* FLYING - AVIATION * FLEXWING a collapsible fabric wing used in hang gliders [n -S] FLY {clever=adj} [adj FLIER, FLIEST] / to move through the air [v FLEW, FLOWN, FLYING, FLIES] / to hit a ball high into the air in baseball [v FLIED, FLYING, FLIES] AERO pertaining to {aircraft=n} [adj] FLAK antiaircraft fire [n FLAK] HELO a helicopter [n HELOS] JATO a takeoff aided by jet propulsion [n -TOS] RATO a rocket-assisted airplane takeoff [n -TOS] WING to travel by means of wings (organs of flight) [v -ED, -ING, -S] AVGAS gasoline for airplanes [n -GASES or -GASSES] AVION an {airplane=n} [n -S] BLIMP a nonrigid aircraft [n -S] : BLIMPISH [adj] FLIER one that {flies=v} [n -S] FLYBY a flight of aircraft close to a specified place [n -BYS] FLYER {flier=n} [n -S] GLIDE to move effortlessly [v GLIDED, GLIDING, GLIDES] : GLIDER(s) LINER a commercial ship or airplane [n -S] PILOT to control the course of [v -ED, -ING, -S] STALL to stop the progress of [v -ED, -ING, -S] WINGY {swift=adj} [adj WINGIER, WINGIEST] AIRBUS a passenger airplane [n -BUSES or -BUSSES] AIRWAY a passageway in which air circulates [n -WAYS] AVIATE to fly an aircraft [v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] COPTER a helicopter [n -S] ELEVON a type of airplane control surface [n -S] FLYBOY a pilot in an air force [n -BOYS] FLYING the operation of an aircraft [n -S] FLYMAN a stage worker in a theater [n FLYMEN] FLYOFF a competitive testing of model aircraft [n -S] FLYWAY an established air route of migratory birds [n -WAYS] GLIDER a type of {aircraft=n} [n -S] HANGAR to place in an aircraft shelter [v -ED, -ING, -S] JETWAY a telescoping corridor that extends from an airport terminal to an aircraft -- a trademark [n -S] POMPOM an antiaircraft cannon [n -S] RUNWAY a landing and takeoff strip for aircraft [n -WAYS] SKYCAP a porter at an airport [n -S] SKYMAN an {aviator=n} [n SKYMEN] STRAFE to attack with machine-gun fire from an airplane [v STRAFED, STRAFING, STRAFES] TRIJET an airplane powered by three jet engines [n -S] WINGER a certain player in soccer [n -S] AEROBAT one that performs feats in an aircraft [n -S] AILERON a movable control surface on an airplane wing [n -S] AIRCREW the crew of an aircraft [n -S] AIRDROP to drop from an aircraft [v -DROPPED, -DROPPING, -DROPS] AIRFARE payment for travel by airplane [n -S] AIRFOIL a part of an aircraft designed to provide lift or control [n -S] AIRLIFT to transport by airplane [v -ED, -ING, -S] AIRLINE an air transportation system [n -S] AIRMAIL to send mail by airplane [v -ED, -ING, -S] AIRPARK a small airport [n -S] AIRPORT a tract of land maintained for the landing and takeoff of aircraft [n -S] AIRPOST a system of conveying mail by airplane [n -S] AIRSHIP a lighter-than-air aircraft having propulsion and steering systems [n -S] AIRSHOW an exhibition of aircraft stunts [n -S] AIRSICK nauseated from flying in an airplane [adj] AIRWISE skillful in aviation [adj] ANTIAIR directed against attacking aircraft [adj] BAILOUT the act of parachuting from an aircraft [n -S] BALLUTE a small inflatable parachute [n -S] BATWING shaped like a bat's wing [adj] BIPLANE a type of {airplane=n} [n -S] CHOPPER to travel by helicopter [v -ED, -ING, -S] CHUTIST a parachutist [n -S] COCKPIT a pilot's compartment in certain