* ALCOHOL + DRINKING * ALE an alcoholic beverage [n -S] BIB to {tipple=v} [v BIBBED, BIBBING, BIBS] CRU a grade or class of wine [n -S] FOU {drunk=adj} [adj] KIR an alcoholic beverage [n -S] NOG to fill in a space in a wall with bricks [v NOGGED, NOGGING, NOGS] RUM {odd=adj} [adj RUMMER, RUMMEST] / an alcoholic liquor [n -S] : NOGG(s) SEC {secant=n} [n -S] / dry [adj] SOT an habitual drunkard [n -S] VIN French wine [n -S] ZIN a dry red wine [n -S] : ZINFANDEL ALKY one who is habitually drunk [n -KIES] ARAK {arrack=n} [n -S] BARM the foam on malt liquors [n -S] BEER an alcoholic beverage [n -S] BOCK a dark beer [n -S] BOTA a leather bottle [n -S] BREW to make beer or the like [v -ED, -ING, -S] BRUT a very dry champagne [n -S] CAVA a sparkling Spanish wine [n -S] DOUX very sweet -- used of champagne [adj] DRAM to {tipple=v} [v DRAMMED, DRAMMING, DRAMS] DREG the sediment of liquors [n -S] : DREGGISH [adj] FINO a very dry sherry [n -NOS] GROG a mixture of liquor and water [n -S] JURA [n] KVAS {kvass=n} [n -ES] : KVAS KVASS QUASS LITE a beer having relatively few calories [n -S] MALT to treat or combine with malt (germinated grain) [v -ED, -ING, -S] : MALTY MALTED(s) MALTSTER(s) MALTINESS MALTINGS MAUT malt [n -S] MEAD an alcoholic beverage [n -S] NOGG a strong ale [n -S] : NOG(s) OUZO a Greek liqueur [n -ZOS] RAKI a Turkish liqueur [n -S] SAKI a Japanese liquor [n -S] SKOL to skoal (to drink to the health of) [v -ED, -ING, -S] SLOE a plumlike fruit [n -S] SOJU Korean vodka distilled from rice or sweet potato [n -S] STUM to increase the fermentation of by adding grape juice [v STUMMED, STUMMING, STUMS] TASS a drinking cup [n -ES] : TASSIE TOBY a type of drinking mug [n -BIES] TOPE to drink liquor to excess [v TOPED, TOPING, TOPES] : TOPER(s) VINO wine [n -NOS] WINE to provide with wine (the fermented juice of the grape) [v WINED, WINING, WINES] WINO one who is habitually drunk on wine [n WINOES or WINOS] WINY having the taste or qualities of wine [adj WINIER, WINIEST] ARGOL a crust deposited in wine casks during aging [n -S] BEERY affected by beer [adj BEERIER, BEERIEST] : BEERILY BEVVY an alcoholic drink [n BEVVIES] BINGE to indulge in something without restraint [v BINGED, BINGEING or BINGING, BINGES] : BINGER(s) BINGING(s) BINGEING(s) BOOZE to drink liquor excessively [v BOOZED, BOOZING, BOOZES] : BOOZER BOOZY {drunken=adj} [adj BOOZIER, BOOZIEST] : BOOZILY [adv] CUVEE a wine blended in casks [n -S] CYLIX {kylix=n} [n CYLICES] DIPSO a person who craves alcoholic liquors [n -SOS] DRAFF the damp remains of malt after brewing [n -S] DRINK to swallow liquid [v DRANK, DRUNK, DRINKING, DRINKS] DRUNK intoxicated [adj DRUNKER, DRUNKEST] / a drunken person [n -S] GAMAY a red grape [n -MAYS] GINNY affected with gin (a strong liquor) [adj GINNIER, GINNIEST] GLOGG an alcoholic