* BICYCLES * BIKE to {bicycle=v} [v BIKED, BIKING, BIKES] : BIKER(s) BIKER one that {bikes=v} [n -S] BIKIE {biker=n} [n -S] CYCLE to ride a bicycle [v -CLED, -CLING, -CLES] SPOKE to provide with spokes (rods that support the rim of a wheel) [v SPOKED, SPOKING, SPOKES] CASQUE a helmet [n -S] : CASQUED [adj] SKIBOB to ride a bike-like vehicle with skis instead of wheels [v SKIBOBBED SKIBOBBING SKIBOBS] : SKIBOBBER(s) SKIBOBBING(s) TANDEM a bicycle built for two [n -S] BICYCLE to ride a bicycle (a two-wheeled vehicle) [v -CLED, -CLING, -CLES] BIKEWAY a route for bikes [n -WAYS] CYCLERY a bicycle shop [n -RIES] CYCLING the act of riding a bicycle [n -S] CYCLIST one who rides a bicycle [n -S] PELOTON the main body of riders in a bicycle race [n -S] TOECLIP a device that holds the front of a cyclist's shoe to the pedal [n -S] TUBULAR a completely enclosed bicycle tire [n -S] WOONERF a road in the Netherlands primarily for pedestrians and cyclists [n -S] BICYCLER one that {bicycles=v} [n -S] BICYCLIC having two cycles [adj] CYCLEWAY a {bikeway=n} [n -WAYS] DUATHLON a long-distance race involving running and bicycling [n -S] MINIBIKE a small motorcycle [n -S] : MINIBIKER(s) TRICYCLE to ride a vehicle having three wheels [v -CYCLED -CYCLES -CYCLING] : TRICYCLING(s) BICYCLIST [n -S] CAMELBACK [n -S] MINIBIKER [n -S] MOTORBIKE [v BIKED, BIKING, BIKES] SKIBOBBER [n -S] VELODROME [n -S] DERAILLEUR [n -S] SPOKESHAVE [n -S] TRICYCLING to ride a vehicle having three wheels [n -S] VELOCIPEDE [n -S] * List compiled from OWL3 + OWL2 + Long List by Rebecca Slivka