* KNIGHTS and ARMOR and WEAPONS * (see also guns.txt and soldiers.txt) BOW to bend forward [v -ED, -ING, -S] DUB to confer knighthood on [v DUBBED, DUBBING, DUBS] BARD to armor a horse [v -ED, -ING, -S] : BARDE CRIS {kris=n} [n -ES] : CREESE CRIS KRIS EPEE a type of {sword=n} [n -S] : EPEEIST(s) FOIL to prevent the success of [v -ED, -ING, -S] : FOILABLE [adj] FOIN to thrust with a pointed weapon [v -ED, -ING, -S] KRIS a short sword [n -ES] : CREESE CRIS KRIS MAIL to send by a governmental postal system. [v -ED, -ING, -S] : MAILABLE [adj] NOCK to notch a bow or arrow [v -ED, -ING, -S] PIKE to pierce with a pike (a long spear) [v PIKED, PIKING, PIKES] : PIKER(s) TACE {tasse=n} [n -S] : TACE TASSE TASSET TUILLE ARMET a medieval helmet [n -S] ARMOR to furnish with armor (a defensive covering) [v -ED, -ING, -S] : ARMOUR BARDE to {bard=v} [v BARDED, BARDING, BARDES] : BARD BEVOR a piece of armor for the lower face [n -S] BILBO a finely tempered sword [n -BOS or -BOES] CHAPE a part of a scabbard [n -S] CUISH {cuisse=n} [n -ES] CULET a piece of armor for the lower back [n -S] FAULD a piece of armor below the breastplate [n -S] FENCE to practice the art of fencing [v FENCED, FENCING, FENCES] : FENCER(s) JAMBE a {jambeau=n} [n -S] : JAMBEAU(x) KERNE a medieval foot soldier [n -S] LANCE to pierce with a lance (a spearlike weapon) [v LANCED, LANCING, LANCES] : LANCER(s) PAVIS a large medieval shield [n -ISES] : PAVISE PIKER a stingy person [n -S] SABER to strike with a saber (a type of sword) [v -ED, -ING, -S] SABRE to {saber=v} [v -BRED, -BRING, -BRES] SKEAN a type of dagger [n -S] SPEAR to pierce with a spear (a long, pointed weapon) [v -ED, -ING, -S] : SPEARER(s) SWORD a weapon having a long blade for cutting or thrusting [n -S] TASSE {tasset=n} [n -S] : TACE TASSE TASSET TUILLE TSUBA a part of a Japanese sword [n TSUBA] ANLACE a medieval dagger [n -S] ARCHER one that shoots with a bow and arrow [n -S] ARMORY a place where weapons are stored [n -MORIES] : ARMOURY ARMOUR to {armor=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] BOWMAN an {archer=n} [n BOWMEN] BOWYER a maker of archery bows [n -S] BYRNIE an armored shirt [n -S] CAMAIL a piece of armor for the neck [n -S] : CAMAILED [adj] COUTER a piece of armor for the elbow [n -S] CREESE {kris=n} [n -S] : CREESE CRIS KRIS CUISSE a piece of armor for the thigh [n -S] : CUISH DAGGER to stab with a small knife [v -ED, -ING, -S] FENCER one that {fences=v} [n -S] GLAIVE a {sword=n} [n -S] : GLAIVED [adj] GORGET a piece of armor for the throat [n -S] : GORGETED [adj] GREAVE a piece of armor for the leg [n -S] : GREAVED [adj] HEAUME a medieval helmet [n -S] KNIGHT to make a knight (a medieval gentleman-soldier) of [v -ED, -ING, -S] : KNIGHTLY, BEKNIGHT LANCER a cavalryman armed with a lance [n -S] LORICA a protective covering or shell [n -E or -S] : LORICATE(s) LORICATED PANZER an armored combat vehicle [n -S] PAVISE {pavis=n} [n -S] RAPIER a long, slender sword [n -S] : RAPIERED [adj] RITTER a knight [n -S] SALLET a light