beverage [n -S] GRAPE an edible berry [n -S] GRAPY resembling {grapes=n} [adj GRAPIER, GRAPIEST] : GRAPEY HOOCH cheap whiskey [n -ES] : HOOTCH JORAM {jorum=n} [n -S] JORUM a large drinking bowl [n -S] : JORAM(s) KUMYS {koumiss=n} [n -ES] : KOUMIS KOUMISS KOUMYS KOUMYSS KUMISS KUMYS KVASS a Russian beer [n -ES] : KVAS KVASS QUASS KYLIX a drinking vessel [n KYLIKES or KYLIXES] : CYLIX MACON a red or white French wine [n -S] MALTY resembling malt [adj MALTIER, MALTIEST] MAZER a large drinking bowl [n -S] MICKY mickey (a drugged drink) [n MICKIES] MIRIN a sweet Japanese cooking wine [n -S] NEGUS an alcoholic beverage [n -ES] NEROL a fragrant alcohol [n -S] : NEROLI(s) NOYAU a liqueur made of brandy and fruit kernels [n -YAUX] PERRY a beverage of pear juice often fermented [n -RIES] PINOT a red or white grape [n -S] PISCO a Peruvian brandy [n -COS] POMBE an African drink made from grain and fruit [n -S] PROST {prosit=interj} [interj] QUASS {kvass=n} [n -ES] : KVAS KVASS QUASS RHYTA [n] RIOJA a dry red Spanish wine [n -S] RUBBY an alcoholic given to drinking rubbing alcohol [n -BIES] : RUBBYDUB(s) SALUT used to express friendship before a drink [interj] SKINK to pour out or serve, as liquor [v -ED, -ING, -S] SKOAL to drink to the health of [v -ED, -ING, -S] : SKOL SOAVE an Italian wine [n -S] STEIN a beer mug [n -S] TAFIA an inferior rum [n -S] : TAFFIA(s) TIPSY slightly drunk [adj -SIER, -SIEST] TOAST to brown by exposure to heat [v -ED, -ING, -S] : TOASTY, TOASTER(s) TOASTMASTER TOASTMISTRESS TODDY an alcoholic beverage [n -DIES] TOKAY a Malaysian gecko [n -KAYS] TOPER one that {topes=v} [n -S] USQUE {usquebae=n} [n -S] : USQUABAE USQUE USQUEBAE USQUEBAUGH WHISKEY WHISKY VINIC derived from wine [adj] VODKA a liquor [n -S] WINEY {winy=adj} [adj WINIER, WINIEST] ALCOOL an alcoholic liquor [n -S] ARRACK an Oriental liquor [n -S] : ARAK BARFLY a drinker who frequents bars [n -FLIES] BARMAN a male {bartender=n} [n BARMEN] BIBBER a {tippler=n} [n -S] BINGER one that {binges=v} [n -S] BLOTTO {drunk=adj} [adj] BOOZER one that {boozes=v} [n -S] BRANDY to mix with brandy (a liquor) [v -DIED, -DYING, -DIES] BREWER one that {brews=v} [n -S] : BREWERY, MICROBREWER(y) BUBBLY full of bubbles [adj -BLIER, -BLIEST] / champagne [n -BLIES] CASSIS a European black currant bush [n -SISES] CAUDLE a warm beverage used medicinally (hot spiced wine) [n -S] CLARET a dry red wine [n -S] COGNAC a brandy [n -S] DISTIL to {distill=v} [v -TILLED, -TILLING, -TILS] EGGNOG a {beverage=n} [n -S] ELIXIR a medicinal beverage (usually containing alcohol)[n -S] FIASCO a wine bottle [n -COES or -CHI] / a complete failure [n -COES or -COS] FINING the clarifying of wines [n -S] FLAMBE to douse with a liqueur and ignite [v -BEED, -BEING, -BES] GENEVA a liquor [n -S] GIBSON a martini served with a tiny onion [n -S] GLYCOL