* BONES * AI a three-toed sloth [n -S] OS an {orifice=n} [n ORA] / an {esker=n} [n OSAR] / a bone [n OSSA] JAW to {jabber=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] RIB to poke fun at [v RIBBED, RIBBING, RIBS] TOE to touch with the toe (one of the terminal members of the foot) [v TOED, TOEING, TOES] BONE to {debone=v} [v BONED, BONING, BONES] BONY full of bones [adj BONIER, BONIEST] COXA the hip or hip joint [n COXAE] : COXAL [adj] GENU the knee [n GENUA] HORN to form a horn (a hard, bonelike projection of the head) [v -ED, -ING, -S] KNEE to strike with the knee (a joint of the leg) [v KNEED, KNEEING, KNEES] ULNA a bone of the forearm [n -NAE or -NAS] : ULNAR [adj] UNAI {unau=n} [n -S] UNAU a two-toed sloth [n -S] : UNAI(s) ANCON the elbow [n -ES] : ANCONAL, ANCONEAL, ANCONOID [adj] ANKLE to {walk=v} [v -KLED, -KLING, -KLES] BONER a blunder [n -S] BONEY {bony=adj} [adj BONIER, BONIEST or BONEYER, BONEYEST] CHINE to cut through the backbone of [v CHINED, CHINING, CHINES] CORNU a hornlike bone formation [n -NUA] : CORNUAL [adj] COSTA a rib [n -TAE] : COSTAL [adj], COSTALLY [adv] DIGIT a finger or toe [n -S] ELBOW to {jostle=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] FEMUR a bone of the leg [n -MURS or -MORA] HYOID a bone of the tongue [n -S] : HYOIDAL, HYOIDEAN [adj] ILIAC pertaining to the ilium [adj] ILIAL {iliac=adj} [adj] ILIUM a bone of the pelvis [n ILIA] INCUS a bone in the middle ear [n INCUDES] INION a part of the skull [n INIONS or INIA] JUGAL pertaining to the cheek or cheekbone [adj] MALAR the cheekbone [n -S] PUBIC pertaining to the pubes or pubis [adj] PUBIS the forward portion of either of the hipbones [n PUBES] RIBBY marked by prominent ribs (curved bony rods in the body) [adj -BIER, -BIEST] SINUS a cranial cavity [n -ES] SKELL a homeless person [n -S] SKULL to hit on the head [v -ED, -ING, -S] TALUS a slope formed by an accumulation of rock debris [n -ES] / a bone of the foot [n -LI] THURL the hip joint in cattle [n -S] TIBIA a bone of the leg [n -IAE or -IAS] : TIBIAL [adj] VARUS a malformation of a bone or joint [n -ES] VOMER a bone of the skull [n -S] : VOMERINE [adj] WRIST the junction between the hand and forearm [n -S] ALIPED an animal having a membrane connecting the toes [n -S] ANKLET an ornament for the ankle [n -S] ANTRAL pertaining to an {antrum=n} [adj] ANTRUM a cavity in a bone [n -TRA or -TRUMS] BALEEN whalebone [n -S] BASION a part of the skull [n -S] BREGMA a junction point of the skull [n -MATA] : BREGMATE [adj] BREGMATIC CARPAL {carpale=n} [n -S] CARPUS the {wrist=n} [n -PI] COCCYX a bone of the spine [n -CYGES or -CYXES] CRANIA [n] CUBITI [n] CUBOID a bone of the foot [n -S] : CUBOIDAL [adj] DEBONE to remove the bones from [v -BONED, -BONING, -BONES] DIPLOE a bony tissue of the cranium [n -S] : DIPLOIC [adj] FIBULA a bone of the leg [n -LAE or -LAS] : FIBULAR [adj] GONION a part of the lower jaw [n -NIA] HAFFET the cheekbone and temple [n -S] HALLUX the big toe [n -LUCES] : HALLUCAL [adj] HAMATE a wrist bone [n -S] LUXATE to put out of joint [v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] MEDIUS the middle finger [n -DII] MIDRIB the central vein of a leaf [n -S] NASIAL [adj] NASION a point in the skull [n -S] : NASIAL [adj] NOOGIE a playful rubbing of one's knuckles on another's head [n -S] OSSEIN a protein substance in bone [n -S] OSSIFY to convert into bone [v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES] : OSSIFIER(s) OSTEAL {osseous=adj} [adj] PELVIC a