airplanes [n -S] COPILOT an assistant pilot [n -S] COWLING a covering for an aircraft engine [n -S] DEPLANE to get off an airplane [v -PLANED, -PLANING, -PLANES] DUSTOFF a military helicopter for evacuating the wounded [n -S] ENPLANE to board an airplane [v -PLANED, -PLANING, -PLANES] FAIRING a structure on an aircraft serving to reduce drag [n -S] FLATTOP an aircraft carrier [n -S] FLYABLE suitable for flying [adj] FLYOVER a flight of aircraft over a specific location [n -S] FLYPAST a {flyby=n} [n -S] GOSPORT a communication device in an airplane [n -S] GUNSHIP an armed helicopter [n -S] HELIPAD a {heliport=n} [n -S] JETLIKE resembling a jet airplane [adj] JETPORT a type of {airport=n} [n -S] LIFTOFF the vertical takeoff of a rocket [n -S] LOGBOOK a record book of a ship or aircraft [n -S] MEDEVAC to evacuate the wounded from a battlefield by helicopter [v -VACKED, -VACKING, -VACS] NACELLE a shelter on an aircraft [n -S] PANCAKE to land an airplane in a certain manner [v -CAKED, -CAKING, -CAKES] PROPJET a type of {airplane=n} [n -S] RIPCORD a cord pulled to release a parachute [n -S] SKYDIVE to parachute from an airplane for sport [v -DIVED or -DOVE, -DIVING, -DIVES], SKYDIVER(s) SKYHOOK a hook conceived as being suspended from the sky [n -S] SKYJACK to hijack an airplane [v -ED, -ING, -S], SKYJACKER(s) STACKUP an arrangement of circling airplanes over an airport waiting to land [n -S] TAKEOFF the act of rising in flight [n -S] TAXIWAY a paved strip at an airport [n -WAYS] TELERAN a system of air navigation [n -S] TWINJET an aircraft with two jet engines [n -S] WAVEOFF the act of denying landing permission to an approaching aircraft [n -S] WINGLET a small wing [n -S] WINGMAN a pilot behind the leader of a flying formation [n WINGMEN] WINGTIP a type of man's shoe [n -S] AERODUCT a type of jet engine [n -S] AERODYNE an aircraft that is heavier than air [n -S] AEROFOIL {airfoil=n} [n -S] AEROGRAM an airmail letter [n -S] AERONAUT one who operates an airship [n -S] AEROSTAT an aircraft that is lighter than air [n -S] AIRBORNE flying [adj] AIRCOACH the cheaper class of accommodations in commercial aircraft [n -ES] AIRCRAFT any machine or device capable of flying [n AIRCRAFT] AIRDROME an {airport=n} [n -S] AIRFIELD an {airport=n} [n -S] AIRFRAME the framework and external covering of an airplane [n -S] AIRLINER a large passenger aircraft [n -S] AIRPLANE a winged aircraft propelled by jet engines or propellers [n -S] AIRPOWER the military strength of a nation's air force [n -S] AIRSCAPE a view of the earth from an aircraft or a high position [n -S] AIRSCREW an airplane propeller [n -S] AIRSPACE the portion of the atmosphere above a particular land area [n -S] AIRSPEED the speed of an aircraft with relation to the air [n -S] AIRSTRIP a {runway=n} [n -S] AIRWOMAN a female {aviator=n} [n -WOMEN] AUTOGIRO a type of {airplane=n} [n -ROS] AUTOGYRO {autogiro=n} [n -ROS] AVIGATOR one that navigates aircraft [n -S] AVIONICS the science of electronics applied to aviation [n] : AVIONIC [adj] BIRDFARM an aircraft carrier [n -S] CONTRAIL a visible trail of water vapor from an aircraft [n -S] DIVEBOMB to drop bombs on a target from a diving airplane [v -ED, -ING, -S] FLAPERON an airfoil that functions as a flap and an aileron [n -S] FUSELAGE the