an {alcohol=n} [n -S] : GLYCOLIC [adj] GOBLET a drinking vessel [n -S] GRAPEY {grapy=adj} [adj GRAPIER, GRAPIEST] GRAPPA an Italian brandy [n -S] HOOTCH {hooch=n} [n -ES] IMBIBE to {drink=v} [v -BIBED, -BIBING, -BIBES] : IMBIBER(s) KEGGER a party having one or more kegs of beer [n -S] KIRSCH a kind of cherry brandy [n -ES] KOUMIS {koumiss=n} [n -MISES] : KOUMIS KOUMISS KOUMYS KOUMYSS KUMISS KUMYS KOUMYS {koumiss=n} [n -ES] : KOUMIS KOUMISS KOUMYS KOUMYSS KUMISS KUMYS KUMISS {koumiss=n} [n -ES] : KOUMIS KOUMISS KOUMYS KOUMYSS KUMISS KUMYS KUMMEL a type of {liqueur=n} [n -S] LIQUOR to intoxicate with liquor (an alcoholic beverage) [v -ED, -ING, -S] MAGNUM a large wine bottle [n -S] MALTED a sweet beverage [n -S] MERLOT a dry red wine [n -S] MICKEY a drugged drink [n -EYS] : MICKY MOJITO a cocktail made of rum, sugar, mint, and lime juice [n -TOS] MUSCAT a sweet, white grape [n -S] NOGGIN a small cup [n -S] PASTIS a French liqueur [n -TISES] PERNOD a French liqueur -- a trademark [n -S] PHYTOL an {alcohol=n} [n -S] PLOTTY full of intrigue, as a novel [adj -TIER, -TIEST] / a hot, spiced beverage (mulled wine) [n -TIES] POLYOL an alcohol containing three or more hydroxyl groups [n -S] POTEEN Irish whiskey that is distilled unlawfully [n -S] : POTEEN POTHEEN POTTEEN POTTLE a drinking vessel [n -S] PROSIT used as a drinking toast [interj] : PROST PULQUE a fermented Mexican beverage [n -S] QUAICH a small drinking vessel [n -ES or -S] : QUAIGH(s) QUAIGH {quaich=n} [n -S] RAISIN a dried grape [n -S] : RAISINY [adj] RHYTON an ancient Greek drinking horn [n -TONS or -TA] RIBIER a large, black grape [n -S] RICKEY an alcoholic beverage containing lime juice, sugar, and soda water [n -EYS] ROTGUT inferior liquor [n -S] RUMDUM an alcoholic (someone suffering from alcoholism (a disabling addictive disorder characterized by dependence on alcohol)) [n -S] RUMMER a large drinking glass [n -S] RUMPOT an alcoholic (someone suffering from alcoholism (a disabling addictive disorder characterized by dependence on alcohol)) [n -S] SAMSHU a Chinese liquor [n -S] SEIDEL a large beer glass [n -S] SHANDY an alcoholic drink [n -DIES] : SHANDYGAFF(s) SHERRY a type of wine [n -RIES] : SHERRIED SHIRAZ a type of wine [n -ES] SHNAPS {schnapps=n} [n SHNAPS] : SCHNAPPS SCHNAPS SHNAPPS SHNAPS SHOCHU a Japanese liquor [n -S] SOLERA a Spanish method of producing wine [n -S] STEROL a type of solid alcohol [n -S] STINGO a strong ale or beer [n -GOS] STINKO {drunk=adj} [adj] STUBBY a short squat bottle of beer [n STUBBIES] TAFFIA {tafia=n} [n -S] TASSIE {tass=n} [n -S] TAVERN a place where liquor is sold to be drunk on the premises [n -S] TIDDLY slightly drunk [adj] TIPPLE to drink alcoholic beverages [v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES] : TIPPLER(s) TOASTY comfortably warm [adj