* DIGESTION * see also: toilet.txt GUT to remove the guts (intestines) of [v GUTTED, GUTTING, GUTS] : GUTTER GUTTLE TUM a person's stomach (an organ of digestion) or abdomen [n -S] URP to {vomit=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] ANUS the excretory opening at the end of the alimentary canal [n -ES] BARF to {vomit=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] BILE a fluid secreted by the liver [n -S] : BILIARY BILIOUS CECA [n] : CECAL CECALLY CRAW the stomach of an animal [n -S] GALL to vex or irritate [v -ED, -ING, -S] : BEGALL, GALLY ILEA [n] KYTE the stomach [n -S] PTUI used to express the sound of spitting [interj] : PTOOEY PUKE to {vomit=v} [v PUKED, PUKING, PUKES] : PUKEY SPEW to {vomit=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] : SPUE, SPEWER(s) SPIT to impale on a spit (a pointed rod on which meat is turned) [v SPITTED, SPITTING, SPITS] : SPITTY, SPITTLE SPITTLY SPUE to {spew=v} [v SPUED, SPUING, SPUES] BOWEL to {disbowel=v} [v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS] : BOWEL DISBOWEL DISEMBOWEL EMBOWEL CECAL [adj] : CECALLY [adv] CECUM a bodily cavity with one opening [n CECA] : CECAL [adj], CECALLY [adv] : CAECUM CHYLE a digestive fluid [n -S] : CHYLOUS [adj] CHYME semi-digested food [n -S] : CHYMOUS COLIC acute abdominal pain [n -S] : COLICKY COLON a monetary unit of Costa Rica [n -ES] / a section of the large intestine [n -S] ENEMA a liquid injected into the rectum [n -MAS or -MATA] GALLY to {frighten=v} [v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES] GUTSY {brave=adj} [adj GUTSIER, GUTSIEST] : GUTSILY GUTTY marked by courage [adj -TIER, -TIEST] ILEUM a part of the small intestine [n ILEA] ILEUS intestinal obstruction [n -ES] PUKEY resembling or suggestive of vomit [adj PUKIER, PUKIEST] RALPH to {vomit=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] RETCH to make an effort to vomit [v -ED, -ING, -ES] : RETCHING(s) RUMEN a part of the stomach of a ruminant [n -MINA or -MENS] : RUMINAL [adj] SNARF to eat or drink greedily [v -ED, -ING, -S] : SNARFLE SPUTA [n] TRIPE a part of the stomach of a ruminant that is used as food [n -S] TUMMY the stomach [n -MIES] VOMIT to eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth [v -ED, -ING, -S] : BEVOMIT, VOMITY WOOPS to {vomit=v} [v -ED, -ING, -ES] DROOL to {drivel=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] ALVINE pertaining to the abdomen and lower intestines [adj] BAGGIE the stomach [n -S] BEGALL to make sore by rubbing [v -ED, -ING, -S] CAECUM {cecum=n} [n -CA] : CAECAL [adj], CAECALLY [adv] CARDIA an opening of the esophagus [n -DIAS or -DIAE] CATGUT a strong cord [n -S] DIGEST to render food usable for the body [v -ED, -ING, -S] : REDIGEST, DIGESTION, DIGESTER(s) DIGESTOR(s) DRIVEL to let saliva flow from the mouth [v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS] : BEDRIVEL, DRIVELER DRIVELLER EMESIS the act of vomiting [n -ES or EMESES] : EMETIC EMETIC a substance which induces vomiting [n -S] EMETIN {emetine=n} [n -S] FLATUS intestinal