bone of the pelvis [n -S] PELVIS a part of the skeleton [n PELVES or PELVISES] PINKIE the little finger [n -S] RELEVE a raising onto the toe in ballet [n -S] RIBBER one that {ribs=v} [n -S] RIBLET the rib end in a breast of lamb or veal [n -S] SACRAL a vertebra or nerve situated near the sacrum [n -S] SACRUM a bone of the pelvis [n -CRA or -CRUMS] STAPES a bone of the middle ear [n -PEDES] TARSAL a bone of the foot [n -S] TARSUS a part of the foot [n TARSI] TIPTOE to walk on the tips of one's toes [v -TOED, -TOEING, -TOES] TOECAP a covering for the tip of a shoe or boot [n -S] VALGUS the position of a joint that is abnormally turned outward [n -ES] : VALGOID [adj] WRISTY using much wrist action [adj WRISTIER, WRISTIEST] XYSTER a surgical instrument for scraping bones [n -S] ZYGOMA the cheekbone [n -MAS or -MATA] BACULUM a bone in the penis of many mammals [n -LA or -LUMS] BONEBED an area containing dinosaur fossils [n -S] BONESET a perennial herb [n -S] : BONESETTER(s) CAMELID any of a family of 2-toed ruminant mammals [n -S] CARPALE a bone of the wrist [n -LIA] CONDYLE a protuberance on a bone [n -S] : CONDYLAR [adj] COSTATE having a rib or ribs [adj] COXITIS inflammation of the hip joint [n COXITIDES] CRANIAL pertaining to the skull [adj] : CRANIALLY CRANIUM the skull [n -NIUMS or -NIA] DEBONER a bone remover [n -S] DEWCLAW a vestigial toe [n -S] ETHMOID a bone of the nasal cavity [n -S] FETLOCK a joint of a horse's leg [n -S] FRONTAL a bone of the skull [n -S] FURCULA a forked bone [n -LAE] : FURCULAR [adj] GLENOID having the shallow or slightly cupped form of a bone socket [adj] GNATHAL {gnathic=adj} [adj] GNATHIC of or pertaining to the jaw [adj] HAMBONE to {overact=v} [v -BONED, -BONING, -BONES] HIPBONE a pelvic bone [n -S] HIPLESS lacking a hip (the pelvic joint) [adj] HIPLIKE suggestive of a hip [adj] HIPLINE the distance around the hips [n -S] HUMERAL a bone of the shoulder [n -S] HUMERUS the large bone of the upper arm [n -MERI] ISCHIUM a pelvic bone [n -CHIA] : ISCHIAL [adj] JAWBONE to attempt to convince [v -BONED, -BONING, -BONES] JAWLESS having no jaw (a bony structure bordering the mouth) [adj] JAWLIKE resembling the jaw (the framework of the mouth) [adj] JAWLINE the outline of the lower jaw [n -S] KNEECAP to maim by shooting in the kneecap (a bone at the front of the knee) [v -CAPPED, -CAPPING, -CAPS] KNEELER one that {kneels=v} [n -S] KNEEPAD a covering for a knee [n -S] KNEEPAN the kneecap [n -S] KNUCKLE to hit with the knuckles (the joints of the fingers) [v -LED, -LING, -LES] KNUCKLY having prominent knuckles [adj -LIER, -LIEST] LIPPING a liplike outgrowth of bone [n -S] LOCKJAW a form of tetanus [n -S] MALLEUS a bone of the middle ear [n -LEI] MASTOID the rear portion of the temporal bone [n -S] MAXILLA the upper jaw or jawbone [n -LAE or -LAS] MYELOID pertaining to bone marrow [adj] MYELOMA a tumor of the bone marrow [n -MAS or -MATA] OCCIPUT the back part of the skull [n -PITA or -PUTS] OSSEOUS resembling bone [adj] OSSICLE a small bone [n -S] OSSIFIC pertaining to the formation of bone [adj] OSSUARY a receptacle for the bones of the dead [n -ARIES] OSTEOID uncalcified bone matrix [n -S] OSTEOMA a tumor of bone tissue [n -MAS or -MATA] OSTOSIS the formation of bone [n -TOSES or -TOSISES] PALATAL a bone of the palate [n -S] PATELLA the flat movable bone at the front of the knee [n -LAE or -LAS] : PATELLAR [adj] PINBONE the {hipbone=n} [n -S] RADIALE a bone of the carpus [n -LIA] REDBONE a hunting dog [n -S] RIBLESS