TOASTIER, TOASTIEST] VERJUS verjuice (the juice of sour or unripe fruit) [n -ES] VINERY a place in which grapevines are grown [n -ERIES] VINIFY to convert into wine by fermentation [v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES] VINOUS pertaining to wine [adj] : VINOUSLY [adv] WACKED whacked (1. intoxicated on alcohol or drugs 2. exhausted) [adj] WHISKY {whiskey=n} [n -KIES] : USQUABAE USQUE USQUEBAE USQUEBAUGH WHISKEY WHISKY WINERY an establishment for making wine [n -ERIES] ABSINTH {absinthe=n} [n -S] ALCOHOL a flammable liquid [n -S] ALCOPOP a flavored beverage containing 4-6 percent alcohol [n -S] ALEMBIC an apparatus formerly used in distilling [n -S] AMARONE a dry red wine [n -S] AMOROSO a type of wine [n -S] AQUAVIT a Scandinavian liquor [n -S] BARKEEP a {bartender=n} [n -S] : BARKEEPER(s) BARMAID a female {bartender=n} [n -S] BARROOM a room where liquor is sold [n -S] BARTEND to tend a barroom [v -ED, -ING, -S] BARWARE barroom equipment [n -S] BEERILY BEERY, affected by beer [adv] BEERNUT a peanut with a sweet coating [n -S] BINGING bingeing (the act of indulging in something to excess) [n -S] BOOZING the act of drinking liquor excessively [n -S] BORNEOL an {alcohol=n} [n -S] BOURBON a {whiskey=n} [n -S] : BOURBONISM(s) BREWAGE a brewed beverage [n -S] BREWERY a place for brewing [n -ERIES] BREWING a quantity brewed at one time [n -S] BREWPUB a restaurant that sells beverages brewed on the premises [n -S] BREWSKI a serving of beer [n -SKIES or -SKIS] BUTANOL a flammable alcohol [n -S] BUTTERY containing butter [adj -TERIER, -TERIEST] / a wine cellar [n -TERIES] CACHACA a Brazilian liquor [n -S] CATAWBA a variety of fox grape [n -S] CERVEZA {beer=n} [n -S] CHABLIS a dry white wine [n CHABLIS] CHALICE a drinking cup [n -S] : CHALICED [adj] CHAMBRE brought (as wine) to room temperature [adj] CHIANTI a dry red wine [n -S] COLLINS an alcoholic beverage [n -ES] CORDIAL a {liqueur=n} [n -S] : CORDIALLY CORDIALITY CORDIALNESS CORKAGE a charge for wine in a restaurant [n -S] CURACAO a type of {liqueur=n} [n -S] : CURACOA CURACOA {curacao=n} [n -S] DISTILL to extract by vaporization and condensation [v -ED, -ING, -S] : DISTIL DISTILLER(s) DISTILLERY DISTILLATION(s) REDISTILL DOMAINE a vineyard in Burgundy [n -S] DRINKER one that {drinks=v} [n -S] : NONDRINKER(s) NONDRINKING EISWEIN a sweet German wine [n -S] ENOLOGY {oenology=n} [n -GIES] : ENOLOGY OENOLOGY OINOLOGY ETHANOL an {alcohol=n} [n -S] : ICEWINE(s) FERMENT to undergo a type of chemical reaction [v -ED, -ING, -S] : FERMENTER(s) FERMENTOR(s) GASOHOL a fuel mixture of gasoline and ethyl alcohol [n -S] GRAPERY a {vinery=n} [n -ERIES] ICEWINE sweet wine made from grapes frozen on the vine [n -S] : EISWEIN(s) IMBIBER one that {imbibes=v} [n -S] JIMJAMS violent delirium [n] KOUMISS a beverage made from camel's