gas [n -ES] GAVAGE introduction of material into the stomach by a tube [n -S] GUTTER to form channels for draining off water [v -ED, -ING, -S] GUTTLE to eat rapidly [v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES] : GUTTLER(s) INGEST to take into the body [v -ED, -ING, -S] : INGESTA, INGESTIVE, INGESTIBLE; INGESTION(s) IPECAC a medicinal plant [n -S] : IPECACUANHA(s) MIDGUT the middle part of the embryonic digestive tract [n -S] NAUSEA a stomach disturbance [n -S] OMASUM the third stomach of a ruminant [n -SA] PECHAN the stomach [n -S] PEPSIN a digestive enzyme of the stomach [n -S] : PEPSINE, PEPSINATE PEPTIC a substance that promotes digestion [n -S] PEPTID {peptide=n} [n -S] PTOOEY {ptui=interj} [interj] PYLORI [n] RECTAL pertaining to the rectum [adj] : RECTALLY [adv] RECTUM the terminal portion of the large intestine [n -TUMS or -TA] : RECTAL RENNET a lining membrane in the stomach of certain young animals [n -S] ROTGUT inferior liquor [n -S] SALIVA a fluid secreted by the glands of the mouth [n -S] : SALIVARY [adj] SPEWER one that {spews=v} [n -S] SPITTY marked with saliva [adj -TIER, -TIEST] SPUTUM {saliva=n} [n -TA] VOMITO the black vomit of yellow fever [n -TOS] VOMITY resembling or smelling of vomit [adj] / [adj VOMITIER, VOMITIEST] ACHOLIA a lack of bile [n -S] ALIMENT to {nourish=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] : ALIMENTAL ALIMENTARY, ALIMENTATION(s) BEVOMIT to vomit all over [v -ED, -ING, -S] BILIARY pertaining to {bile=n} [adj] : BILIOUS BILIOUS pertaining to {bile=n} [adj] : ATRABILIOUS, BILIOUSLY BILIOUSNESS CALPAIN an enzyme for digesting proteins [n -S] CHITLIN {chitling=n} [n -S] : CHITLIN CHITLING CHITTERLINGS (first two take -S, last needs -S) CHUNDER to vomit (to eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth) [v -ED, -ING, -S] CHYMOUS pertaining to {chyme=n} [adj] COLICKY pertaining to or associated with colic [adj] : COLICKIER COLICKIEST COLITIS inflammation of the colon [n -TISES] : COLITIC [adj], COLINITIS COLONIC irrigation of the colon [n -S] COSTIVE constipated [adj] : COSTIVELY, COSTIVENESS DRIBBLE to {drivel=v} [v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES] : DRIBBLY DRIBBLY tending to dribble [adj] EMBOWEL to {disbowel=v} [v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS] : BOWEL DISBOWEL DISEMBOWEL EMBOWEL EMETINE an {alkaloid=n} [n -S] : EMETIN(s) ENTERAL {enteric=adj} [adj] ENTERIC pertaining to the enteron [adj] : ENTERAL ENTERON the alimentary canal [n -TERONS or -TERA] : ENTERIC EREPSIN a mixture of enzymes in the small intestine [n -S] EUPEPSY {eupepsia=n} [n -SIES] FOREGUT the front part of the embryonic alimentary canal [n -S] GALLNUT an abnormal swelling of plant tissue [n -S] : NUTGALL(s) GASTRAL pertaining to the stomach [adj] GASTRIC pertaining to the stomach [adj] GIARDIA a protozoan inhabiting the intestines [n -S] GIZZARD a digestive organ [n -S] GUTLESS lacking courage [adj] GUTLIKE resembling guts [adj] GUTSILY in a gutsy manner [adv] GUTTERY marked by extreme vulgarity or indecency [adj] GUTTLER one that {guttles=v} [n -S] HINDGUT the rear part of the alimentary canal [n -S] INGESTA ingested material [n] INSULIN a {hormone=n} [n -S] : PROINSULIN(s) JEJUNAL pertaining to the jejunum [adj] JEJUNUM a part of the small intestine [n JEJUNA or -S] : JEJUNAL NUTGALL a {gallnut=n} [n -S] PAROTIC situated near the ear [adj] PAROTID a salivary gland [n -S] PEPSINE {pepsin=n} [n -S] : PEPSINATE PEPTIDE a combination of amino acids [n -S] : PEPTIDIC [adj], PEPTID(s) PHARYNX a section of the digestive tract [n -YNGES or -YNXES] : OROPHARYNX HYPOPHARYNX NASOPHARYNX PYLORUS the opening between the stomach and the duodenum [n -RI or -RUSES] : PYLORIC [adj] PTYALIN a salivary enzyme [n -S] REGORGE to {vomit=v} [v -GORGED, -GORGING, -GORGES] SIALOID resembling {saliva=n} [adj] SNARFLE to snarf (to eat or drink greedily) [v -FLED, -FLING, -FLES] SPITTER a {spitball=n} [n -S] SPITTLE {saliva=n} [n -S] : SPITTLY [adj], SPITTY SPITTLY SPITTLE, saliva (a fluid secreted by the glands of the mouth) [adj] STOMACH to {tolerate=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] : STOMACHY, STOMACHER(s) SWALLOW to take through the mouth and esophagus into the stomach [v -ED, -ING, -S] TURISTA intestinal sickness affecting a tourist in a foreign country [n -S] UPCHUCK to {vomit=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] VOMITER one that {vomits=v} [n -S] VOMITUS vomited matter [n -ES] ABOMASAL pertaining to the abomasum [adj] ABOMASUM the fourth stomach of a ruminant [n -SA] ABOMASUS {abomasum=n} [n -MASI] BEDRIVEL to cover with saliva [v -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS or -ELED, -ELING, -ELS] BLINDGUT a {cecum=n} [n -S] CHITLING a part of the small intestine of swine [n -S] : CHITLIN CHITLING CHITTERLINGS (first two take -S, last needs -S) COLIFORM a bacillus of the colon [n -S] COLOTOMY a surgical incision of the colon [n -MIES] DIARRHEA an intestinal disorder [n -S] : DIARRHEAL, DIARRHEIC, DIARRHETIC DIARRHOEA(s) DIGESTER an apparatus in which substances are softened or decomposed [n -S] DIGESTIF an alcoholic drink taken after a meal [n -S] DIGESTOR {digester=n} [n -S] DISBOWEL to remove the intestines of [v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS] : BOWEL DISBOWEL DISEMBOWEL EMBOWEL DISGORGE to {vomit=v} [v -GORGED, -GORGING, -GORGES] DRIVELER one that {drivels=v} [n -S] : DRIVELLER DUODENUM the first portion of the small intestine [n -DENA or -DENUMS] : DUODENAL [adj] DYSPEPSY indigestion [n -SIES] : DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPTIC ESOPHAGI tubes connecting the mouth to the stomach [n] : ESOPHAGUS EUPEPSIA good digestion [n -S] : EUPEPTIC [adj], EUPEPSY GUSTABLE a savory food [n -S] GUTTURAL a throaty sound [n -S] : GUTTURALISM LIENTERY a form of diarrhea [n -TERIES] PANCREAS a large gland [n -ES] : PANCREATIC [adj] PTYALISM an excessive flow of saliva [n -S] REDIGEST [v -ED, -ING, -S] : REDIGESTION RETCHING an effort to vomit [n -S] SALIVARY [adj] SALIVATE to secrete saliva [v -VATED, -VATING, -VATES] : SALIVATOR(s) SALIVATION