIOVIRUS [n -ES] RETROVIRAL RETROVIRUS [n -ES] RHINOVIRUS [n -ES] RINDERPEST [n -S] SICKLINESS [n -ES] SYPHILITIC UNINFECTED AIRSICKNESS [n -ES] : AIRSICK ALLOANTIGEN [n -S] ANTIMALARIA [adj] : ANTIMALARIAL(s) BRAINSICKLY ENTEROVIRAL ENTEROVIRUS [n -ES] HERPESVIRUS [n -ES] INFECTIVITY ISOANTIBODY [n -BODIES] KWASHIORKOR [n -S] NONINFECTED PAPOVAVIRUS [n -ES] PESTIFEROUS : PESTIFEROUSLY, PESTIFEROUSNESS REINFECTION [n -S] RHABDOVIRUS [n -ES] SEASICKNESS [n -ES] : SEASICK STOMACHACHE [n -S] SUPERINFECT [v -ED, -ING, -S] TORTICOLLIS twisted neck [n -ES] SARCOIDOSIS [n SARCOIDOSES] SICKENINGLY SICKISHNESS [n -ES] ALLOANTIBODY [n -BODIES] ANTIGENICITY [n -CITIES] ANTIGLOBULIN [n -S] ANTIMALARIAL [n -S] AUTOANTIBODY [n -BODIES] AUTOIMMUNITY [n -ITIES] DISINFECTANT [n -S] DISINFECTION [n -S] FEVERISHNESS [n -ES] HOMESICKNESS [n -ES] : HOMESICK INFECTIOUSLY ISOANTIGENIC LOVESICKNESS [n -ES] : LOVESICK NONANTIGENIC NONINFECTIVE ONCORNAVIRUS [n -ES] PESTILENTIAL [adj] : PESTILENTIALLY PICORNAVIRUS [n -ES] PREECLAMPSIA [n -S] : PREECLAMPTIC [adj] ANTIGENICALLY AUTOINFECTION [n -S] EPIZOOTIOLOGY [n -GIES] HYPERURICEMIA [n -S] INFECTIVITIES LEISHMANIASIS [n LEISHMANIASES] NONINFECTIOUS PARAMYXOVIRUS [n -ES] POSTINFECTION EPIZOOTIOLOGIC INFECTIOUSNESS PAPILLOMAVIRUS [n -ES] SUPERINFECTION [n -S] CYTOMEGALOVIRUS [n -ES] PESTIFEROUSNESS * List compiled from OWL2 + Long List by Rebecca Slivka