milk [n -ES] : KOUMIS KOUMISS KOUMYS KOUMYSS KUMISS KUMYS KOUMYSS {koumiss=n} [n -ES] : KOUMIS KOUMISS KOUMYS KOUMYSS KUMISS KUMYS LEHAYIM a traditional Jewish toast [n -S] LIQUEUR a sweetened alcoholic beverage [n -S] MADEIRA a white wine [n -S] MALMSEY a white wine [n -SEYS] : MALVASIA(s) MALTASE an {enzyme=n} [n -S] MALTOSE a type of sugar [n -S] MARSALA a Sicilian wine [n -S] MARTINI an alcoholic beverage [n -S] MENTHOL an {alcohol=n} [n -S] MINIBAR a small refrigerator stocked with beverages [n -S] MOSCATO a sweet dessert wine [n -TOS] MOSELLE a medium-dry white wine [n -S] NEGRONI an alcoholic beverage [n -S] OCTANOL an {alcohol=n} [n -S] OENOMEL an ancient Greek beverage of wine and honey [n -S] : OINOMEL OINOMEL {oenomel=n} [n -S] OLOROSO a dark sherry [n -SOS] PILSNER a light beer [n -S] PINITOL an {alcohol=n} [n -S] POTABLE a liquid suitable for drinking [n -S] : POTABILITY POTABLENESS POTHEEN {poteen=n} [n -S] : POTEEN POTHEEN POTTEEN POTTEEN {poteen=n} [n -S] : POTEEN POTHEEN POTTEEN PUBBING the practice of drinking in pubs [n -S] RATAFEE {ratafia=n} [n -S] RATAFIA an almond-flavored liqueur [n -S] : RATAFEE(s) RETSINA a resin-flavored Greek wine [n -S] ROSOLIO a liqueur made from raisins and brandy [n -LIOS] RUMNESS the quality or state of being odd or peculiar [n -ES] SAMBUCA an ancient stringed instrument [n -S] / anise-flavored liqueur SANGRIA an alcoholic beverage [n -S] SCHNAPS {schnapps=n} [n SCHNAPS] : SCHNAPPS SCHNAPS SHNAPPS SHNAPS SHICKER a {drunkard=n} [n -S] SHICKERED : SHIKKER(s) SHIKKER {shicker=n} [n -S] SHEBEAN {shebeen=n} [n -S] SHEBEEN a place where liquor is sold illegally [n -S] SHNAPPS {schnapps=n} [n SHNAPPS] : SCHNAPPS SCHNAPS SHNAPPS SHNAPS SKYPHOS a drinking vessel used in ancient Greece [n -PHOI] SLAINTE used to toast one's health [interj] SMEDDUM ground malt powder [n -S] SOTTISH resembling a {sot=n} [adj] : SOTTISHLY SOTTISHNESS SOZZLED {drunk=adj} [adj] SQUIFFY {squiffed=adj} [adj -FIER, -FIEST] STEWBUM a drunken bum [n -S] SWACKED {drunk=adj} [adj] SWIZZLE to drink excessively [v -ZLED, -ZLING, -ZLES] TANKAGE the capacity of a tank [n -S] TANKARD a tall drinking vessel [n -S] TAPROOM a {barroom=n} [n -S] TAPSTER one that dispenses liquor in a barroom [n -S] TEPACHE a Mexican drink made with pineapple, brown sugar, and water [n -S] TEQUILA a Mexican liquor [n -S] TERROIR the combination of factors that gives wine grapes their distinctive character [n -S] TIPPLER one that {tipples=v} [n -S] TIPSILY in a tipsy manner [adv] TOASTER a device for toasting [n -S] TOSSPOT a {drunkard=n} [n -S] UNOAKED not matured in an oak container --used of wine [adj] VERMUTH {vermouth=n} [n -S] VINASSE a residue left after the distillation of liquor [n -S] VINTAGE a season's yield of wine from a vineyard [n -S] VINTNER a wine merchant [n -S] VOUVRAY