STOMACHY {paunchy=adj} [adj] UNGALLED [adj] VOLVULUS a twisting of the intestine that causes obstruction [n -LI or -LUSES] VOMITIVE an {emetic=n} [n -S] VOMITORY an {emetic=n} [n -RIES] VOMITOUS pertaining to vomiting [adj] ALIMENTAL [adj] CHOLECYST a gallstone [n -S] : CHOLECYSTITIS, CHOLECYSTECTOMY CIRRHOSIS [n -SES] : CIRRHOSED CIRRHOTIC(s) CIRRHOTIC [n -S] COLECTOMY [n -MIES] COLICROOT [n -S] COLICWEED [n -S] COLONITIS [n -ES] : COLITIS DIARRHEAL DIARRHEIC DIARRHOEA [n -S] DIGESTION [n -S] : INDIGESTION, REDIGESTION, PREDIGESTION DIGESTIVE [n -S] : DIGESTIVELY DRIVELLER [n -S] : DRIVELER DYSENTERY a form of diarrhea [n -RIES], DYSENTERIC DYSPEPSIA [n -S] : DYSPEPTIC(s) DYSPEPTIC [n -S] : DYSPEPTIA(s), DYSPEPTICALLY DYSPHAGIA [n -S] : DYSPHAGIC ESOPHAGUS tube connecting the mouth to the stomach [n ESOPHAGI] : OESOPHAGUS, ESOPHAGEAL GALLINGLY [adv] GALLSTONE [n -S] GUSTATION [n -S] : GUSTATIVE GUSTATORY : GUSTATORILY GUTBUCKET [n -S] GUTSINESS [n -ES] INGESTION [n -S] INGESTIVE INTESTINE [n -S] : INTESTINAL INTESTINALLY MASTICATE [v -TED, -TING, -S] : MASTICATOR MASTICATORY MASTICATION MESENTERA MESENTERY [n -RIES] OESOPHAGI [n] : OESOPHAGUS PREDIGEST [v -ED, -ING, -S] : PREDIGESTION PEPSINATE [v -TED -TES -TING] SALIVATOR [n -S] SQUITTERS diarrhea (an intestinal disorder) [n] STOMACHER the center front section of a waist or underwaist [n -S] STOMACHIC [n -S] ALIMENTARY [adj] COELENTERA [n] CONSTIPATE [v -TED, -TING, -S] : CONSTIPATION DIGESTIBLE [adj] : DIGESTIBILITY DISEMBOWEL to {disbowel=v} [v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS] : DISEMBOWELMENT(s), BOWEL DISBOWEL DISEMBOWEL EMBOWEL INDIGESTED [adj] : INDIGESTIBILITY INGESTIBLE INTESTINAL [adj] : INTESTINALLY MASTICATOR [n -S] : MASTICATORY MESENTERON [n MESENTERA] : MESENTERIC OESOPHAGUS [n OESOPHAGI] OROPHARYNX [n -YNGES or -YNXES] PANCREATIC [adj] PANCREATIN [n -S] PEPSINOGEN [n -S] PROINSULIN [n -S] SALIVATION [n -S] UNDIGESTED [adj] : UNDIGESTIBLE ARCHENTERON [n -S] ATRABILIOUS [adj] : ATRABILIOUSNESS BILIOUSNESS [n -ES] COELENTERON [n COELENTERA] COLONOSCOPE [n -S] COLONOSCOPY [n COLONOSCOPIES] GALLBLADDER [n -S] GUTLESSNESS [n -ES] GUTTURALISM [n -S] HYPOPHARYNX [n -YNGES or -YNXES] INDIGESTION [n -S] IPECACUANHA ipecac [n -S] MASTICATORY [n -RIES] MASTICATION [n -S] NASOPHARYNX [n -YNGES or -YNXES] REDIGESTION [n -S] STOMACHACHE [n -S] ALIMENTATION [n -S] CHITTERLINGS [n] : CHITLIN CHITLING CHITTERLINGS (first two take -S, last needs -S) COELENTERATE [n -S] COLONOGRAPHY [n COLONOGRAPHIES] CONSTIPATION [n -S] INDIGESTIBLE [n -S] PANCREATITIS [n PANCREATITIDES] PANCREOZYMIN [n -S] PREDIGESTION [n -S] ANTIDIARRHEAL [n -S] CHOLECYSTITIS [n -ES] DIGESTIBILITY [n -TIES] : INDIGESTIBILITY HEPATOPANCREAS [n -ES] PANCREATECTOMY [n -TOMIES] ATRABILIOUSNESS CHOLECALCIFEROL [n -S] CHOLECYSTECTOMY [n -TOMIES] CHOLECYSTOKININ [n -S] HYPERINSULINISM HYPERSALIVATION INDIGESTABILITY [n] : INDIGESTIBILITY INDIGESTIBILITY [n] : INDIGESTABILITY * List compiled from OWL3 + OWL2 + Long List by Rebecca Slivka