having no ribs [adj] RIBLIKE resembling a rib [adj] RIBWORT {ribgrass=n} [n -S] SCAPULA a bone of the shoulder [n -LAE or -LAS] STERNAL pertaining to the sternum [adj] STERNUM a long, flat supporting bone of most vertebrates [n -NA or -NUMS] STYLOID slender and pointed [adj] / STYLOID, a slender projection of bone [n -S] SUTURAL pertaining to the line of junction between two bones [adj] TOEHOLD a space that supports the toes in climbing [n -S] TOELESS having no toes [adj] TOELIKE resembling a toe [adj] TOENAIL to fasten with obliquely driven nails [v -ED, -ING, -S] TOESHOE a dance slipper without a heel [n -S] TRISMUS {lockjaw=n} [n -ES] : TRISMIC [adj] UNBONED [adj] WEBFOOT a foot having the toes joined by a membrane [n -FEET] WHITLOW an inflammation of the finger or toe [n -S] XIPHOID a part of the sternum [n -S] ACROMION the outward end of the shoulder blade [n -MIA] : ACROMIAL [adj] ANKYLOSE to unite or grow together, as the bones of a joint [v -LOSED, -LOSING, -LOSES] ASTERNAL not connected to the sternum [adj] BACKBONE the {spine=n} [n -S], BACKBONED BEFINGER to touch all over [v -ED, -ING, -S] BONEFISH a slender marine fish [n -ES] BONEHEAD a stupid person [n -S] : BONEHEADED [adj] BONEHEADEDNESS BONELESS having no bones (hard connective tissue) [adj] BONEMEAL fertilizer or feed made from crushed bone [n -S] BONEYARD a {junkyard=n} [n -S] BRAINPAN the skull [n -S] BROWBONE the ridge of bone above the eye [n -S] CALCANEA : CALCANEI CALCANEI bones of the heel [n], CALCANEAL : CALCANEA, CALCANEUM, CALCANEUS CALVARIA the dome of the skull [n -S], CALVARIAL : CALVARIUM(s) CAPITATE head-shaped [adj] / a bone of the wrist of primates [n -S] CHINBONE the lower jaw [n -S] CLAVICLE a bone of the shoulder [n -S] CORACOID a bone of the shoulder girdle [n -S] CRANIATE one that has a skull [n -S] DACTYLIC a verse consisting of dactyls [n -S] DACTYLUS a leg joint of certain insects [n -LI] FISSIPED a mammal that has separated toes [n -S] FONTANEL a space in the fetal and infantile skull [n -S] : FONTANELLE(s) GLADIOLI segments of the sternum [n] GNATHION the tip of the chin [n -S] GNATHITE a jawlike appendage of an insect [n -S] KNEEHOLE a space for the knees [n -S] KNEESIES the pressing of one's knees against another person's knees [n] KNEESOCK a sock reaching up to the knee [n -S] KNITBONE a comfrey (a coarse herb) [n -S] LACRIMAL a type of {vase=n} [n -S] / small bone in the eye socket [n -S] : LACRYMAL(s) LACRYMAL lacrimal (a small bone of the eye socket) [n -S] LONGHEAD a person having a long skull [n -S] LUXATION the act of luxating [n -S] ENDOCAST a cast of the cranial cavity [n -S] ENDOSTEA bone membranes [n] FINGERER one that {fingers=v} [n -S] FISHBONE a bone of a fish [n -S] JAWBONER one that {jawbones=v} [n -S] KNUCKLER a type of baseball pitch [n -S] LADYFISH a {bonefish=n} [n -ES] MALLEOLI bony protuberances of the ankle [n] MANDIBLE the bone of the lower jaw [n -S] MODIOLUS a bony shaft of the inner ear [n -LI] MYELITIS inflammation of the bone marrow [n MYELITES MYELITIDES MYELITISES] NONUNION failure of a broken bone to heal [n -S] ORTHOSIS an {orthotic=n} [n -THOSES] ORTHOTIC a brace for weak joints or muscles [n -S] OSSIFIER one that {ossifies=v} [n -S] OSTEITIS inflammation of bone [n -ITIDES] : OSTEITIC [adj] OSTEOSIS the formation of bone [n -OSES or -OSISES] PARIETAL a bone of the skull [n -S] PEDICURE to administer a cosmetic treatment to the feet and toenails [v -CURED, -CURING, -CURES] PEDIFORM shaped like a foot [adj] PETROSAL {petrous=adj} [adj] / a part of the temporal bone [n -S] PHALANGE any bone of a finger or toe [n -S] PINBONES [n] PISIFORM a small bone of the wrist [n -S] POPLITEI [n] : POPLITEAL [adj] POPLITIC pertaining to the part of the leg behind the knee [adj] PREPUBIS a bone situated in front of the pubic bone [n -PUBES] RAWBONED having little flesh [adj] RIBGRASS [n -ES] RINGBONE a bony growth on a horse's foot [n -S] RUMINANT a hoofed, even-toed mammal [n -S] SAWBONES a {surgeon=n} [n -BONESES] SCAPHOID a bone of the wrist [n -S] SCAPULAR a sleeveless outer garment worn by monks [n -S] SESAMOID a nodular mass of bone or cartilage [n -S] SHINBONE the {tibia=n} [n -S] SKELETON the supporting or protective framework of a human or animal body [n -S] : SKELETONIC, SKELETAL [adj] SKELETALLY SPARERIB a cut of pork [n -S] SPHENOID a bone of the skull [n -S] TAILBONE the {coccyx=n} [n -S] TEMPORAL a bone of the skull [n -S] TIPPYTOE to {tiptoe=v} [v -TOED, -TOEING, -TOES] TOEPIECE a piece of a shoe designed to cover the toes [n -S] TOEPLATE a metal tab attached to the tip of a shoe [n -S] TURBINAL a bone of the nasal passage [n -S] UNCIFORM a bone of the wrist [n -S] UNDERJAW the lower jaw [n -S] UNRIBBED [adj] WISHBONE a forked bone in front of a bird's breastbone [n -S] AITCHBONE [n -S] ANKLEBONE [n -S] ANKYLOSIS [n -LOSES] : ANKYLOTIC BAREBONED BONEBLACK [n -S] CALCANEUM [n CALCANEA], CALCANEAL : CALCANEUS CALCANEUS [n CALCANEI], CALCANEAL : CALCANEUM CALVARIUM the dome of the skull [n -S], CALVARIAL : CALVARIA(s) CHEEKBONE [n -S] CRANIALLY ELBOWROOM [n -S] EPICRANIA [n] EPISTERNA [n] PRESTERNA [n] FINGERING [n -S] FINGERTIP [n -S] HAMMERTOE [n -S] JAWBONING [n -S] KNEEPIECE [n -S] LAZYBONES MESOCRANY [n -NIES] METATARSI : METATARSAL(s) MISTLETOE [n -S] OCCIPITAL [n -S] : OCCIPITALLY PETTITOES pig's trotters POPLITEUS a muscle at the back of the knee [n -TEI] : POPLITEAL [adj] PUSSYFOOT [n -S] PUSSYTOES SUBCOSTAL [n -S] THIGHBONE [n -S] WHALEBONE [n -S] ANKYLOSAUR [n -S] BONESETTER [n -S] BREASTBONE [n -S] COLLARBONE [n -S] CRANIOLOGY [n -GIES] CRANIOTOMY [n -MIES] CROSSBONES CUTTLEBONE [n -S] EPICRANIUM [n EPICRANIA] EPISTERNUM [n EPISTERNA] FINGERHOLD [n -S] FINGERLIKE FINGERLING [n -S] FINGERNAIL [n -S] FINGERPICK [n -S] FINGERPOST [n -S] FONTANELLE {fontanel=n} [n -S] FOREFINGER [n -S] JAWBREAKER [n -S] LADYFINGER [n -S] MARROWBONE [n -S] METATARSAL [n -S] : METATARSUS METATARSUS [n METATARSI] : METATARSAL PERICRANIA BONEFISHING [n -S] CRANIOMETRY [n -RIES] EXOSKELETON [n -S] : EXOSKELETAL FINGERBOARD [n -S] FINGERPRINT [v -S -ED -ING] : FINGERPRINTING(s) HERRINGBONE [n -S] INTERCOSTAL [n -S] KNEECAPPING [n -S] KNUCKLEBALL [n -S] : KNUCKLEBALLER(s) KNUCKLEBONE [n -S] KNUCKLEHEAD [n -S] : KNUCKLEHEADED NONSKELETAL PERICRANIUM [n PERICRANIA] : PERICRANIAL POSTCRANIAL : POSTCRANIALLY SHACKLEBONE [n -S] SKELETONISE [v -ED, -ING, -S] SKELETONIZE [v -ED, -ING, -S] SUBLUXATION [n -S] TICKTACKTOE [n -S] XIPHISTERNA ANKYLOSAURUS [n -ES] CRANIOFACIAL CRANIOSACRAL CYTOSKELETAL CYTOSKELETON [n -S] ENDOSKELETAL ENDOSKELETON [n -S] EXTRACRANIAL FINGERPICKED HERRINGBONED INTRACRANIAL : INTRACRANIALLY SKELETONIZER [n -S] SKULLDUGGERY [n -RIES] STERNOCOSTAL XIPHISTERNUM [n XIPHISTERNA] BUTTERFINGERS CHONDROCRANIA FINGERPICKING [n -S] KNUCKLEBALLER [n -S] BUTTERFINGERED CHONDROCRANIUM [n -S] CRANIOCEREBRAL FINGERPRINTING [n -S] TARSOMETATARSI ANKYLOSTOMIASIS [n -SES] MUSCULOSKELETAL * List compiled from OWL3 + OWL2 + Long List by Rebecca Slivka