a French white wine [n -VRAYS] WASSAIL to drink to the health of [v -ED, -ING, -S] : WASSAILER WHISKEY a liquor [n -KEYS] WHITTER a large draft of liquor [n -S] WINESAP a red apple with somewhat tart flesh [n -S] WINESOP a food sopped in wine [n -S] XYLITOL an {alcohol=n} [n -S] ZYMURGY a branch of chemistry dealing with fermentation [n -GIES] ABSINTHE a bitter liqueur [n -S] : ABSINTH(s) ADVOCAAT a liqueur consisting of brandy, sugar, and eggs [n -S] AMARETTO a kind of liqueur [n -TOS] ANISETTE a liqueur flavored with aniseed [n -S] APERITIF an alcoholic drink taken before a meal [n -S] ARMAGNAC a French brandy [n -S] BACCHANT a {carouser=n} [n -S or -ES] : BACCHANTE(s) BARRIQUE a wine barrel [n -S] BARSTOOL a stool in a barroom [n -S] BEESWING a crust that forms on old wines [n -S] BELIQUOR to soak with liquor [v -ED, -ING, -S] BEVERAGE a liquid for drinking [n -S] BIBBINGS BIBBING, the act of tippling (to drink alcoholic beverages) [n] BIBULOUS given to drinking [adj], BIBULOUSLY : BIBULOUSNESS BINGEING the act of indulging in something to excess [n -S] : BINGING(s) BORDEAUX a red or white wine [n BORDEAUX] BOTRYOID resembling a cluster of grapes [adj], BOTRYOIDAL : BOTRYOSE BOTRYOSE {botryoid=adj} [adj] BOTRYTIS a plant disease [n -TISES] BURGUNDY a red wine [n -DIES] CABERNET a dry red wine [n -S] CALVADOS a dry apple brandy [n -ES] CANTHARI two-handled drinking cups [n] CARBINOL an {alcohol=n} [n -S] CAROUSAL a boisterous drinking party [n -S] CELLARET a cabinet for wine bottles [n -S] CHUGALUG to drink without pause [v -LUGGED, -LUGGING, -LUGS] CLASSICO made from grapes grown in a certain part of Italy [adj] COCKTAIL to drink alcoholic beverages [v -ED, -ING, -S] COHOBATE to distill again [v -BATED, -BATING, -BATES] CORRETTO espresso mixed with brandy or liqueur [n -TOS] CORYBANT a {reveler=n} [n -BANTS or -BANTES], CORYBANTIC DAIQUIRI a cocktail [n -S] DELIRIUM wild excitement [n -IUMS or -IA] DIGESTIF an alcoholic drink taken after a meal [n -S] DOLCETTO a red wine of Italy [n -TOS] DRAMSHOP a {barroom=n} [n -S] DRUNKARD one who is habitually drunk [n -S] DUBONNET a red color [n -S] ENOPHILE {oenophile=n} [n -S] FARNESOL an alcohol used in perfumes [n -S] GANYMEDE a youth who serves liquors [n -S] GERANIOL an alcohol used in perfumes [n -S] GLASSFUL as much as a drinking glass will hold [n -FULS] GLUHWEIN wine flavored with spices [n -S] GLYCERIN a {glycerol=n} [n -S] : GLYCERIC [adj] GLYCEROL a syrupy alcohol [n -S] GLYCERYL a radical derived from glycerol [n -S] GROGGERY a {barroom=n} [n -GERIES] HANGOVER the physical effects following a drinking binge [n -S] : HUNGOVER HOMEBREW an alcoholic beverage made at home [n -S] HUNGOVER suffering from a hangover [adj] INOSITOL an alcohol found in plant and animal tissue [n -S] JACKROLL to rob a drunken or sleeping