body of an airplane [n -S] HEDGEHOP to fly near the ground [v -HOPPED, -HOPPING, -HOPS] : HEDGEHOPPER(S) HELICOPT to travel by helicopter [v -ED, -ING, -S] HELILIFT to transport by helicopter [v -ED, -ING, -S] HELIPORT an airport for helicopters [n -S] HELISTOP a {heliport=n} [n -S] HYDROSKI a plate attached to a seaplane to facilitate takeoffs and landings [n -S] JETLINER a type of {aircraft=n} [n -S] JOYSTICK the control stick in an airplane [n -S] LONGERON a longitudinal support of an airplane [n -S] PARADROP to deliver by parachute [v -DROPPED, -DROPPING, -DROPS] PARAFOIL a fabric device that resembles a parachute [n -S] PARAKITE a parachute kite for towing a person through the air by a motorboat [n -S] PARASAIL to soar while harnessed to a parachute towed by a car or boat [v -ED, -ING, -S] PARAWING a winglike parachute [n -S] PILOTAGE the act of piloting [n -S] PILOTING a branch of navigation [n -S] ROCKETER one that designs or launches rockets [n -S] ROCKETRY the science of rockets [n -RIES] SCRAMJET a type of aircraft engine [n -S] SEADROME an airport in the sea [n -S] SEAPLANE an airplane designed to take off from or land on the water [n -S] SKIPLANE an airplane designed to take off from or land on snow [n -S] SKYBORNE {airborne=adj} [adj] SKYDIVER one that {skydives=v} [n -S] SKYWRITE to write in the sky by releasing a visible vapor from an airplane [v -WROTE, -WRITTEN, -WRITING, -WRITES] STOLPORT an airport for aircraft needing comparatively short runways [n -S] SUPERJET a type of jet airplane [n -S] TAILSKID a support on which the tail of an airplane rests [n -S] TAILSPIN the spiral descent of a stalled airplane [n -S] TAILWIND a wind coming from behind a moving vehicle [n -S] TAKEOFFS [n] TOWPLANE an airplane that tows gliders [n -S] TRIMOTOR an airplane powered by three engines [n -S] TRIPLANE a type of {airplane=n} [n -S] TURBOFAN a type of jet engine [n -S] TURBOJET a type of jet engine [n -S] VOLPLANE to glide in an airplane [v -PLANED, -PLANING, -PLANES] WARPLANE an airplane armed for combat [n -S] WIDEBODY a jet aircraft having a wide fuselage [n -BODIES] WINGEDLY {swiftly=adv} [adv] WINGLESS having no wings [adj] WINGLIKE resembling a wing [adj] WINGOVER a flight maneuver [n -S] WINGSPAN the distance from the tip of one of a pair of wings to that of the other [n -S] YAWMETER an instrument in an aircraft [n -S] ZEPPELIN a long, rigid airship [n -S] AEROBATIC [n -S] AERODROME [n -S] AIRMOBILE AIRSTREAM [n -S] AIRSTRIKE [n -S] AIRWORTHY [-WORTHIER -WORTHIEST] AUTOPILOT [n -S] BARNSTORM [v -ED -ES -ING] : BARNSTORMER(s) GYROPILOT [n -S] GYROPLANE [n -S] HIGHFLIER [n -S] HIGHFLYER [n -S] NONWINGED PARACHUTE [v -CHUTED -CHUTES -CHUTING] : PARACHUTIC, PARACHUTIST(s) PARAGLIDE [v GLIDED, GLIDING, GLIDES] PILOTLESS ROCKETEER one that fires, pilots, or rides in a rocket [n -S] SKYJACKER [n -S] SWEEPBACK [n -S] : SWEPTWING SWEPTWING [n -S] : SWEEPBACK UNDERWING [n -S] WHIPSTALL [n -S] AERONAUTIC [n -S] BLIMPISHLY FLOATPLANE [n -S] HELICOPTER [v -S -ED -ING] PARACHUTIC SKYJACKING [n -S] WINGSPREAD [n -S] AIRSICKNESS [n -ES] BARNSTORMER [n -S] HEDGEHOPPER [n -S] PARACHUTIST [n -S] ANTIAIRCRAFT [n -S] BLIMPISHNESS [n -ES] WINGLESSNESS [n -ES] AIRWORTHINESS [n -ES] * List compiled from OWL2 + Long List by Rebecca Slivka