medieval helmet [n -S] TASSET a piece of plate armor for the upper thigh [n -S] : TACE TASSE TASSET TUILLE TOLEDO a finely tempered sword [n -DOS] TONLET a skirt of plate armor [n -S] TUILLE a {tasset=n} [n -S] : TACE TASSE TASSET TUILLE TWIBIL a battle-ax with two cutting edges [n -S] : TWILBILL(s) ARCHERY the sport of shooting with a bow and arrow [n -CHERIES] ARCUATE curved like a bow [adj], ARCUATED : ARCUATELY [adv], ARMIGER one who carries the armor of a knight [n -S] : ARMIGERO(s), ARMIGERAL, ARMIGEROUS ARMORER one that makes or repairs armor [n -S] : ARMOURER(s) ARMOURY {armory=n} [n -MOURIES] BASINET a medieval helmet [n -S] BAYONET to stab with a dagger-like weapon [v -NETED, -NETING, -NETS or -NETTED, -NETTING, -NETS] BOWLESS being without an archery bow [adj] BOWLIKE curved [adj] BOWSHOT the distance an arrow is shot [n -S] CLARION to proclaim by blowing a medieval trumpet [v -ED, -ING, -S] CORSLET {corselet=n} [n -S] : CORSLET CORSELET CORSELETTE CUIRASS to cover with a type of armor [v -ED, -ING, -ES] CUTLASS a short sword [n -ES] EPEEIST one who fences with an epee [n -S] FENCING the art of using a sword in attack and defense [n -S] GISARME a medieval weapon [n -S] HAUBERK a coat of armor [n -S] JAMBEAU a piece of armor for the leg [n -S or -X] : JAMBE(s) LONGBOW a type of archery bow [n -S] PALADIN a knightly champion [n -S] PANOPLY a suit of armor [n -PLIES] PAVISER a soldier carrying a pavis [n -S] PAVISSE {pavis=n} [n -S] PEYTRAL a piece of armor for the breast of a horse [n -S] : PEYTRAL PEYTREL POITREL PEYTREL {peytral=n} [n -S] : PEYTRAL PEYTREL POITREL PIKEMAN a soldier armed with a pike [n PIKEMEN] POITREL {peytral=n} [n -S] : PEYTRAL PEYTREL POITREL PONIARD to stab with a dagger [v -ED, -ING, -S] REFENCE [v -FENCED, -FENCING, -FENCES] SABATON a piece of armor for the foot [n -S] : SABATON SOLLERET SOLERET SIMITAR {scimitar=n} [n -S] : SCIMETAR SCIMITAR SCIMITER SIMITAR SOLERET {solleret=n} [n -S] : SABATON SOLLERET SOLERET SPEARER one that {spears=v} [n -S] TWIBILL {twibil=n} [n -S] UNFENCE to remove a fence from [v -FENCED, -FENCING, -FENCES] VENTAIL the adjustable front of a medieval helmet [n -S] : AVENTAIL(s) YATAGAN {yataghan=n} [n -S] ARBALEST a type of {crossbow=n} [n -S] : ARBALEST ARBALIST ARBELEST ARBALIST {arbalest=n} [n -S] : ARBALEST ARBALIST ARBELEST ARBELEST {arbalest=n} [n -S] : ARBALEST ARBALIST ARBELEST ARCUATED {arcuate=adj} [adj] ARMAMENT a military force equipped for war [n -S] ARMATURE to furnish with armor [v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES] ARMIGERO {armiger=n} [n -GEROS] : ARMIGER(s), ARMIGERAL [adj], ARMIGEROUS [adj] ARMORIAL a treatise on heraldry [n -S] : ARMORIALLY ARMOURER {armorer=n} [n -S] AVENTAIL {ventail=n} [n -S] BEKNIGHT to raise to knighthood [v -ED, -ING, -S] BALLISTA an ancient weapon [n -TAE] CATAPULT to hurl through the air [v -ED, -ING, -S] CHAMFRON armor for a horse's head [n -S] : CHAMFRAIN CHAUSSES medieval armor for the legs [n] CHIVALRY knightly behavior and skill [n -RIES] : CHIVALRIC CHIVALROUS CHIVALROUSLY, UNCHIVALROUS CLAYMORE a type of {sword=n} [n -S] CORSELET a piece of body armor [n -S] : CORSLET CORSELET CORSELETTE CROSSBOW a kind of weapon [n -S] : CROSSBOWMAN CROSSBOWMEN CULVERIN a medieval musket [n -S] DOUZEPER one of twelve legendary knights [n -S] ENSIFORM sword-shaped [adj] FALCHION a broad-bladed sword [n -S] FENCIBLE a soldier enlisted for home service only [n -S] FLANCARD a piece of armor for the side of a horse [n -S] FOILSMAN a {fencer=n} [n FOILSMEN] GAMBESON a medieval coat worn under armor[n -S] GAVELOCK a crowbar or spear [n -S] GLADIATE shaped like a sword [adj] HERALDIC pertaining to {heraldry=n} [adj] HERALDRY the art or science of armorial bearings [n -RIES] IRONCLAD an armored warship [n -S] KNIGHTLY of or befitting a knight [adj KNIGHTLIER KNIGHTLIEST] MAILLESS having no armor [adj] MANGONEL a medieval military device for hurling stones [n -S] OUTFENCE to surpass in fencing [v -FENCED, -FENCING, -FENCES] PALLETTE a piece of armor protecting the armpit [n -S] PAULDRON a piece of armor for the shoulder [n -S] SCABBARD to put into a sheath, as a sword [v -ED, -ING, -S] SCIMETAR {scimitar=n} [n -S] : SCIMETAR SCIMITAR SCIMITER SIMITAR SCIMITAR a curved Oriental sword [n -S] : SCIMETAR SCIMITAR SCIMITER SIMITAR SCIMITER {scimitar=n} [n -S] : SCIMETAR SCIMITAR SCIMITER SIMITAR SOLLERET a {sabaton=n} [n -S] : SABATON SOLLERET SOLERET SPEARMAN a person armed with a spear [n SPEARMEN] SPONTOON a spear-like weapon [n -S] STILETTO to stab with a stiletto (a short dagger) [v -ED, -ING, -S or -ES] SWORDMAN one skilled in the use of a sword [n SWORDMEN] UNMAILED [adj] VAMBRACE a piece of armor for the forearm [n -S] : VAMBRACED [adj] YATAGHAN a Turkish sword [n -S] : YATAGAN(s) ANTIARMOR ARCUATELY ARCUATION [n -S] ARMIGERAL [adj] : ARMIGEROUS ARMORLESS BACKSWORD [n -S] BOWHUNTER [n -S] BOWSTRING [v -STRINGED -STRUNG -STRINGING -STRINGS] BOWSTRUNG CHAMFRAIN (chamfron=n) [n -S] CHAUSSURE a shoe [n -S] CHIVALRIC [adj] : CHIVALROUS FENCELESS HABERGEON a hauberk [n -S] PIKESTAFF [n PIKESTAFFS PIKESTAVES] REREBRACE armor protecting the upper arms [n -S] SABERLIKE SPEARHEAD [v -S -ED -ING] SPEARLIKE SPEARMINT [n -S] SPEARWORT [n -S] SWORDFISH [n -ES] SWORDLIKE SWORDPLAY [n -S] : SWORDPLAYER(s) SWORDSMAN [n SWORDSMEN] SWORDTAIL [n -S] TREBUCHET a medieval siege engine [n -S] : TREBUCKET(s) TREBUCKET (trebuchet=n) [n -S] UNARMORED ARCHERFISH [n -ES] ARMIGEROUS [adj] : ARMIGERAL ARMORIALLY BROADSWORD [n -S] CHIVALROUS [adj] : CHIVALROUSLY, UNCHIVALROUS, CHIVALROUSNESS CORSELETTE [n -S] : CORSLET CORSELET CORSELETTE CUIRASSIER mounted cavalry soldier [n -S] DAGGERLIKE KNIGHTHOOD [n -S] LONGBOWMAN [n LONGBOWMEN] SMALLSWORD [n -S] CROSSBOWMAN [n CROSSBOWMEN] SWORDPLAYER [n -S] KNIGHTLINESS [n -ES] SABERMETRICS [n] : SABERMETRICIAN(s) UNCHIVALROUS [adj] : UNCHIVALROUSLY FENCELESSNESS [n -ES] SWORDSMANSHIP [n -S] CHIVALROUSNESS [n] SABERMETRICIAN [n -S] : SABERMETRICS * List compiled from OWL3 + OWL2 + Long List by Rebecca Slivka