person [v -ED, -ING, -S] JEROBOAM a wine bottle [n -S] LABRUSCA designating a fox grape [adj] LINALOOL a fragrant alcohol [n -S] LONGNECK a beer bottle with a long neck [n -S] MADERIZE to turn brown -- used of white wine [v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES] MALTINGS MALTING, the process of preparing grain for brewing [n] MALTSTER one that makes malt [n -S] MALVASIA {malmsey=n} [n -S] : MALVASIAN MANNITOL an {alcohol=n} [n -S] METHANOL a toxic alcohol [n -S] MOCKTAIL a cocktail with no alcohol [n -S] MONTEITH a large punch bowl [n -S] MOUSSEUX a sparkling wine [n MOUSSEUX] MUSCADEL {muscatel=n} [n -S] MUSCADET a dry white French wine [n -S] MUSCATEL a wine made from muscat grapes [n -S] : MUSCADEL OENOLOGY the study of wines [n -GIES] : ENOLOGY OENOLOGY OINOLOGY OINOLOGY {oenology=n} [n -GIES] : ENOLOGY OENOLOGY OINOLOGY OUTDRINK to surpass in drinking [v -DRANK, -DRUNK, -DRINKING, -DRINKS] PENTANOL an {alcohol=n} [n -S] PINOTAGE a variety of red wine grape [n -S] POTATION the act of drinking [n -S] POTATORY pertaining to drinking [adj] PROPANOL a liquid alcohol used as a solvent [n -S] PRUNELLE a plum-flavored liqueur [n -S] PRUNELLO {prunella=n} [n -LOS] REHOBOAM a wine bottle [n -S] RIESLING a white Rhine wine [n -S] RUBBYDUB a rubby (an alcoholic given to drinking rubbing alcohol) [n -S] SANGAREE an alcoholic beverage [n -S] SAUTERNE a sweet white wine [n -S] SCHNAPPS a strong liquor [n SCHNAPPSES] : SCHNAPPS SCHNAPS SHNAPPS SHNAPS SEMILLON a white grape grown in France [n -S] SILLABUB an alcoholic beverage or dessert [n -S] : SILLABUB SILLIBUB SYLLABUB SILLIBUB {sillabub=n} [n -S] : SILLABUB SILLIBUB SYLLABUB SLIVOVIC a plum brandy [n -ES] : SLIVOVITZ SNOOTFUL enough alcoholic liquor to make one drunk [n -S] SPRITZER a beverage of white wine and soda water [n -S] SPUMANTE an Italian sparkling wine [n -S] SQUIFFED {drunk=adj} [adj] : SQUIFFY STILLMAN one who operates a distillery [n STILLMEN] SWITCHEL a drink made with water, molasses, and vinegar and often ginger [n -S] SWIZZLER one that {swizzles=v} [n -S] SYLLABUB {sillabub=n} [n -S] : SILLABUB SILLIBUB SYLLABUB TANTALUS a case for wine bottles [n -ES] TASTINGS TASTING, a gathering for sampling wines or foods [n] TEETOTAL to abstain completely from alcoholic beverages [v -TALED, -TALING, -TALS or -TALLED, -TALLING, -TALS] : TEETOTALER, TEETOTALLER, TEETOTALISM, TEETOTALIST, TEETOTALLY USQUABAE {usquebae=n} [n -S] : USQUABAE USQUE USQUEBAE USQUEBAUGH WHISKEY WHISKY USQUEBAE {whiskey=n} [n -S] : USQUABAE USQUE USQUEBAE USQUEBAUGH WHISKEY WHISKY VARIETAL a wine designated by the variety of grape [n -S] VERJUICE the juice of sour or unripe fruit [n -S] : VERJUS VERMOUTH a {liqueur=n} [n -S] : VERMUTH VIGNERON a winegrower [n -S] VINEYARD an area planted with grapevines [n -S] VINIFERA a European grape [n -S] VINOSITY the character of a wine [n -TIES] VINTAGER one that harvests wine grapes [n -S] WINELESS having no wine [adj] WINESHOP a shop where wine is sold [n -S] WINESKIN a goatskin bag for holding wine [n -S] ALCOHOLIC [n -S] BACCHANAL [n -S] : BACCHANALIA(s) BACCHANALIAN(s) BACCHANTE [n -S] : BACCHANT(s) BARKEEPER a {barkeep=n} [n -S] BARTENDER one that {bartends=v} [n -S] BEERINESS [n -ES] CHAMPAGNE [n -S] COINTREAU [n -S] CRAPULENT intemperate in eating or drinking CRAPULOUS intemperate in eating or drinking CUPBEARER [n -S] DISTILLER [n -S] DRINKABLE [n -S] : UNDRINKABLE(s) DRINKABILITY DRINKABLY padv] DRINKINGS DRUNKENLY FERMENTER [n -S] FERMENTOR [n -S] GRAPELIKE GRAPESHOT [n -S] GRAPEVINE [n -S] HERMITAGE [n -S] LAMBRUSCO [n -S] LIQUORICE [n -S] LIQUORISH [adj] MALTINESS [n -ES] MANHATTAN [n -S] MICROBREW [v -ED -ING -S] : MICROBREWER(s) MICROBREWERY MICROBREWINGS OENOPHILE a lover or connoisseur of wine [n -S] : ENOPHILE OVERDRINK [v -DRANK, -DRUNK, -DRINKING, -DRINKS] POURBOIRE a drinking song [n -S] REDISTILL [v -ED, -ING, -S] : REDISTILLATION(s) SLIVOVITZ [n -ES] : SLIVOVIC SOMMELIER [n -S] SOTTISHLY TREBBIANO [n -S] WASSAILER [n -S] WINEGLASS [n -ES] WINEMAKER [n -S] : WINEMAKING(s) WINEPRESS [n -ES] ZINFANDEL [n -S] : ZIN ALCOHOLISM [n -S] WINEGROWER [n -S] BOURBONISM [n -S] BREWMASTER [n -S] CAIPIRINHA [n -S] CHARDONNAY [n -S] DIPSOMANIA [n -S] : DIPSOMANIAC(s) DISTILLATE [n -S] DISTILLERY [n -RIES] INTOXICANT [n -S] INTOXICATE [v -ED, -ING, -S] NONDRINKER [n -S] : NONDRINKING [adj] POTABILITY [n -LITIES] : POTABLENESS SHANDYGAFF [n -S] TEETOTALER [n -S] : TEETOTALLER TEETOTALLY USQUEBAUGH [n -S] : USQUABAE USQUE USQUEBAE USQUEBAUGH WHISKEY WHISKY WINEMAKING [n -S] ANTIALCOHOL BACCHANALIA [n -S] : BACCHANALIAN(s) BOILERMAKER [n -S] BOURGUIGNON [adj] DIPSOMANIAC [n -S] : DIPSOMANIACAL DRUNKENNESS [n -ES] FERMENTABLE MICROBREWER [n -S] : MICROBREWERY POTABLENESS [n -ES] : POTABILITY POLYALCOHOL [n -S] SOTTISHNESS [n -ES] TEETOTALISM [n -S] TEETOTALIST [n -S] TEETOTALLER [n -S] : TEETOTALER TOASTMASTER [n -S] : TOASTMISTRESS UNDRINKABLE not DRINKABLE [n -S] UNFERMENTED VINEDRESSER [n -S] VINEYARDIST [n -S] VINICULTURE [n -S] BACCHANALIAN [n -S] BIBULOUSNESS [n -ES] DISTILLATION [n -S] : REDISTILLATION(s) DRINKABILITY [n DRINKABILITIES] FERMENTATION [n -S] FERMENTATIVE INTOXICATION [n -S] KATZENJAMMER a hangover [n -S] MICROBREWERY [n -RIES] MICROBREWING [n -S] NONALCOHOLIC [n -S] VALPOLICELLA [n -S] VINIFICATION [n -S] ALCOHOLICALLY BOURGUIGNONNE [adj] DISINTOXICATE [v -ED, -ING, -S] INTOXICATEDLY LIEBFRAUMILCH [n -S] NONINTOXICANT [n -S] TOASTMISTRESS [n -ES] : TOASTMASTER ANTIALCOHOLISM [adj] GEWURZTRAMINER [n -S] REDISTILLATION [n -S] DISINTOXICATION [n -S] NONINTOXICATING [adj] * List compiled from OWL3 + OWL2 + Long List by Rebecca Slivka